Sunday 27 March 2016

The Truth; a Sunday Special..

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Imagine for one crazy moment that all the religions of the world were forced by international law, to tell nothing but the truth, and take out all the evil from their doctrinal books.

Once we had rid the world of puerile tales of gods, devils, virgin births, 6 day creation, and imaginary post-death heavens and hells, these books would be mighty slim; the religions themselves might even have nothing more to peddle.

Take away all the lying mumbo-jumbo, who hates who, who needs to be stoned to death, and we might be left with a few basic human rules with which most of us would probably agree. Don't kill, don't steal, don't lie, etc. All the major religions might even come to an agreement about a new set of 10 'commandments'.

Would this stop one lot from killing another lot? I doubt it; but it might be worth a try.


  1. Good idea. While we're at it, could we get rid of politicians and the media too please? Then we might all live happily ever after.

  2. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful (Seneca).

    The sun shining here. My son is on paramedic volunteering shift for the red cross all day today. It will be a quite day for us. Have a nice day. Greetings Maria x

    1. It was like high summer here yesterday. Raining over night, but looks to be OK for Easter Day. A quiet day here too.

  3. I think along the same lines Cro. I see male animals fighting for supremacy and I think perhaps this is born in us, in which case I really don't see how we can overcome the urge - but we do have brains big enough to surely do something. But, put it this way, it sure won't happen in our lifetime.

    1. It has always been thus, and probably always will be!

  4. Nooooo! Leave in the gods, devils and'puerile stuff' for my fanciful little mind to play with and just take out the rabble rousing stuff. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter Cro. x

    1. OK, you have your invisibles, and we'll have the tangibles.

      Easter's looking good; the Champagne is in the fridge, and the leg of Lamb is ready for roasting. A bit cold here today.

  5. A_MEN to that brother!...also AMEN to roast lamb and champagne!

  6. I'm afraid it's been going on since time immemorial so I don't think it will ever change Cro .... unfortunately.
    Lamb and Champagne is a good way of forgetting all about it ..... at least for today.
    Happy Easter. XXXX

  7. We need an " independence day " scenario
    ( the film not the holiday)
    To unite the world, kill the bad guys and make us give each other a group hug

    1. We certainly need a united front at the moment.

  8. The Buddists have the right idea , I think.

  9. I fear that the major religions of this world wouldn't be able to remove the false and tell only the truth, simply because they wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit them in the you-know-what.

    1. I'm afraid that is so. If your beliefs are based on nonsense, it would be difficult to know what's what.

  10. Actually in the 20th century several countries did indeed 'do away' with religion. Between atheist China and the USA alone they managed to kill over 100 million people in less than 70 years.
    As my father used to caution us, be careful what you wish for. You might just get It!

    1. They all tried to replace religion with an even more rigid doctrine. What's now needed is freedom.

  11. Argh, damn you auto correct. That should be the USSR not the USA.

    1. I'd presumed that was what you meant!

    2. The idea of an atheist USA is unthinkable.

    3. Any president who doesn't mention 'god' every five minutes, doesn't have a hope.

    4. I know! And it's maddening. God forbid an atheist would ever dare run for office.

    5. If Bernie Sanders gets the nomination, he will be the first non-believer to run for president. He is ethnically Jewish, but that's as far as it goes. It will be uncomfortable to watch him dodge this when challenged by the evangelical Christians.

    6. A tiny smidge. He is a good man and that works against him.

  12. I like your thinking Cro, but I suspect those who do evil deeds in the name of their religion will continue to do so - they'll just find another excuse.
    But abolishing religion would certainly deal with many of the gullible brainwashed idiots, regardless of which invisible magical fairy they believe in.

    1. Clandestine groups would no doubt meet in dark corners, but we could cope with them.

  13. Totally agree. I never thought that being a good person and doing the right thing had anything to do with religion.

    1. Of course not, in fact I would almost say the opposite!

  14. It's a sad world at the moment and organised 'religions' have a lot to answer for.

    Roast lamb here too. No bubbles, though. A NZ Sav Blanc will have to do.

    1. Ours was especially good, and the bubbles too.

  15. Well, Cro, you're preaching to the converted here. Unfortunately religion is just another way of achieving power and man will always find ways to do that.

  16. Unfortunately I see just as much hatred and vitriol in some of these comments as are claimed to be in the bible/quran etc. Extremist attitudes abound, whether one has a faith or not. Time and again I see those with a faith described as stupid, and they are not. Perhaps those who practice their faith as it is correctly interpreted, and those without faith could all show respect and tolerance, the world would be a better place.

  17. All cults of religion will fall in time, to be replaced again and again.
