Saturday 28 May 2016

Not you too, Cro? (you scruffy old bogger).

Ever since the word 'Selfie' first joined the language, I've criticised the notion; much preferring an 'Otherie'.

I suppose it's the possible accusation of narcissism that I don't like, because I'm not a narcissistic person. The very idea of taking a photo of myself is alien to me.

So, on the principle that 'if you can't beat them etc' I decided to join the club. The camera was on the table in front of me, and I went ahead.

I rejected the idea of taking a million pix then selecting the best (à la Lord Snowdon), and restricted myself to just ONE; which I then completely forgot about. Yesterday I just happened to be going through my pictures, and I noticed that my 'Selfie' wasn't too bad; I'm not a photogenic Johnny.

I'm sure I'll never do another one, so, 21st century obsession, here is my offering; it's Cro by Cro.

Do you 'Self'? Please say 'no'.

p.s. I shall NOT be joining Instagram!


  1. It is a very nice photo, Cro.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I'm not sure about that, but at least I don't look like a Pineapple.

    2. Even if it were; I love pineapples, they are delicious fruit x

    3. I give them as birthday presents; people are always surprised.

  2. Replies
    1. Good; I don't recommend it.

    2. Always hated having my photo taken, it never looks like me, the camera seems very un-flattering.

  3. Very artistic as it should be ! I HATE selfies, especially the pouting ones that people do on Facebook and they wait for comments on how beautiful they look !!!! I usually take one on my birthday and put it on my blog but it's usually a back view !!!!!! XXXX

    1. Those Facebook 'selfies' make me feel ill. "Oh darling you look gorgeous" when they don't, etc. Yuk.

  4. You're not bad lookin' for a grumpy ole bugga:) Instagram? ...that's the problem with being a hermit you don't keep up with the latest. I would have to find the phone booklet to take a selfie. In Oz they are written in Swahili...they may as well be...incomprehensible.Now you have inspired to take one...It will take me some time to work out how to do it no doubt:)

    1. I usually look more 'grumpy ole bugga' than anything else. I like it that way.

  5. No.
    I have used my mobile phone so rarely that the contract has long run out, and it lies unused somewhere.
    Personally, I abhor selfies - but I'm probably in the minority ! However I don't need to take any, and don't have to look at anyone else's either.

    1. I agree, it's a horrible fashion. Very self-obsessed and me me me.

  6. No, not 'selfies', although I have taken photos of myself when my work requires it, but would definitely not post them up on social media, just my web sites and books when people need to get to know me personally. Otherwise, no.
    But I think you have a sense of humour, because I expected you to turn your head and give a big grin as I looked at your photo.

    1. My agent used to require the occasional portrait, and even those I hated having taken.

  7. NO....I do have some respect for the rest of humanity....

    But, surely, as an artist, you must have "selfies"....
    even if it is a digital one....
    They'll need one for your "retrospective"!

    1. 'Selfies' of the oil variety I have. Of the digital variety; very few.

  8. I'm glad to see that you are not pouting or "puckering up" which seems to be the norm when taking selfies.

    1. I think you have to see yourself as seriously gorgeous to do the pouting bit. I doesn't take much imagination to see that I don't.

  9. You are beginning to sound like an old fogey. Snap away and share. Nothing wrong with a selfie. Me, well I'm a yes of course, had to be didn't I!!!xxxxx

    1. I always thought it was the hat you were photographing.

  10. You look like a French man. I do the odd selfie, more to show the background on a walk, rather than what I look like. No pouting here.

    1. 45 years living in France has taken its toll.

  11. I was going to say that you look very " french" but Meanqueen beat me to it! It's the beret that does it!!
    I have never taken a selfie, and I get a horrid shock when I accidentally swap the iPhone round and see myself instead of what I am trying to photograph .

    1. It's a strange feeling the first (and hopefully the last) time one takes a 'selfie' (oh how I hate that word).

  12. Good photo and no selfies here.

  13. The only way I could take a selfie is to invest in a selfie-stick. My children say I have T-Rex arms. How unkind (but true).

    I like your selfie and expect you do to, otherwise you would have kept it to yourself.

    By the way I made a late comment on your chorizo post, so you may have missed it, about the possible dangers of feeding too much fat to dogs - please have a look, I know how much you treasure Bok. xx

    1. We never have given the dog too much fat, but Lady M read somewhere recently that they can eat loads with no ill effect. However, I prefer to take note of what you wrote, and I shall continue in my old ways; no fat for Bok! Thanks.

    2. re the Selfie. I suppose I do like it in a way. Usually pictures of me are ghastly.

  14. No nor do I do Instagram. I did take a video of myself inadvertently when I got a new phone last can see me glaring down at it as I was trying to work out how to use the camera [first phone with a camera..can you tell I'm a Luddite] as I wanted to take a photo of a moth. It got deleted immediately!

    1. I've never owned one so the problem has yet to arise. I'm Luddissimo.

  15. I tried once with my new smart phone but had it the wrong way round and took a good shot of the ceiling. Nice photo of you by the way.

    1. I think it's a good thing I don't have a smart phone.

  16. You look good, and very French. Cheers!

  17. No selfies for me, it's all I can do to look myself in the mirror in the morning. Yours is not half bad.

    1. I hardly ever look in mirrors, which is probably why I'm so scruffy.

  18. I like this photograph of you in the French sunshine.

    Although I don't yet have a smartphone, I have used my little camera to take some pictures for my etsy shop. (I don't think they improved my business.)

    Best wishes.

    1. I had enough trouble with my very simple Nokia phone, smart phones are are out of the question for me!

    2. They are as easy to use as any laptop. Easy peasy in fact.

  19. You look good. You're a handsome old dude. I selfied once, but it didn't include my face.


    1. I'll remember that if ever there's a next time.

  20. It appeared from the smaller version of this pic in my blog list that you were wearing a mortarboard.

  21. You captured the artist! For your one and only, you did great.

    I don't take selfies because it is too frightening. However, I have been in them when my daughters force me to join them. I do not understand this need for all these stupid pictures.
