Thursday 21 July 2016


The change from Prime Minister Cameron to Prime Minister May went pretty smoothly.

Cameron took over a country on the brink of bankruptcy. Years of Blair/Brown Labour mismanagement  had left the UK close to disaster, and Cameron's cautious policy of some austerity combined with more careful management of the exchequer soon created increased employment, and its naturally following revived economy. At the end of his term he left the country with an unemployment rate of around 5%; (much the same as the USA) compared to France's over 10%, and Germany's 6.5%. The UK can now boast 74% employment; the highest since 1971.

He also left his term in office with the UK having the fifth strongest economy in the world, and the second strongest in the EU.

Theresa May has a difficult act to follow, but I'm sure she's up to the job. She's already surrounded herself with some very bright people (there's no shortage in the Conservative party). I wish her luck.

At her first PMQ's, yesterday, she performed extremely well. Like Cameron she managed to make poor Corbyn look like an inexperienced schoolboy. I though there was quite a hint of Maggie in her.

So, to say a final goodbye to Dave, I offer the following.....


  1. Yes Cro, shades of Maggie, interesting times.

    1. I've just been re-viewing part of her yesterday's PMQ's.... she really is a Maggie clone in places. Not a bad thing!

    2. Perhaps not, I must admit to not being a card-carrying member of the Maggie Fan Club, her policies decimated my area of West Cumbria which relied on coal and steel, but I give credit to her strong leadership and determination.

      As I said, interesting times ahead.

    3. The truth is that the Coal Board asked the government for permission to close 13 uneconomic pits. The government gave permission for the closure of 11. The rest was Scargill's work.

  2. The ears are very good and there's another one on Angela Merkel who is probably also a quare and on both of these you just can't help laughing out loud

    1. I haven't see the Matron Merkel one... I will.

  3. That was a fun start to the day, ha ha.

    1. Always good to start the day with a laugh!

  4. Never mind that Sterling has shrunk back to £1.20 against the Euro eh ?

  5. That was a great clip. Cameron seemed positively delighted to leave Downing Street. He was humming a little tune to himself!

    1. A tuneless tune, if I recall. I do much the same.

  6. Yes, she has been pretty impressive so far (and I love her shoes).

  7. Brilliant summary of Cameron's time as PM. I always thought he was doing a cracking job, not that you would have known it from the bad press he always received. Harry and Paul what an absolute hoot, had me and the Mr laughing out loud.

    1. Usually 'bad press' comes as a result of success. There's nothing an opposition party hates more than successful policies.

  8. I think DC worked wonders with the mess he inherited and turned things around. He could be mistaken for a "quare" though! Ha ha.

    1. He was a good PM. He probably made one or two mistakes, but who doesn't.

  9. The only thing we can count on in life is change. I hope everything goes well for the UK. These are scary times and I wish we had a crystal ball to see where all this will take us in a year's time.

    1. There's been a lot of pessimism around recently, in fact things are going very well.

  10. Thing is the ones who really are 'queare' don't always look or sound like a 'queare'. Our comedians don't give them a hard time.
    Lots of Bunnys got married, there was not a lot of choice - in those days.

    1. There's a similar sketch about Elton John which is worth watching.
