Monday 13 June 2016

Two birds, one stone.

Every Sunday morning I drive to the small nearby village of Frayssinet le Gelat to buy my week's supply of bread; their's is the best in the area.

Luckily, my trip yesterday happened to coincide with their annual village Boot Sale.

It was a pretty average sale; all the usual stuff, broken plastic toys, chipped plates, unwanted holiday souvenirs, etc.

Anyway, Lady Magnon spotted this bike which will be perfect for the boys this Summer; we only have one bike at the moment, and this extra one should stop any fighting.

For a mere €25 it has plenty of gears and gizmos; just what boys like.

I shall spray some WD40 onto all the moving parts, and pump the tyres; that's as far as my knowledge of bike maintenance goes.

Looks pretty cool, don't you think?


  1. You were lucky it fitted in the car boot; you didn't have to peddle home with it yourself and, it looks very new too. How thoughtful of you and Lady M, now both the boys will be very happy. Greetings Maria x

    1. We shall have FIVE grandsons here this summer; at least two will be able to cycle at any one time, the others will have to amuse themselves with my ride-on mower.

  2. I intended to go to that boot sale but I thought it was next weekend. Doh! Fine looking bike for 25 euros.

    1. It's the season, so plenty more around. Big day for Girolles today; I'm just back with a shed-load.

  3. Looks good - they will have a great time.

    1. I hope so, although I expect they'll find something to moan about; not enough gears, too many gears, etc.

    2. There was a time when children would have been grateful just to have had a bike of any sort. It's a very First World problems when one thinks about it.

  4. What an incredible bargain Cro, and a very smart bike - it does look almost brand new. Since the advent of dedicated cycle lanes (and what a nuisance they are) locally, bikes like that would demand a King's ransome.

    1. We don't allow the children to use the roads as yet, but no doubt they will in time. However, our roads are practically empty!

  5. That's a bargain. Tip - don't spray W.D.40 on the chain. Use chain-oil, which also comes in a spray can. (That's the limit of my knowledge of bike-maintenance as well.)

    1. I just sprayed all around the gears, they looked as if they hadn't seen any oil for years.

  6. Brilliant - sounds as though it will stop a lot of arguments this Summer.

  7. Good buy and now there will be less fighting over the lone bike. Besides, it is more fun to bike with another.

  8. All good, but who decides who gets which bike? It might take the wisdom of a grand-père to sort this one out.

  9. I can't wait to hear all about the boys' adventures this summer!

    1. With four 8 to 10 year olds; it's going to be fun.

  10. Well spotted, Lady Magnon. The grandsons are in for a treat.
    Bravo to you for finding more girolles. Back to the sink!
    Best wishes.

    1. It was a BIG Girolle day here, they were everywhere; and it should last for another few days. I've been cleaning cooking and freezing all day.

  11. I am a day late but I wanted to ask: I pick chantarelles but restaurants serve girolles - or is it not the same thing??

    1. I imagine they are the same thing, but occasionally I see long thin mushrooms called Chantarelles. It's all a mystery.

  12. Yes, looks so cool that you might even want to ride it yourself....

    1. I already have, but it's a bit small. With the seat put up it would be OK.
