Friday 8 July 2016

Teflon Tony.

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I am stunned by the news that Tony Blair will not be prosecuted over his Iraq warmongering.

The International Criminal Court say they cannot prosecute Blair for having 'Launched a Conflict', but they may well prosecute certain British soldiers for carrying out his commands.

My dislike for Blair has always been assuaged by the thought that he would eventually get his comeuppance, this has now been dashed.

There really is no fairness in the world. By direct way of his lies about WMD's, Blair caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands, he quit No 10 when things looked tricky, left the UK economy in tatters, then went off to make millions; and as parents of  our killed servicemen tend the graves of their fallen sons, Blair still has the bloody cheek to say that he'd do it all again.

The Socialists love to hate all private school and Oxford educated 'toffs', but the grinning Fettes and Oxford educated Tony could do no wrong. Nowadays you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who'd admit to having voted for him (as they will in the future with Corbyn).

You've heard it before, and it's true; the law is a bloody ass. And guess who's wife has helped make it that way!


  1. My feeling about the servicemen and women that died is not popular but this.....they joined the forces voluntarily, they were taking the salary every month, and sadly then, they were involved in conflict and died..but they took that chance when they joined didn't they?...otherwise what did they expect? when they are not at war aren't they presumably preparing for war? if not then what are they doing?

  2. We all hate him and the rest of the world esp African countries, Asia and Saudi love him and pay him millions and that is not going to change. He is laughing all the way to the bank.

    1. Tony's lovers include Netenyahu who had the original idea, the House of Bush who pushed it up the agenda, and the House of Saud who provided the required Pearl Harbour moment.

  3. Bloody cheek in more ways than one I would say Cro. How can he live with himself?

  4. And to top it off he offshores his money to evade tax and avoid uncomfortable questions as to where it came from.

  5. The military leaders have a lot to answer for Libby. No enemy can kill you more efficiently than a bad plan. And if I were a soldier I would expect to be properly equipped for the job I had be sent to do. The Briish Army were not. Berets were no match for roadside bombs made up the night before in tin cans by the enemy.

  6. You have but to look at Hillary Clinton to see who is teflon in our country, and no, I'm not a Trump fan, he's just an idiot, she knows what she's doing.

  7. Warmonger/media pimp !!!!!!! XXXX

    1. That describes the whole lot - Blair, Bush, Clinton, etc, etc.

    2. I think Britain is learning that their politics is as tainted by money as America's. Not just the money the politicians put directly in their own pockets, like Blair and both Clintons, but also what they direct to their cronies in the security and defense industries.

  8. The real fault for the Iraqi war and it's consequences lies with us, not with Tony Blair or the British. Our government got so wrapped around the axle with Saddam that , if we did not fabricate evidence of WMD in Iraq, we damn sure didn't look at it objectively. In retrospect, it was a disastrous decision to go into Iraq, and all the dominoes that led to where we are today started with that first one falling there. I supported the war at the onset, and I never stopped supporting the troops, although I hated like hell that we were losing good people in a rotten cause.

    Blair believed what we told him, I think, and wanted to be a good ally. Colin Powell was no warmonger and no pimp, he was a stand up military man. But he went before the UN and told them things that turned out to be BS because he was , in turn, told those things by our government.

    I have to say, reading some of the comments above, that a lot of your readers don't know much about military operations in Iraq. Some of the things they are saying are completely in error. Blaming the soldiers for stupidity on the part of the civilian government is not accurate analysis.

    Don't post this if you think it will start a big bru ha ha . That's not my intent. Just delete it if you want, it's intended for you anyway.

    1. I believe it was about Bush and Cheney and oil money and Saddam changing his oil dealing into euros from US Dollars that put the wind up Bush and Bush thought Saddam wasn't going to get one over on the US. However we were fed lies about the WMD and Blair was "with you whatever Mr Bush". I am sorry if I got the military bit wrong, it was right about the madness in Afghanistan we then went into I think.

    2. I am pretty sure George Bush just wanted to finish off Sadam because his dad didn't.

      The case made by the United States against Sadam was shaky at best, and outright lies at the worst. We were certainly better off with Sadam in charge of the country than we have been without him. Unfortunately, in America, Big Business and Federal Government are often synonymous. After my military career, I worked in the oil and gas industry for twenty years. Almost nothing anyone could suggest about scheming, selling out, and manipulation would approach the reality of that particular business.

      One of the negative aspects of being a military person in a democracy is that you spend a lot of time implementing bad decisions from people who have never heard a shot fired in anger in their lives. They make those decisions in air conditioned offices, with no real knowledge of conditions in the field. I learned my lesson about a lot of things in Beirut, Lebanon during 1982-1983. I am not the idealist I was.

    3. Hillary's emails, the ones she was handed from her predecessor, may be her way of telling us the truth. She can't just come out and say it. They drop Blair in the cow dung. Bush too I expect.

  9. Aah, Tony was just following good Socialist principles - taught by those slippery Socialists before him. If you're going to drop the country in it, make sure you make a lot of money from it, and hide it where they can't find it.

  10. Sad to say that regardless of who is to blame (and I think the Bs are!) the rest of the world will be living with, and paying for, their actions for generations to come.
