Tuesday 9 February 2016

Gone, not forgotten.


One year ago today we lost our Monty, and there isn't a day goes by when I don't miss him.

Having a big, beautiful, and boisterous animal in the house, was really no different to looking after a hyperactive child, and to have him suddenly taken away at such a young age was heartbreaking; it was almost like losing a family member. He was a 'person dog'.

Thinking of ya. The boss, xx.


  1. He was a beautiful dog. Who was the boss? him or you?

    1. Moi; although I expect he saw things differently.

  2. I can't believe it's been a year already. I remember reading your blog post about Monty that morning, and then going to work and feeling sad for you and your family all day.

    Monty was a great dog and I know how much you must still miss him. My cocker spaniel Nicky died 8 years ago and I still feel sad about it sometimes. Take care.

    1. He was such a presence in the house, it's difficult NOT to notice his absence.

  3. I think of Monty every time I read your posts.
    He was beautiful.
    I miss Watson every day after 17 years you just expect them to be with you.

    cheers, patsnip and thehamish

    1. He was a lovely boy, we should have had him with us for at least another 6 years, or more.

  4. He looks gorgeous. I do love dogs even though I don't want the responsibility of pet ownership. I just borrow other peoples. Lola, my favourite black lab was particularly affectionate when I went to visit yesterday evening. x

    1. Having a pair of Black Labs has been a dream of ours for years. I think now it'll have to stay as that.

  5. Replies
    1. I think he enjoyed being photographed; he was the type of dog who would have taken 'selfies'.

  6. We can sympathise, Cro, and know just how you're feeling.
    Over the last thirty years we have lost three Labs. Two were almost fifteen, and the other one, who had an enlarged heart, was thirteen. They lived to a good age for big dogs, but it was still heart breaking. We have two more Labs now, but we still miss the others.
    We can imagine that you wouldn't want a puppy, but have you thought of taking on a retired breeding bitch? We took a seven year old on three years ago (free to a good home!) and a five year old last year, both from reputable breeding kennels. They have proved to be the most affectionate dogs - far more so than the males we'd previously had.

    1. For the moment I think we'll just stay with the one (Bok). It would be nice to have more but they do restrict one's activities. Maybe in a year or so...

  7. We've had two dogs,(at a time) for years, and until fairly recently three, so I suppose we're used to a house full ! You are fortunate that in France dogs seem to be accepted everywhere.

    1. We had 5 here yesterday. Bok had four of his friends turn-up. It was a Dog Club afternoon

  8. That's a lovely photo of Monty.

    1. One of my favourites. It really shows his character.

  9. Thoughts are with you Cro...
    Raise a glass to Monty for me!!
    Still miss all the dogs in my life...
    but 2016 is the year we are going to remedy that...
    a Border Collie for me and an indeterminate, bouncy, shag-pile carpet of a beast for her...
    must have two dogs...they are pack animals.
    And, as we have discovered, so are cats!!

    Yes, the dogs we have known stay with us all our lives...
    the action of others bringing back the memories...
    and all our various animal companions, with shorter lives than us, all have such different characters...
    sad when they go...tragic when they go too early like Monty....
    but their spirits linger on to keep us company when we feel down...
    take a certain BC-cross, and Monty's memory, for a good long walk once the tears from heaven stop...
    I'll now raise a mug of coffee and wave it vaguely Southward...towards Monty...
    and then Northward towards my old chums.

    1. I'm just back from our early morning walk. It was damp and miserable, and I was thinking of you-know-who. I'll now go and make myself some coffee too.

  10. When my first dog died, in June 2013 I put a smiley photo of him in the hall, so I see him when I come and go. I still cry when someone posts something like this ! It doesn't seem like a year since Monty died. I must have been reading you for ages!!

    1. It sometimes seems as if he's still here; hiding somewhere. It doesn't seem like a year has passed.

  11. Somtimes when i walk with my dog i find myself thinking about your walks and Monty.

  12. So sorry for your loss last year this time, Cro. Monty looked like a dog with a great character and a great heart. We lost our rescue Lab in Nov 2014 and our little ole poodle x in July last year. My thoughts are with you. Jo

  13. You gave your heart to a dog to tear

  14. Oh Cro ..... it is so sad when we lose our pets. I have been so devastated that we have given up having any more. Monty was a beautiful boy and you lost him too soon. All I can say is that you must have so many happy memories of him and that it was lovely that you had him as your chum, even though it was for such a short time. I shall make today Monty Day. Sending lots of love to you and Lady M. XXXX

    1. Monty Day is a lovely idea. We were indeed lucky to have found him, and we had four wonderful years, but sadly he had some congenital problems and fate took its course. A sad day for us.

  15. I think of him Cro every day, when I see him in the pic of your blog. After my weenies go, I'll never have another to rend my heart like that.

    1. Poor old boy. I put his picture there to remind myself of him every day.

    2. It was a picture you'd posted of Monty, (our Labs are yellow) about eighteen months ago, that first drew us to your blog. We've been following it ever since.

  16. Monty's profile is quite noble in that photograph. A year is a very short time. I retain very sweet memories of dogs where were important family members during my childhood.

    I am wondering if you ever incorporated Monty's image into any of your paintings.

    Best wishes.

    1. No, but I did do one drawing of him. It's not easy drawing animals; they refuse to sit still.

  17. A very regal looking dog, and the picture you've posted would make a lovely painting.

    1. He was very regal looking, and a bit arrogant too.

  18. That year passed very quickly! I, too, miss furfriends who have gone from the planet. Just the other day I was thinking of orange tabby Jim. He was gregarious, boisterous, and fun. I imagine he was the cat version of Monty.

    1. I still miss a dog (Hamlet) that we had over 40 years ago.

  19. He was a fanily member Cro as are all our animaals. I always say that the downside of having them in the family is that their life span is so much shorter than ours, particularly in his case. Rest in peace young dog, your time came early but you were loved every second you were there.

    1. That's how I see it too Weave. Especially being such a big dog, he really had 'presence'.

  20. I had a black lab that had to be put down when it was confirmed that the cancer had spread. My decision, alone. It absolutely tore me apart.
    She was smart, intuitive, almost other-worldly.
    Eight years ago and I miss her still.

    1. Monty was put down. His problems became so acute that there was no alternative. Very sad.

  21. We all knew how much you loved him, Cro, and our hearts ached for you when you lost that beautiful boy.

    1. I certainly did; Lady Magnon even more so. He was her baby, and she misses him terribly.

  22. I'm catching up, from a four-day absence, on reading your blog. I remember this sad day a year ago. Monty was a beautiful proud looking dog. Greetings Maria x
