Wednesday 18 May 2016

I'm so upset; Natalie Bennett is to resign.

We heard the very sad news yesterday that Aussie Natalie Bennett is to quit her job as leader of the UK's Green Party. The world of politics will never be the same again; a sad day indeed.

Here she is explaining her party's housing policy to Nick Ferrari on LBC; which, as they only have one MP, will probably not get too far!

They don't make 'em like Natalie any more.


  1. I would have had a mind blank if you hadn't spelt it all out for me.

    1. She was a splendid leader; just a shame she didn't know what she was talking about.

  2. Nick farriarri is like a dog with a bone

  3. Let's face it Cro - few 'politicians' are in it for the right reasons sadly. She was one who really was sincere and I do agree she will be missed.

    1. She may have been sincere, but she was very badly briefed.

  4. I'm not up with Aussie politics let alone UK politics. But this interview really is excruciating and my heart goes out to her.

    1. I just hope she doesn't return to OZ, and propose that they build half a million new homes over there. They'd tear her to bits.

  5. National politics is a really tough world and however clever she was she didn't have the ruthlessness needed and, as you say, she was clearly unprepared at the interview.

  6. I never comment on other country's politics as I really don't have enough knowledge of what is going on and how it affects its citizens. I do know that no matter the country, everybody complains about one thing or another. I don't know who this lady is but she expressed herself very poorly, but I don't doubt her sincerity. Somebody should have prepared her for this interview and at least given her the numbers to support her cause. She did more harm than good for her platform.

  7. Yes they do, there is a whole country down here full of Nats.
