Monday 7 March 2016


                            Résultat de recherche d'images pour "rain sad"

There's rain, and there's RAIN.

Big, deluge, soaking, puddle-forming, stay indoors, noisy, oh my god, stream-swelling, basement-filling, don't bother with your brolly type rain is OK by me. It usually lasts for a short while, and is often followed by bright skies and sunshine.

It's the other type that really gets on my tits. That half-hearted, drizzly, damp, squishy, sodden, all-day, non-stop, annoying stuff, that does nothing more than make you want to shout at it, is what I really detest.

We're into another week's worth of the latter, and I'm fed-up. I want to be out there, walking the dog, raking leaves, lighting bonfires, pruning, ANYTHING, rather than looking out of the window at permanent bloody damp drizzle and fog.

So, Snakes and Ladders, Scrabble, Ping Pong, more Ping Pong, and snoozing are in order. I shall try to pretend that it's not happening, whilst cutting wood in my green plastic raincoat and swearing at the skies.

Rain should only fall at night, and be quasi-invisible. Daytimes should be bright and inviting, and allow us to go about our 'normal' lives. Please someone; organise.


  1. Replies
    1. I don't think our forecast is quite as bad as I'd previously thought, but it's getting on my nerves.

    2. I just opened the curtains and discovered a world of white..

    3. Yesterday morning there was a tiny amount of snow of the roof, but it soon disappeared and the day turned out to be half rain, half sunshine.

      Take to your skis.

  2. Rained all weekend here as well. I have to keep the clothe horse indoor which I hate - it takes ages for the washing to dry. Snake and ladders, brings back fond memerories! Greetings Maria x

    1. Recently Lady Magnon was away for a week in London, and I decided to do my washing the day after her departure; it was still there the day she came home.

  3. Same here. The constant grey skies in the Loire have been depressing.......but thank goodness we decided to make space in the buanderie for the thing we thought we'd rarely use.......the tumble drier!
    I hate having damp washing hanging around the house, it reminds me of miserable winters in our little council house when I was a child, when we had only the coal fire, the back boiler and no other heating anywhere.

    1. I do have a 'temporary' washing line over the fireplace, but it doesn't hold much.

  4. Clear blue sky here this morning, and the sun just getting high enough to blind me through the velux window ! I have to hold a place mat up with my left hand so that I can continue on the computer!

    1. A pleasant annoyance. My studio is like that in the mornings.

  5. commiserations...we've been having months of damp/rain all winter...good to know we're not alone! We're having a few days of bright and chilly weather...such a relief to see the sun

    1. I believe we now have to wait until Thursday before anything like good weather returns. Roll on!

  6. When we see that sort of cloud coming in from the west we always call it Felibree weather. (You might remember the awful drizzly day we had when the Felibree came to VdP.)

    1. That's a good name for it. At the moment we have TFF (typical French fog).

  7. On the other hand, we have potentially the hottest March on record. We've had days and days (and more to come) of 30+ (centigrade) with little or no rain. I'm fed up with watering the veggies. It's autumn, for goodness sake. We should have mild weather some rain and cooler evenings, by now.

    1. You're just trying to make me jealous. It's worked!

    2. Yep,she's right...still swimming at 7pm in Sydney harbour,watching the sun set with the sail boats gliding by...been a beautiful summer and it's not over !

    3. My son is over-wintering in Surfer's Paradise; I receive regular reports. OK, I'm jealous.

  8. We have had months of warm and wet, so everything has been in blossom weeks before it is supposed to be. Everything has gone green too. There are houseflies around, even though we don't have central heating. I wonder what the fruit crops are going to be like this year.

  9. Yes, it should only rain at night.

  10. It's just cold here -- but sunny at least for today. My problem with English weather is that I am usually in a state of not being warm enough. Wish it would only rain at night, though. Bet you anything, that soon enough you will be eliciting groans from me as you wax lyrical about the sun and the pool and so on...

    1. I can't wait. Splish splash, salads for lunch, fresh tomatoes from the garden. Bring it on!

  11. 32℃ and wall to wall sun here. People complaining about the heat. Except me! But then I've just had 8 months iof rain and gales in the Hebrides. An occasional week or two of your weather would be almost welcome if I could have the complementary weather as well.

    1. We used to say the same thing in the summer; goodness knows why!

  12. 'Here' being Napier in NZ of course.

  13. I am assuming you have tried prayer and it hasn't worked.

    1. Prayers, sun dances, putting my shorts ready to wear, I've tried everything. It is now supposed to change on Thursday.
