Friday 15 July 2016

Another black day.


As I write, it is estimated that there are 80 dead, and a further 100 injured.

I really don't know what more can be said.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about this latest tragedy. There are no words for such evil as this.

  2. I am so sorry for what your beautiful country is going thru. The world is crazy, there seems to be more hate than compassion, and we are all victims of what seems like people with no conscience. What is wrong with the human race?

  3. Sad to hear about the attack. Prayers for all to come to normal.

  4. Waking up to this dreadful news. What on earth can be done to halt this horrific behaviour?.

  5. Such horrific violence, our thoughts are with all those who have lost loved ones. Once again France has had to face terrible tragedy - will this hate never end?

  6. So very sad to wake up to this news this morning.

  7. I am so very sad. How much worse can this world become.

  8. I haven't seen it yet, better go and have a look. Something awful I suspect.

  9. This is terrible, can't bring myself to read all of it. Shocking, I'm sobbing.

  10. Oh Cro. France again. Lost for words.

  11. What can we say or even do to halt these outrages? Keep safe everyone - everywhere.

  12. Shocking - my niece was there just over a month ago.

  13. I know what can be said
    aux armes citoyens
    formez vos bataillons
    ca suffit
    c'est la guerre
    Vive la France !

  14. So sad,that is the world today.

  15. My thoughts are on France today. I am so tired of this insanity.

  16. Sadly it's daily routine in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya . . . and it's rapidly becoming so here.

  17. Sensless violence that achieves nothing but pain, fear and heartache.I worked in London during the IRA violence ...... as scary as it was, they weren't suicide bombers. XXXX

  18. And all we can do is send our thoughts to the grieving relatives and hope and pray that one day soon it will end a peaceful solution will be found - but sadly I doubt it.

  19. Cro, I heard on CNN (US) that the Muslims in France are militant and don't want to mix with the French people (or European people). That they divide themselves from others. Is this true?

    1. It certainly is true, especially in many of the big city suburbs. They are very happy to accept the generous handouts, and repay their thanks with hatred.

  20. Senseless violence achieves nothing but pain, fear and heartache. I worked in Belfast during the British Army's shoot to kill policy... as scary as it was driving past the troops at least they were not anonymous.

  21. Media now reporting a military coup is underway in Turkey. I discovered this after a quick trip to buy blueberries, as an escape from other news.

  22. I'm so very sorry, Cro. Hold your family a little closer.

  23. I've been thinking of you and your family all day Cro.
