Tuesday 29 March 2016

So, what are you angry about today, Cro?

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Paris, Brussels, and now Lahore, one can but wonder what goes on in certain people's minds.

No problem has ever been solved by skirting around the truth. No problem has ever been solved by ignoring facts. And no problem has ever been solved by just hoping it'll go away. There is no question that the world, and Europe in particular, is facing a humanitarian crisis of gargantuan proportions, and all they do (apart from Putin) is talk about it, throw tax-payers money at it, and wring hands. Anyone who offers difficult solutions is instantly branded as racist.

We now have to accept that the Bush/Blair/Merkel disaster (for that is what it is) is NEVER going away. Europe has now changed for ever, The Middle East has changed for ever, and North Africa is in the throws of changing for ever. We are witnessing a highly successful operation to change the world's demographic, all on the backs of a few thousand primitive-thinking quasi-religious middle-eastern fanatics. It hardly seems possible; but it's true, and the western world with all its hi-tech weaponry is impotent in response.

I've just read that UK border guards are now forbidden to X Ray trucks on entering Britain; it might harm any naughty stowaways who are illegally hidden inside. Give me effing strength!

45 year old haulier Steve Hughes recently heard voices in the back of his lorry after leaving Dover docks. He returned to Dover and informed the police; he was then fined £12,000 for importing 6 illegal immigrants (£2,000 each). He now says that if it happens again he'll pull into a lay-by and just let them out. Who could blame him!

All possible assistance is being given to illegal immigrants to get to the UK, whilst funding of 'Border Control' is being cut. Innocent lorry drivers are being massively fined and forced out of business, whilst their criminal cargo is looked after and pampered. Does anyone 'in authority' realise the illogicality, and danger, in all of this?

Presumably NOT.


  1. I am just glad I live twelve thousand miles away. Hopefully it will be some time before we have the same problems here.

    1. I know a lot of 'lefties' in Oz who are desperate to allow them into Australia. Beware; they know not what they do!

  2. We allowed hook handed Hamza to preach harred from the pulpit in North London for years and paid him 100s of thousands in benefits and extended him our welcome with open arms and fought his extradition what hope is there for an end to all that we have created. We have made our bed, we have to lie in it.

    1. THEY'VE made our bed, and WE have to lie in it. How many people did you hear saying 'Give Hamza a nice home and plenty of benefits'?

    2. We have no human rights, it seemed that his were judged more important than ours.

  3. A sad reflection of our times.

    I wonder how long our government will continue to sanction £millions to keep this "system" going before they finally realise that enough is enough?

    1. When will they wake up? Too late, of course.

  4. On Easter day there have been six separate operations led to rescue 730 immigrants arriving in the Sicilian Channel, and 752 arrived yesterday. They are operated not just by the Italian navy but the entire Mediterranean, by the navies of many other EU countries, including the Royal Navy. The refugees are rescued and then brought onto Italian shores. The locals of these poor fisherman towns get no government support and now are literally outnumbered by all the refugees, but the locals generously go out of their way to help and support - and the media make very little mention of these facts!
    I do not know the answers for this migration, and I admit, I sometimes have mixed feelings myself, but then I think like a woman and as a mother I see no alternatives other than to save these poor people; especially the boat women and children from drowning, and where they are escaping rapes and killings from their own country.
    Sorry Cro, for this long comment, also it might not be adherent to your today's post either, but it's about migration. I don't usually comment on political issues because, English not been my language, I find it hard to express myself in the correct terms and afraid to be misunderstood. I tried.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Like you, my main sympathy is directed towards the women and children. However, the solution is not simply to allow all these young men to flood into Europe; I suspect that we're building-up more problems than we could ever imagine.

