Tuesday 16 February 2016

News of Hippo.

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There is no question that Tom Gowans (Hippo) is an heroic character. His life has been filled with tales of daring-do and enterprise. He is the living embodiment of a swashbuckling adventurer businessman. There are several books in him, just waiting to be written.

I wrote asking of news, and have just received a reply. It seems that the abysmal state of the Angolan economy has played merry-hell with his long-standing plans, to the extent that he may have to abandon his proposed holiday complex, on which he has worked so hard, and of which he was so rightly proud.

His leg isn't healing at the rate he was hoping, which is a worry. However, he follows a rigorous exercise routine; cycling long distances with his youngest son Alex.

For those of you who regularly visited his blog (and miss him) I am pleased to report that apart from the results of his country's financial problems (not of his making) he is OK. There are some things over which we have no control, and I'm afraid that Tom has encountered several of them.

I'm sure you will all join me in wishing him, and his family, the very best for the future. Maybe we could even encourage him to start blogging again.


  1. Many times i ask myself where do bloggers go when they are not blogging any more. Thanks for the information Cro.

    1. It's worrying when people suddenly disappear.

  2. It's "a heroic" not an, Cro. I'd have kept this to myself but you do seem a stickler for detail - and proud of your education.

    There certainly was madness in Tom's plans. Like all mavericks one is almost compelled to like him. Which I most certainly do. And offered to help. However, some prefer to fight their windmills with no Sancho Panza at their side.


    1. Sorry, it's 'an'. As in an hotel, etc. The letter H is treated the same as a vowel.

    2. Right with you there Cro.... AN!
      The next thing to correct is this use of YOUR that seems so prevalent for You Are...it's YOU'RE....
      And the there is There...as in "there car" or "there house".....it is THEIR....possessive!!!
      Yours truly,
      Apoplectic from Andover

    3. I've almost given-up with there, their, and they're, etc. The funny thing is that someone can try to correct a word with an incorrect word (above). As she stated; I am reasonably proud of my education.

    4. I can't claim to be perfect where grammar is concerned, but I also get cross when the language is used incorrectly. I have come across several people who have insisted that it should be "a" rather than "an" before " h". As for folks who say " haitch"…….! (There is a local BBC radio presenter who does that.) I like to think that my girls' grammar school taught me well.Not everyone had my advantages re schooling. ( Is that apostrophe in the right place? )

    5. If you pronounce the h then use a, if you don't then use an, I was told on highest authority. So I am looking for a hotel, try and avoid a hedgehog but most certainly will buy an 'erb' from an American herb grower.


    6. When writing, ALWAYS use 'an' before an h.

    7. Frances: The use of 'Haitch', and holding one's knife like a pencil, is all part of a huge plot. It's a way of sorting-out the bright from the not-so-bright, and probably then paying them less wages.

    8. Oh, no, don't get us started on using a knife like a pencil, Cro - it drives me to distraction at times. (Especially amongst the so-called "posh" element !)
      I don't know Hippo or his blog, but do hope that he and his family are OK.
      I must confess that Angola (along with most African countries) is not a place I'd choose to holiday, but one has to admire his obvious determination. May his dreams come to fruition, and his health improve.

    9. I was taught that there is always an "an" before an "H" in the written form because the "H" is a silent consonant. I do not know if certain accents in the spoken language pronounce it, hence the use of "a hotel" - still sounds wrong to me, but then of course, I'm not English.

    10. An hotel, would normally be pronounced An 'otel. The use of 'an' often doesn't sound correct, but that's life.

  3. Thank you for this news, Cro. I'm so glad Tom is ok. I was really starting to fear the worst.

    I miss Tom and I do wish he'd start blogging again.

  4. Thank you for the news Cro, yes such an heroic man and loving father! Greetings Maria x

  5. I had feared the worst Cro so thanks for the news.

    1. I think we all fear the worst when we don't hear from someone for a long time.

  6. Good to hear news of Hippo after so long. Sad about his holiday village but at least he is still alive and kicking and cycling!

    1. The Angolan economy has taken a nose-dive, and poor Tom has lost out big time. He's a fighter, so I'm sure he'll bounce back,

  7. It can't be an easy life. He has worked so hard and so long, he deserves a break, dammit. I had wondered and worried too, so thank you for this news. I'm glad he's ok. I wish he would blog some more but can imagine that internet connection where he lives is uncertain at best.

