Thursday 28 January 2016

Yet more on Breakfast.

Breakfast is problematical. I don't really want to eat fried bacon and eggs every day, even if it is one of my favourites. Nor do I want to eat very salty spreads such as Marmite or peanut butter because my doc' complains. I ought to be eating plain rolled oats with a few dried fruits, but I don't really like too much milk.

Finding some interesting, healthy, and tasty breakfast food isn't easy.

However, one of my current favourites is buttered toast with red pesto.

I don't suppose it's high on any nutritionist's list of preferred breakfasts, but it tastes really good, and the ingredients don't frighten the cat.

If you haven't already; maybe you should try it too.


  1. Olive oil, dried tomatoes, white wine vinegar, basil, parmesan, and salt. I've got the jar in front of me.

    1. That sounds good - I have a mixed grain porridge with either apple and blackcurrants cooked with no added sugar or tinned peaches in fruit juice, very little milk and some omega oil (much like your walnut oil) on top. Followed by toast topped with avocado and cottage cheese.

  2. That sounds good. We have very varied breakfasts here including leftovers from the previous night's supper.

    1. I'm just about to have some left-over Couscous. Yum.

  3. This sounds so good I will try this.
    I sometimes have a bagel, a cream cheese made with greek yogurt and sun dried tomato paste. Much like your breakfast.
    But I do like leftovers too.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Bagel and your cream cheese sounds very good. I'm sure there are lots of interesting ideas out there.

  4. I also didn't know what red pesto is -thanks to your reply to Susan. I cannot manage a decent breakfast in the morning, beside an expresso a banana a few prunes with a handful of raisins and another handful of almonds. It's fine for me seeing it keeps me going until lunch time. The bread in the picture looks delicious. Greetings Maria x

    1. Your breakfast sounds packed with energy giving fruits, and is probably very healthy. Our local baker is wonderful; his bread is one of the best anywhere.

    2. By the way, I found "pruneaux d'Agen" , Villeneuve sur Lot - reads like that on the package - from my local supermarket and I bought them.I haven't tried them yet. Greetings Maria x

  5. Toast & marmalade...
    Lidl's equivalent of Special K...
    eaten dry like crisps, nibble, nibble...
    or with a plain yoghurt on top....
    in weather like today, tho'...
    it'll probably be porridge cooked the microwave way!!

    1. I've just had some left-over couscous, which was delicious. I think toast-n-pesto is the healthy version of toast-n-paté; but both equally breakfasty.

  6. We are wading out way through a large jar of Marmite, donated to us by friends from the UK. So, 1 slice of marmite on toast, 1 slice of honey on toast. The bread is homemade. When honey and marmite are all gone, then it would be DIY jam on toast. Porridge is kept for when I have been lax with making bread!

    1. I've been threatening to go on a diet recently, so I think muesli might well make a return quite soon.

  7. I love the look of that bread in your photo. And red (or any) pesto is a favorite of mine. I have cooked oats, a knob of fat free margarine and a drizzle of honey.

    1. The bread is legendary, from a tiny baker about 10 kms away. I go every sunday. It's sourdough bread.

    2. I've bought my first ever sourdough loaf today after having a taster in store and being unable to resist.

  8. Good old toast and marmalade for me, sometimes a crumpet with honey, sometimes a hot cross bun. It all depends on the season, always used to be porridge but I have gone off it for now. Poached eggs or a bacon. It's at weekends. But pesto - never, just seems odd to me.

  9. That should read poached eggs or a bacon butty at weekends

    1. I don't really eat sugar, so I'm limited. Finding a not-too-salty, or fatty, savoury breakfast isn't easy

  10. I might try that toast and red pesto but it will be for tea as our tradition is for porridge - made by the farmer - for breakfast every morning. I have a banana to follow - I am addicted to them.

    1. Toast and red pesto is really good.... unless it's just me!

  11. I have a whore's breakfast every morning.

    Coffee and a cigarette.
    Kill me now. ;)

    1. That sounds very French... with a Gauloise of course.

  12. Porridge made with unsweetened soya milk is fine and a cup of green tea. Even being ill I still looked forward to it this morning.