  5. Until Bliar and Brush are put on trial for a faked-up war of agression nothing is going to change in a hurry. They are the ones responsible for letting the genie out of the bottle and then smashing bottle to pieces. And then we should go back to the drawing board, that is to say the original President Carter plan for peace in the so-called Holy Land. And which should make it stick. A president we should remember whose armed forces never had to fire a shot in anger. This neo-con zionist festering sore is the root cause of much of the world's problems. Hopefully the Americans will elect a president (male or female I care not which) with the balls to stand up and be counted for justice. If they don't you can bet Putin will.
    As to the terrorists. They should be rounded up and exported to North Korea together with their bounty. Kim will know what to do with them.
    Next time the Ottoman Republic of Dieselgate should consult other member states before they throw the EU's schengen doors wide open in order to ease their political conscience (Who remembers the Armenians today?) and deal with their zero birthrate problem.

    1. I wonder if Blair and Bush will ever get what they deserve? They certainly should be held responsible, but I doubt if it'll ever happen.

    2. Alas, they are laughing all the way to the bank, and can buy themselves out of any trouble. Amazing that they still have their followers !

  6. Last week my husband told me that after hearing about the attacks in Brussels he was furious. He normally doesn't get so emotional over terrible things in the news, but he said he's just so sick of this shit. I'm sure he agrees with everything you've said here. As do I.

    1. It's all a dreadful mess, and I fear there's nothing we can now do to correct it.

  7. I agree with your final comment, Cro. I can't even imagine what policy I would have the US adopt. Assigning blame, while satisfying, is ineffectual. It's Pandora's box and there's no way to put it all back.

    1. I think we'll just have to accept that the world has suddenly changed, certain people have become rich as a result, and there's nothing anyone can do.

  8. Cro - I wish you could stand for parliament - you seem to be the only person actually talking any sense at the moment.

    1. I'm not sure about that. There are plenty of very angry people around; unfortunately many of them take matters into their own hands and are acting in ways that they would never have anticipated a few years back. I just vent my anger on paper (laptop paper).

  9. Cro, you and your commenters have said better all
    the things I have been saying for 20 and 30 years.
    Especially living where I do on the border with Mexico.
    I wish you could stand for parliament like Weaver wrote.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It can't go on Parsnip. Something has to give!

  10. I don't think the world has been this dangerous since WWII.

    1. I think WW3 has already started, with no-one officially dropping the flag.

  11. Blair will never get the trial he deserves. He knows where far too many bodies are buried. As for Gwils comment on Carter I couldn't help but laugh. This was a president who's dithering inaction directly to the Iranian hostage crisis but who's response was to ban all Iranians from admission to the USA and to send over 50,000 Iranian students home. No howls of protest about his 'racist' actions which mirror Trumps remarks.
    As for the zionists well since they were neutral in the war against Iraq, had nothing to do with Afghanistan and cautioned against stirring up the Arab spring .......
    Solving the crisis facing Europe is not only doable it is relatively easy to achieve. However it would require decisive actions that would horrify the metropolitan elite. Making illegal immigration a crime,huge financial and criminal penalties for people who employ illegals, boats to be stopped seized and the occupants returned immediately and so on.
    Putin offers no solutions either. His aid to Assad was a merely for his convenience and to extend his base in Syria. Russia is financially crippled and can produce no long term solutions.
    Even more significantly Russia has a population time bomb of epic proportions.
    The only demographic in Russia that shows any expansion is the Muslim one. 10 percent of the population is Muslim and rising fast.

    1. I hadn't heard about your final comment before. Does Putin have any viewpoint about this?

  12. OMG!! depressing!! Tell us about your etchings Cro

  13. Isn't it scary that these times are probably our grandchildren's "Good old Days"?

  14. I'm not sure what Putin thinks but the figures from Rosstat,Russias government statistics office, show decades long decline in the non Muslim Russian population while the Muslim population is exploding (metaphorically for once). Put in has tried family friendly policies but his falling budget means cutbacks on a scale never seen here in the UK. He has refused to cut back on his massive military expansion so they are closing hospitals etc and have ceased infrastructure repair. The Economist and Time have ran some very interesting articles.
    We can only hope that as the cuts bite he doesn't do something monumentally stupid to boost his popularity. He would be the first politician, Russian or otherwise, to do That!
