Monday 9 May 2016

Prince Harry's in the news again..

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Why is it that so many beautiful young women laugh at his limp jokes, or go weak at the knees when he looks at them? Presumably it's because they all want to become a Princess, and want to bear his little Princes or Princesses.

Otherwise he's rather an ordinary bloke, the sort you'd meet at school and not really bother talking to.

He's not classically handsome, he looks a bit scruffy, and he's certainly not an intellectual; nor is he stupid. I seem to remember that he passed just enough exams to apply for a commission in the army. He's someone who 'scrapes by'.

But his eligibility is up there with the best. His gran' is Queen of England, he probably has an overflowing trust fund, and he associates himself with plenty of good causes; especially the Invictus Games.

Am I envious of him? Not at all. The poor guy is scrutinised wherever he goes; he can't even get pissed without the press splashing it all over the front pages. It isn't easy being born of lofty rank when your own country is full of jealous republicans.

I rather like Harry, he has some rebellion inside him. The press don't like him; they think he should work harder, get himself a wife, and settle down to a 9 to 5 lifestyle.

For me, however, Shakespeare got it 'almost' right, 'Good for Harry, England, and St George'. Yeah; he'll do.


  1. He seems like a nice enough guy, and I can appreciate the Invictus games. He doesn't have to be in any hurry to settle down, his brother has the future heirs taken care of!

    1. He's even being criticised this morning for saying that the press is too critical. He can't win; poor guy.

  2. Best of a bunch. I think the 'middle of the road' personna is probably part of the appeal to women. x

  3. I much prefer him to his Uncle Andy who seems to be keeping his head down recently, and as for Uncle Eddy… idea what he is up to these days.

    1. Yes, both Andrew and Edward seem to have mysteriously hidden themselves away, no sign of them in that TV programme to celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday. I think they're both a bit dubious, Andrew especially....

    2. Anyone who married Fergy would HAVE to be dubious!

  4. He would be welcome at my house any time.

  5. His Mother described him as being rather like her and a bit of a "loose cannon". I like the fact that he's spirited.

  6. He seems like a ' good bloke ' to me ..... I'd have a drink with him. XXXX
