Tuesday 28 June 2016

Old Pals.

Meanwhile (deep sigh), we have guests from the USA.

When Lady Magnon (left) was living in Caracas Venezuela, Jane (right) was her best friend.They would make mud pies together, play together with their puppies, and generally do what small girls do.

The last time they met was about 25 years ago in Monterey California, where Jane and her husband live.

Jane has been on a singing tour of Spain with her choir, and popped in for a short stay whilst en route to Switzerland.

Lawrence, Jane's husband (middle), is the author of  'In Defence of Chaos: The Chaology of Politics Economics and Human Action'. Don't you just love that word 'Chaology'... the science of Chaos. Wiki will tell you of all his other exploits.

It's only a short visit, but it's great to see Lady M with one of her childhood buddies; musing over old times. It's like they'd never been apart.


  1. How wonderful for Lady M! Getting to spend time with lifelong friends is a special joy in life

  2. Old friend are just the best especially the ones you grew up with.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. Lots of good memories, and lots of "do you remember..."

  3. With old friends it doesn't matter how long you have been apart you can, virtually, carry on the same conversation as though you have never been apart.

  4. Does this chap have any answers for our current predicament? lots of chaos here in the UK.

    1. Just laughter. We analyse things in a similar manner.

  5. I sat in the Warsaw Library yesterday and an old friend from school who I havent seen for almost 50 years casually strolled over and said hello Rachel. She now owns a hotel in Thailand and was home to see her mum. We carried on as if we had never been apart. It made my day. I know what fun Lady M is having.x

    1. Usually better than meeting-up with family too.

    2. You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family.

  6. I hope that deep sigh was a blissful one, and - if not - they are not keen followers of your blog.

    1. Having Americans here was rejuvenating; We talked more of Trump than Brexit.

  7. Chaology - is that word for real? Sounds like you had a good time.

    1. I think Lawrence invented it; or at least he was the first to adopt it. I congratulated him.

  8. The title of that book is very apt for the way things are here in the UK at the moment - sad that the book sounds far too high brow for my bedtime reading.

    1. He very kindly gave me a signed copy, so I'm looking forward to reading it. Having flipped through some of the pages, I'm wondering the same.

  9. California is beautiful. I visited Monterey exactly 25 years ago. I resided for 3 months in Mountain View in the Silicon Valley.
    Lovely picture. Enjoy your friends and the well deserved rest!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. To be exact, I think they are in Pacific Grove; a very beautiful spot.

  10. Love chaos theory. It's often acted out in the in tray at my office x

  11. 25 years, my, my, there is a lot of catching up to do. This is such a very special visit that Lady M will treasure.

    1. It's been fun hearing them talk of old neighbours, falling off horses, country clubs, etc. All very distant, but very clear.

  12. Well I assume that the visit was very well organised.

  13. Chaology... I study a lot of them with all my animals! :)
    ALways nice to catch up with old friends, isn't it?
