Thursday 23 June 2016

It's HOT; cyclists are melting!

With temperatures now reaching over 30C, there's really only a few things we can do. Either we spend our time in the shade here...


or we cool ourselves in the water here...

Otherwise I'm usually working here (which I do early in the mornings whilst there's still a bit of shade).

Or best of all we do a bit of this in the evening.

It's a hard bloody life.


  1. There is only one word as to your surroundings: Lush.


  2. I wish.... had the heated seat on my Skoda yesterday. It was a bit of a nippy Devon June morning! x

    1. And I've just woken to tales of storms and flooding in the UK; it isn't always like this here.

  3. ... you deserve it!
    All of that did not appear overnight.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. None of what's in the photos was here when I bought what was then a tiny ruin.

  4. Paradise! (We'll be out early this morning - I'll be thinking of your pool when the going gets tough.)

  5. Hot here too - not a cloud in the sky. Out at first light for the morning dog walk whilst it's still cool.
    Your "au vent" looks the perfect place to while away the day, in-between dips in the pool ! Are you gathering strength for the invasion of the grandchildren?

    1. We have all sorts of visitors this year, starting this weekend with some friends from California. We're still trying to work-out where to put everyone!

      I always tell people that the au vent is the most important room in the house!

  6. I really don't know how you manage. It looks divine. You are truly blessed Cro. Although, for once, we have been lucky while a lot of the UK have suffered with the weather. It is usually the other way around. X

    1. I recently heard that Scotland was having beautiful sunshine, whilst the south was being lashed by storms. Normally our weather is quite similar to the south of England; maybe a few degrees hotter in summer, and often a few degrees lower in winter.

  7. It has been lashing down all night here. Many roads in London closed due to flooding. When we were briefly in Avignon last year it was around 30c. Much too hot for me, I retreated to the air conditioned cabin on the boat for the afternoon.( river cruise)

    1. Yes, I heard about the flooding on the radio this morning.... at least they'll have clean streets if nothing else.

  8. 30c here too, but your life is better.

    1. Well, there are no idiots throwing bombs at us.... but give them time.

  9. And it looks as though we may very well leave the EU - m8ind you they are not likely to trade any of that weather are they?

    1. I thought the polls suggested that we would stay; it's gets more interesting by the minute.

  10. Sorry about that mysterious 8 which interfered - wonder if it has any significance.

  11. Replies
    1. Go and vote, and stop putting asterisks over my comments.

  12. ......but somebody has to live it!

  13. It is also a beautiful, if not too hot day, here in the north of England.

    1. I've just been watching the UK weather forecast, it looks like you've been spared what they're having in the south.

  14. I start and end my day like you. I work in the coolness of the morning and then enjoy the serenity of the summer evening in my outside room. I have no pool but I do have lush, lovely gardens to cool me down. I live for spring and summer as I know you do also.

    1. Yes, I was a July baby, and I think summer is part of my essential make up.

  15. Since I have had the pleasure of seeing your posts through several seasons now, it seems to me that you and Lady M have found a sort of natural seasonal rhythm to your lives. It is inspiring!

    Speaking of seasons, at yesterday's farmers market, I asked another mushroom farmer about chanterelles. She said they don't "grow" them, but have to go hunting for them...probably not until October. Now I am wondering what the other farmer meant about his having them available in a few weeks. Mysteries....

    Best wishes.

    1. If they are selling wild mushrooms they normally grow after a good downpour in warmed soil, so they could be found from any time between about May to October.

      You're right about seasonal living. I don't think I've ever lived anywhere where the seasons are as important as here.

  16. Essentially the same routine here in the Blue Ridge mountains, although I substitute a lake for the pool.

    1. Personally I would prefer a lake or river than a pool. In our pre-pool days we swam in a lake but it was about 5 miles away, and inconvenient.

  17. I am so skies yet freezing in Sydney...sitting here wrapped in furs,looking at the temperature gauge... 19 degrees....yep that is freezing for a Sydneysider !

    1. Maybe, but you've just enjoyed a wonderful summer. 19C is what most Europeans think of as 'warm'.
