Thursday 5 May 2016

Revolting Youf.

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You may have seen pictures of  young people rioting in Paris on May 1st, and wondered what was going on.

Like young Socialists everywhere, the junior French lefties love to lob a few bricks at the cops whenever they can find the slightest excuse.

It must be said that French employment laws are a bloody mess. To employ someone costs almost as much in 'auxiliary payments' as the salary paid to the employee. One needs to think long and hard before offering someone a job in France; it's also bloody difficult to sack them if they turn out to be useless.

The Government has therefore decided to relax certain employment hurdles, and make it much easier to take on the unemployed. They have also made it easier for employers to lay-off staff when times are hard. In fact they are trying to bring Socialist France up to International standards; hopefully to reduce the crazy level of unemployment here.

Of course the unemployed hard left don't like this at all. What they really want is more benefits money, and to be left alone (whilst moaning about the evil Capitalist state).

Yup, young French Socialists are much the same as young Socialists everywhere. Their deep pockets are there not only to accept generous state handouts, but also to fill with paving stones and Molotov Cocktails when the opportunity arrises.

Nothing changes.


  1. May1 was a big thing here when i was a child,no more now days.

    1. Best not to visit any large French city on May 1st; they see it as an opportunity to riot.

  2. I was wondering the other day whether anyone under 30 in the UK even knew the significance of May 1st any more.

    1. The old name of 'Labour Day' is now a bit passé. Here, of course, it's still a good excuse for taking to the barricades.

  3. May Day meant nothing in the UK when i was growing up except Red Square and a show of tanks and marching soldiers on the 6 O Clock News. When the Spring Bank Holiday was introduced in the UK as something to do with May 1st if it fell on a Monday many small businesses refused to recognise it and carried on working. I noticed many building sites busy this year on the bank holiday.

    1. In the south we didn't even have May Poles; just film of huge fat rockets in Red Square.

    2. It still means nothing to me.

    3. Bells have been ringing here today... is it Pentecost or some such thing?

  4. I have socialist leanings and my son is a 'young socialist'. We both worked/work and have never thrown as much as a pebble at anyone. I accepted some time ago that you and I are unlikely to ever agree politically but I respect your opinions. The sweeping statements that sometimes enter your posts surprise me because they don't sit well with the character that comes through the rest of your writing. What happens, Cro?

    1. I just enjoy being dogmatic. Sadly what I have written also happens to be true; show me the last time any members of a centre right wing party threw stones at the cops! I find the uncouth behaviour of these people quite disgraceful. Why, when the government is trying to make employment more easy, would you then go out and throw rocks? I know, and everyone else knows, but some won't have a word said against them.

  5. The world is in such a mess. I so agree with what you wrote today.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. A dreadful mess, Parsnip. And I can't see things getting much better until after a total breakdown.
