Saturday 4 June 2016

Wonderful News!

I'm sure that Hippo won't mind me passing on such good news, but his lovely wife Marcia has given birth to this beautiful baby girl, who will be known as Charlie.

I'm sure you will all join me in sending big blog-world congratulations.


  1. Oh WOW, Cro. What a beautiful, neat white-clad baby with a pink-edged bib. Is Charlie short for Charlotte? Is this yours and Ms Cro's grandchild ? Congratulations to the happy parents and grandparents.

    1. 'Hippo' (Tom Cowans) was a well loved blogger, who suddenly stopped blogging; he was simply too busy. He lives in Angola and had health problems not long before he stopped. He is well, and has just produced this beautiful child.

      No, not anything to do with my family, but somehow it almost feels as it is.

    2. I forgot to mention, she is Charlotte Teresa Manuel-Cowans; but to be known as Charlie.

    3. Much better than known as Lottie as a friend's grandchild is.

    4. Having been named after characters in Swallows and Amazons, my sister and I were lucky not to have a younger sister named Titty.

    5. How fashions change - I wonder if there are still any poor elderly ladies out there called Titty? Is it a diminutive of Matilda? Can't remember my Swallows and Amazons now. Had your poor sister been christened thus, she would have had to change it - these days I doubt it would be politically correct !

    6. Hi Crow, sorry about the silly comment about little Charlie! I realized when I saw your side-bar that you were referring to Hippo (Tom) I also followed his blog - the last I heard he'd been ill. And then heard or read no more. I'm so pleased for him and his wife have this beautiful little baby. Thanks for the explanation! Greetings Jo

  2. Isn't she lovely, isn't she wonderful...
    When I saw this sweet baby, I immediately thought of that tune. Huge congratulations to her family and loved ones.

  3. This is Hippo's new baby, Hippo of blogland, and he emailed today to announce the birth of his new daughter Charlie. Hippo has not blogged for a while so it was great to get this news from him today.

  4. I don't know Hippo, but that's a beautiful baby.

  5. Wonderful news, a little sister for Dom and Alex, I've thought about Hippo a lot and hoped he was ok.

  6. I only know Hippo from John's blog. So I am very happy to hear such good news after such a long quiet time.
    What a beautiful, wonderful baby daughter, Charlie.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  7. She is beautiful.
    Yorkshire Pudding has also posted the news. Her name is:
    Charlotte Teresa Manuel-Gowans.
    Born May 30th in Angola, Africa.
    AKA: Charlie!

  8. How wonderful for all of them. We can hope Tom will blog again. He will be wakened in the middle of the night and have nothing else to do!

  9. Congrats to Hippo and family. I wish he would blog again. His stories were fantastic.

  10. I too had the " baby" email......i answered thinking he had dissapeared across africa chased by nefarious characters with machetes

  11. I have missed Hippo so much and I've been worried, too. I'm so happy that he's okay, and his family is well...and Charlie is beautiful! I'm so happy for Tom and Marcia.

    Tom, if you're reading this.. please start blogging again. I've missed your crazy adventures!

  12. Congratulations to Hippo and Marcia.

  13. I only know of Hippo from comments passed between Tom, Rachel and you, Cro. Congratulations, and may the little one have a long, happy and healthy life.

    1. As John and I said yesterday afternoon, we were both surprised he didn't do a blog post to announce the news.

  14. What a lovely baby. And Hippo is alive .... yay 😊

  15. I seem to have missed out on something here - I have never heard of Hippo and don't have any idea who he is. But I do love babies and this one is absolutely beautiful.

  16. Wonderful news for Tom, Marcia and the boys. She looks a cutie! I've missed Hippo's posts, too.

  17. Congratulations and what an adorable baby.

  18. I was so pleased to be included in this email. Wonderful news....and wonderful to hear that all is ok with Hippo too.

  19. Thanks so much, Cro. I read the news at John's blog and came to you for the pictures. Now if we could just sit Tom back down at his keyboard again.

  20. That's good news for that family. Personally, I'm ecstatic that part of my life is behind me!