    1. I think, for someone like him, living somewhere such as Angola must be very difficult (even for a native).

  8. I never 'found' Hippo's blog, but will definitely read it if he starts blogging again. For myself, when I go into a nosedive about blogging a fellow blogger will often chivvy me up, asking if I am alright, etc, which always gets me writing again. I much appreciate the fact that someone cares enough to ask if everything is well with me, so I am sure that Hippo would also have appreciated your effort to see if was doing alright.

  9. His is not a blog I have come across, so therefore, not read....
    but reading these comments, it would seem that he has taken hold of an idea and gone with it...
    he may feel that he has failed...
    a shame, because he hasn't...
    he's tried to follow an idea....
    he's not responsible for the failure of a country's economy....
    and, therefore, his endeavours.
    There is no failure in trying...
    only failure in not trying!!

    Far to many people never get off their backsides and try...
    and spend the rest of their lives whinging about the "what if"!!
    Go, Hippo, GO!

    1. He was certainly a grafter; nothing ever seemed too much for him. He's been dealt a nasty blow.

  10. Thanks Cro , I am so pleased that you have managed to get a reply out of Tom, and that he is still alive and kicking! I still keep his name on my bookmark bar and occasional check to see if he has posted anything again. Dear Tom, you can see how missed you have been, please throw us a crumb! X

  11. I only really knew about Hippo just before he stopped blogging. So horrible when life throws you lemons. I wish him well and hope that he can get back on tack very soon. He is so well-liked in the blogging world and so many people are missing him. I guess blogging isn't much of a priority at the moment ..... lets hope he will be back soon.... wishing you a better time in 2016 Hippo. XXXX

  12. Oh Cro! this is the best new I have had all week. I was worried that he was very ill again. I hope his leg now starts to heal quicker and his recovery is more swift. I hope he reads this.

    Thank you for updating us.

    1. I have the impression that his leg is not good, but he's hoping for improvement.

  13. It is great that you were able to contact him. I am sure he was pleased to know that he has touched people here on Blogger and that we are concerned about his well being.

    1. I know that John Gray is in contact with him, so I'm sure he knows we're all concerned.

  14. So glad to hear that he is still about. Thanks for letting us know. Best wishes to Hippo, from Elaine.

    ps My brother (Owl Wood, Ian) sends his best, too.

  15. I loved his blog. If he is reading yours I hope he sees how missed he is. Thanks for checking up on him.

  16. Yes, I miss him. It is where I found Mr. Cro. I remember him naked in his boots hanging out every piece of clothing they owned when they got his new washing machine. Irascible, hardened, but kind too, though he nearly lost me when he shot his dog; it was kind of like watching a train wreck. We want Hippo. I can't believe his leg is still 'bad'.

    1. It's quite worrying about his leg; he left it far too long before seeking medical attention.

  17. Was there ever a diagnosis? I never knew, but it looked horrible.

  18. I followed him because of your and John's blog.
    Happy to hear he is somewhat better and Thank You for checking up on him.

    cheers, parsnip

  19. I don't comment very often but I thank you for letting us know about Tom.

    It is sad to think that all his hard work with the holiday complex would be for nothing.

  20. I don't comment very often but I thank you for letting us know about Tom.

    It is sad to think that all his hard work with the holiday complex would be for nothing.

  21. Don't know anything about this Cro but shall now have a look and see what I can find out.

  22. Thank you so much for this Cro. So relieved to hear that Tom is OK

  23. So glad to hear that Hippo's OK,Cro. I've missed his blog posts too. Hippo - if you're reading these comments, wishing you all the best. You're a star.

  24. Happy to hear you have been in contact

  25. So glad you have made contact and he is still alive and kicking. I know he has battled very hard there to create his dream of a fishing resort in what sounds to be a pretty rugged place. Pity that it isn't working out. I hope he is not too proud ( and stubborn ) to leave before his health is completely ruined.

  26. I last heard from him privately back in June when he emailed me out of the blue. The story was much the same. The Angolan currency had tanked and his fancy half-paid-for woodworking machines were stuck in limbo in Italy. His gammy leg had kept him from breaking in his new boots. He mentioned he was considering pulling up stakes and moving the show to Belize. I responded but then did not hear back from him. About a month ago I send him another email urging him to throw his readers a bone to no avail. I do hope his silence is not a sign of greater troubles.

  27. Cro, I'm also relieved to hear that you heard from Tom and that he's still kicking!

    I also use "an" for heroic, but will write "a hero." But I'm across the Pond and cannot be trusted ;-)

    For those wishing to read Tom (Hippo)'s blog, the name of it is A Hippo on the Lawn, and here's the link:


    I, too, wish he'd blog some more. He's a wonderful writer.

  28. So glad Tom is ok ish! And thanks for the update :)
