Tuesday 31 May 2016

An open letter to David Cameron.

Dear Dave,

Less than a month to go, and I think I may have found a solution to your problem with the in/out referendum.

Why not do what the French, and several other EU members do, and simply ignore Brussels when it suits you. If you were to explain this to the British people, and insist upon a new hard-line approach towards European interference (don't bother trying to get Merkel & Co to change), I'm sure that the voters would follow your 'stay in' advice.

Why not insist that our fishermen keep all the fish they catch, allow farmers to sell all the milk they produce, let's not be told by some cheeky anonymous bugger how many immigrants we have to accept each year, and please ignore Matron Merkel when she tells us how many new houses we have to build (the bloody cheek). It works here in France, so why not in the UK?

Just sign the papers, and ignore the diktats. 

Hope this has been of help.

All the best, Cro. (x, for Sam)

p.s. Dave, whilst I have your attention, will you now PLEASE close down the ridiculous Department for International Development (aka 'the bottomless pit'). Thanks.


  1. Good advice. I've often wondered why we have to be so literal in embracing rules we don't like and can't be more like the French.
    I was musing on this while watching a grubby looking waiter, fag in one hand, fetch six baguettes which he'd tucked under his armpit for that day's service. At about the same time the café at our local stamp fair in derbyshire was closed down for not meeting hygiene regulations as all the volunteer staff were too old, i.e. over seventy. Instead of being able to get a delicious home made sausage sandwich, apple pie or chocolate cake they were now only allowed to serve instant coffee, tea and prepacked biscuits. Bonkers!

    1. There are so many silly rules that the UK adopts, whereas mainland Europe tells them to get lost.

  2. This post did make me chuckle!
    Spain was very much the same when I lived there, rules are made to be selectively ignored at your convenience. I'm sure Borris would be more receptive to the laid back idea of doing whatever you like, regardless of the rules.

    1. Our politicians have no gumption. They need our billions much more than we need their diktats.

  3. Dear Cro
    You are absolutely right of course. I like to have jobsworths making all the major decisions for me so that we can be doing things right and make the EU pleased with us. They do love us really you know although they never show it and will make it even worse for me (and you) when we stay in but I can take it (and so will you). It is so important to do things the right way and it has never let me and my family down. To pick and choose what we want to do is wrong and we have to let the left and the jobsworths and the culturally aware decide you know because they are the future for this country. Just think if we let, say, the farmers decide, it would be all so lovely and we could go back to no seat belts if we wanted, smoking where we like, selling to who we like, no special rules for caravan people in fields, working hours of what we want, take on staff how we like and pay them what we like, and we'd all be happy and everyone would have a job and we could have Laura Ashley curtains and freedom again. But I love the EU and meetings and high flying summits and George and Mark and we are all together in wanting to stay and keep our lives the way they are. We love it.
    Sorry, regards. Dave. Sam sends her love, she is just off to meet her friends to discuss some pattern making or something. They are hoping to sell to China if the EU allows. Oops. nearly forgot, I am a Remain.

    1. Well, I did try. But thanks for your prompt reply; I am now no nearer my decision making.

  4. Unfortunately Cro it is to late. The craven quivering willingness to slavishly follow every insane or inane diktat from Europe is the very reason we are having a referendum.
    An out victory will remove the words proffered by every paltry excuse for a politician "sorry but it's EU rules you see".

    1. What a mess. Most people would be happy to remain if we had a leader with balls. We hand over huge amounts of cash, then do what we're told. It doesn't make sense.

  5. I have always been European by intellectual and emotional standards however I am disappointed with both 'sides' in the coming referendum for being so negative and talking such balderdash and worse.

    One odd thing struck me though, Cro. I suspect both of us are Europeans. However neither you nor I have lived in the country of our birth for many decades and yet you still refer to England (or the UK?) as your country whereas I would never refer to my country as England (or the UK) but only as Scotland.

    It's a funny old world.

    1. I'm very patriotic about England, even though my preferred life-style ties me to France. I love where I live; I've been here for well over half my life, but England is always 'home'.

  6. Send it.....i just wish he'd read it and comply

    1. As I said somewhere above, I don't think he has the balls.

  7. I think you should send this Cro. Might talk a bit of sense into him.

  8. I used to write and mail many letters to Richard Nixon during the Viet Nam war era. He never wrote a reply, but did eventually stop the war. He also left office early.
    Best wishes.

    1. I once met Tricky Dicky. In fact he spoke to me.

      He said: I'm hurrying for a crap.

      Then he ran on.


    2. That's some memory. Was he still in office at the time?

  9. Austria used to be a la Merkel. Then Mikl-Leitner the Austrian Interior Minister said Bollocks or words to that effect and the barriers went up. She was soon gone. Her boss the Austrian PM was soon gone to be replaced by some guy from the railways who has not even been elected. He put the wrong wheel axles on the express trains, he built a mega-euro station where people nearly froze to death because there were no waiting rooms, he invented a complicated ticket system nobody can fathom, he is obviously the right man for the job - but the fact that he got no votes and then filled the cabinet with cronies who also got no votes is neither here no there. Mr Cameron, please take Cro's advice. Mrs T would do what Cro says. Why don't you?

    1. I didn't like to mention Mrs T, but she had more balls that our present lot put together!

  10. If people were to find out that international politics were so easy, we might decide to get along without politicians as well. How about a referendum on that?

  11. Good letter. I think if you wrote a letter like that here, the FBI would kick down your door, haul you off to jail in the middle of the night, keep you in prison for sixteen months, then release you "for lack of evidence." Of course, by then you'd have lost your house and your job, but hey. That's politics. Or, if Obama was only slightly annoyed, the IRS would audit you and take everything you had.

    1. Is this the same 'Land of the Free' that we keep hearing of?

  12. I think that letter is just common sense, I have been advocating that treatment of EU regulations for a long time now.

    The firm that I work for was taken over a few years ago. We were told that rather than using our A,B & C systems, we should adopt the D, E & F method. We all thought that was b****cks and continued with our tried and tested A, B & C.

    We have just been complimented on our systems and the offices who adopted D, E & F have been told that they are under-performing.

    *smug face*
