Tuesday 22 March 2016

Lady M's Buns.

There are only three foods that I associate with Easter; Chocolate, Lamb, and Hot X Buns.

We will certainly be roasting a Gigot for the big day, Chocolate we can take or leave, but Easter just wouldn't be Easter without Lady Magnon's Hot X Buns. 

Sliced in half, toasted, and thickly spread with good un-salted butter, they are an essential accompaniment to Easter Teas.

Yours may come from M & S or Waitrose, ours are home-made. That flavour of Cinnamon and allspice is unforgettable. I hope you enjoy yours as much as we enjoy ours.


  1. I have never eaten hot cross buns. We traditionally have an Easter cake, with almonds on top, that has the shape of a dove to symbolise peace. Lady Magnon's cross buns look absolutely tempting.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. If you get a chance, you should try them. Very nice.

  2. Anything to do with yeast makes me avoid the kitchen. No excuse really, but there we are bunless.

    1. Lady M is a bit like that, but she loves the results when she's being brave enough. I might even encourage her to try bread making.

  3. Ours come from Waitrose. Mary Berry was making some last week on her Easter food programme. It looked like quite a fiddly long process.

  4. My FIL always swore that you should eat chicken on Easter Sunday and have the last saved Christmas pud for dessert. I too will certainly be eating hot cross buns on Friday and trying not to eat all my Easter egg in one go. Hard when you're a hardwired gannet!
    Lady M's buns look marvellous.

    1. I agree about the spare Christmas Pud', but I think we ate it when the grandsons were here recently.

  5. Lady M's hot cross buns are definitely up there with the best - they look superb - tell her so from me. MOUTH WATERING AS I WRITE THIS1

    1. I'll tell her now; she'll be extremely flattered.

  6. How could I ignore a title like that? Juvenile humour aside, the buns look delicious... I'm inspired to try my hand at them now.

    1. It's quite a lengthy process, but worth it if they're otherwise unavailable.

  7. I can smell the cinnamon and spices over here in Hertfordshire ..... I was going to say that I watched Mary Berry make them, which looked a bit fiddly, but Frances beat me to it !
    I'm not as industrious as Lady M and will get mine from Waitrose, but they will not be half as good as Lady M's. XXXX

    1. I'm sure we'd do the same if we had a Waitrose nearby.

  8. Oh my gosh, those look delicious!

  9. It would be hard not to associate hot cross buns with Easter but I've never really thought about having an 'Easter meal' and I don't even recall doing so as a child.

    1. As an atheist family we don't actually 'celebrate' Easter, but that Gigot on Easter Day is as fixed as Turkey for Christmas.

  10. I made some in Crete for last Greek Easter to take round to various neighbours who are always bringing us goodies but mine were nowhere near as good as Lady M's. Hers look gorgeous!

    1. We've just had one each for tea, they really are delicious.

    2. How could you only stop at one ! It would have been the whole plate full here !

  11. Please do pass my compliments on to Lady M.

    My searching for Hot Cross Buns in NYC continues to be challenging. I saw some earlier this week, but they were HCB in name only...very unattractive in appearance.
    I still have hopes of finding some that look almost as delicious at Lady M's version.

    Best wishes.

    1. I'm rather surprised that you could find them at all in NYC; you'd certainly never find any here in France.

  12. Goodness they look so wonderful. I would love to taste one.
    I dream of my Mum's Easter Lamb but we didn't have Hot Cross Buns, we had my Mum's braided yeast bread with raisins, and poppy seed filled twist bread. I grew up Polish.
    Since my Mum never made the HCB when I bought some I thought they were gummy and terrible.
    Could not understand why people wanted to eat them.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. They HAVE to be toasted, it's only then that the real flavour comes out, and they probably are less 'gummy' too.

  13. Cross buns are not part of our Easter tradition here, but looking at those makes me wish they were.
