Thursday 12 May 2016


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I recently watched a Judge Judy episode where US litigation culture hit a new low.

Some brainless woman had sent her doggy woggy (I think it was a Pomeranian) to the groomer for a haircut, and it was returned clipped a teeny weeny bit too short.

The owner of said doggy woggy (which had two bows in its hair) then claimed that the overly short haircut had caused  her dog to have diarrhoea for five days; and of course she wanted serious compensation.

Judge Judy is no fool, she knows that there is very little hard medical evidence linking a haircut with diarrhoea, and politely instructed the silly woman to eff-off.

US style litigation has crossed the pond, and has now taken a stronghold in the UK's courts (much of it via Brussels), and it's about time someone called 'Halt'. TV ad's encourage us to sue for car accidents, medical mishaps, and every other scratch and bruise imaginable.

When President Trump is sitting at his newly gold leafed White House desk, I do hope one of his first actions will be to put a stop to all this nonsensical 'I'll see you in court' business.

It's gone on too long.


  1. Some people will do anything to get on TV !

    1. They do get paid to appear on JJ; as do the audience!

    2. Unbelievable! Not a programme I've ever watched - nor likely to.

    3. I power-snooze to it sometimes after lunch; very soporific.

  2. here is the same, there are lawyers behinde almost every one.(too many lawyers,this is also part of the problem).

  3. After almost three years of weekly phone calls from car accident claim companies I followed through with the call. I told them I wasn't injured and they told me to lie so I would get the money. I often think about writing to my MP to see if these companies can be stopped. It's FRAUD.

    1. Everyone seems to know it's fraud other than our dear politicians; just as pay-day-loans are theft.

  4. There is a similar tv programme here called Forum where family, condominium and trivial disputes are discussed - very entertaining but also sad - some people that appear on it are like comic strip characters.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Sounds like Judge Judy, although she is very wise, and very tough!

  5. One of my soapbox topics Cro. We are one of the reasons there is such a huge bureaucratic element to hospitals because people just don't accept that every single procedure or operation is not going to be successful or that every ache and pain may not be curable. Add to that politicians target setting. New Zealand may have it's faults but we could learn a lot from them about reducing litigious situations.

    1. My late cousin was a senior medic in Canada, and his annual insurance premium was almost the same as his annual salary. He was terrified of even saying the wrong thing.

  6. There is a serious side to this, which is having a negative effect on absolutely everything we do. Avoidance of litigation is costly and everything is overly watered down now, in case anything might go wrong.

    1. It's a very serious subject Jean. It has changed our very way of life, and along with PC has created a new over-cautious population.

  7. if we would only teach people from an early age that they should take responsibility for their own actions rather than point the finger we wouldn't need to worry about it. If I slip over running across a wet floor then maybe I should have used a bit more uncommon sense rather than filing a legal claim. did you hear the case where a lady successfully sued because her microwave didn't specifically state that it couldn't be used to try her miniature poodle after its bath? I kid you not!

    1. Nothing would surprise me Tricky. Especially if it came from the USA. If you are stupid enough to walk into a lamp post these days, you become rich!

  8. Your public and unsolicited description of the mis-treatment of an innocent animal has caused me a severe bout of diarrhoea and will no doubt prevent me from working for at least five days. You will be hearing from my solicitors.

    1. I've been having diarrhoea (with complications) ever since I heard about it.

    2. If you were John Gray, you would prove that with photographic evidence.

    3. I do hope he doesn't read that!

    4. He might sue TS for defamation.

    5. I am going to talk to my solicitor about thomas' remark

  9. It's supposed to be entertainment, which is sad. This is a TV court, not a real court. The same thing could be said about our election, but unfortunately it is real and also so very very sad. Entertainment has crossed the lines and it is not funny.

    1. I believe that it IS a real court; but on TV. Don't worry, Trump doesn't stand a chance.

    2. The TV judges are not court appointed judges, although some might have been at one time. They are arbitrators. The power that Judge Judy and the rest of the TV arbitrators have over the disputing parties is granted by a contract, specific to their case, that they sign before appearing on the show. These contracts make the arbitrators' decision final and binding, prevent the disputing parties from negotiating the terms of the arbitration, and allow the "judges" wide discretion on procedural and evidentiary rules during the arbitration. The cases are real that are in the real system and the show contacts these people based on the "entertainment factor" and whether they win or lose, some money is exchanged. BTW, I read that Judge Judy makes up to $47 million a year. Our President makes $400,000 (plus perks) and real judges about $150,000, depending where they live.

  10. Replies
    1. Certainly not until any changes are made.

  11. I have a better one for you. Some idiot is suing Starbucks because they put too much ice in his iced coffee.

    1. Nothing surprises me.... I've heard of some unbelievable cases.

  12. Please don't suggest Tr*mp will be our next president. I actually felt a little ill when you said that at the end. Btw, he needs a haircut. I wonder if that groomer would do it?

  13. The Hispanic vote will see that Trump is not your new President. Do not worry.

    1. Anything can happen over here too, in the next couple of months.

  14. Trump is always happy to go to court and prides himself on never settling cases because he, of course, is always right. So I don't see him taking on this cause.
    And I do fear that he could win.