    1. Thin gruel and Friars Balsam for you young lady!

  13. Porridge made the Scottish way with water and a pinch of salt, today's post is mostly about breakfast.

    1. I've never taken to Porridge; I prefer my oats raw.

  14. Fruit - sliced mango and red pawpaw are favourites but seasonal. Soft boiled egg on toasted sour dough. Love eggs for breakfast.

    1. You're making me hungry. Mangoes, egg on toast; it doesn't get much better.

  15. That sounds a little too much like pizza for breakfast, which in my youth was OK with me. Now, not so much. Yogurt with oats or granola now are what gets me going in the morning.

    1. I think I might try my oats with yoghurt, I don't like too much milk.

  16. I've never been a big breakfast eater unless I'm on holiday or in an hotel for a weekend away and then I have the BIGGEST fry up that they can do !!!!!!
    Although I don't have breakfast very often, I really make-up for it during the rest of the day !!!!! Please don't tell me that it's the most important meal of the day ...... for me, I don't think it is but I LOVE food and the best parts of the day are lunch and dinner !!!!! XXXX

    1. I usually have a light-ish breakfast, soup for lunch, and my big meal of the day in the evening. This probably explains why I'm a bit overweight.

    2. Cookies or just cafe au lair for me. Don't want savory in the morning or to have to cook something. I'm a snacker.

    3. It's 100% savoury for me, and I don't mind cooking. It takes all sorts!

  17. Sounds fine to me. Consider me in the same boat as far as overly fatty or sweet breakfasts. It starts my day of on a bad note.

  18. I've just finished a bowl of oatmeal with raisins, cooked in a mix of 3/4 water, 1/4 milk. I can already feel the oatmeal sticking to my bones!

    Your red pesto sounds like an interesting breakfast idea. I will be giving it a try. Thank you.

    1. I shall be trying oats, raisins, and yoghurt tomorrow.

  19. Never had red pesto for breakfast but do like a bit of it spread on a pizza as an alternative topping once in a while.

    1. I always use it on pizza; with tomatoes and mozzarella. It's so easy and tasty.

  20. I'm not a creature of habit but...... Since I was a child I've had Marmite and peanut butter on toast for breakfast since I was a child. Not every day but most days. So far it's kept me alive.

    1. And both very good for you. I do like Marmite, and like you I've had it since I was a tiny sprog.

  21. I should have added that a friend of 40 years has, for as long as I can recall, had toast with tomatos and pesto for breakfast.

  22. Not a muesli fan at all, no matter how many variations and times I've tried it. I don't drink milk at all, so any cereal is out too. Much prefer a poached egg on lightly buttered toast, grilled tomatoes with mushrooms or bacon on toast. Toast and Marmite or honey if I'm in a rush. Always have brown multi seeded bread which makes lovely crispy toast and tasty sandwiches.
    We have a light breakfast and lunch, but prefer to eat our main meal in the evening.

    1. I rather like muesli, but it's the milk bit I don't like. I going to try it with yoghurt, even if it does sound a bit odd.

    2. Not odd at all Cro....
      "herselfship" does it every day almost....rings the changes with the cereals, but always moozilly'ish.
      I do it with bran flakes, cornflakes or Lidl's ble soufflé...very nice...add some dried fruit,too.
      Much more savoury than milk... Then finish off with toast'n'paté...

  23. For me it's usually plain yoghurt with some fruit mixed in or oatmeal with a drop of honey. Lunch is the meal I have the hardest time with...what with no bread in the menu or cold meat or mayo, no hot dogs or hamburgers.....lunch is a problem....especially in summer. You just can't eat salad every day you know?

    1. The 'no mayo' bit would be tricky for me. We always eat salads for lunch in summer, but the mayo usually appears somewhere. You can make a sort of mayo with yoghurt, which might be worth trying.

  24. We recently purchased one of those fancy new smoothie making machines so now every morning I make a fruit and vegetable smoothie for the both of us. Very low in calories, very healthy and very unlike myself who loves bacon and sausages.

    1. I like my fruit be be fruit-shaped, although I do drink diluted lemon juice (unsweetend) as my non-alcoholic drink of choice.
