Thursday 31 March 2016

Grumpy old sod.

I only saw this photo for the first time yesterday.

From Left to Right; Cro, JB, Kimbo, Tenpin, and Lady Magnon.

The picture must have been taken in the mid 70's at JB's house. I had just built the small wall, on which we are all sitting.

Whilst actually building the wall, JB had offered me some Carrot Cake, which I must say was AWFUL. In fact it was so awful, that I built it into the front of the wall. I presume it is still there to this day.

I have no idea why I look so bloody miserable; I must have been under the influence of Lytton Strachey.


  1. Ha ha, that made me laugh; you sound like me when I didn't like my food I'd hide it under the plate,but not a good hiding place like that wall. Lovely family picture; you look pensive there. Greetings Maria x

    1. This was meant to be for tomorrow, but I pressed 'publish'by mistake.

  2. I always wonder how different and a like we look in old photos, it seems like someone else, (i just found a photo of my self from the 70's and had those thoughts).

  3. Glad to see someone else schedules ahead. Quick! Save as draft and then post tomorrow! x

  4. Ah the memories, Cro. That carrot cake probably had a life of its own!!
    Nice wall.

  5. Replies
    1. I can't think why; it's like we just had some bad news.

  6. It seems you have been building pretty walls for a long time.

    1. JB's mother wanted a wall with a small planting area for herbs. Her terrace was tiny.

  7. You are all looking very Amish there. They are a dour lot.

  8. The photograph reminds me of many I have of friends and myself from that era. We didn't build any walls, but some of did bake carrot cake. I used to bake two loaves of bread every Sunday.

    All a long time ago. Your hair styling is similar to that of many of my friends.

    Glad that you and Lady M are now feeling better and enjoying spring.

    Best wishes.

    1. Yes, we're both back on good form. Thank you.

  9. Perhaps you'd been found out and JB knew where you'd put the carrot cake ! Friendships have foundered on less !

  10. I don't think you look awful at all - in fact I rather fancy you in a seventies kind of way. As for Lady M - she looks fantastic.

  11. Oh LOL at building the carrot cake slice into the wall! You look "cool" and real 70's. Thanks for a great post! Jo

    1. I would rather have eaten a lump of stone.

  12. Replies
    1. Now you know why my grandsons call me 'Grumpy'.
