Monday 18 January 2016

The Cold.

When it's cold, it's best to curl-up on the sofa, bung a few more logs on the fire, and sleep until supper time.

I wouldn't mind doing that too, but there are those logs to saw, someone needs to keep the fires fed, and there are plenty of other hand-numbing outside jobs to do.

I keep telling myself that March is only 6 weeks away, when (one hopes) things will be better. Even now I look at the long term weather forecast and temperatures seem on the rise a tad.

So far this winter we've had a couple of very light frosts (-1C-ish) but nothing really to complain about. Of course this doesn't mean we won't have much more severe weather later on; we usually do.

My gloves and scarf will stay in use for a while yet, but I'm really looking forward to putting them away again until Christmas (Jeeze Cro, you used the C word).


  1. Bok has the right idea - just keep bunging those logs on, Cro - it wouldn't do for him to get cold !

    1. My life is dedicated to the service of others; mostly Bok.

    2. And what more worthy cause is there?

  2. Bok has to dry his fur and paws in front of the fire after all.
    Six weeks is not long to go if we think of it really, seeing three weeks have already gone since last we were celebrating Christmas....there I've gone and said the C word too. Greetings Maria x

    1. I've just come back from our first walk of the day, and I'm sure I saw one or two snowflakes.... more later perhaps.

  3. A dogs life ain't so bad eh?

  4. I hated typing 'ain't' then.....just saying.

    1. I rather like 'ain't'. It's far superior to 'innit'; innit?.

  5. We had a good dollop of snow yesterday - this morning there is hardly a trace - vanished overnight - poof, all gone.

    1. I counted 3 tiny flakes at 8.05am this morning... now it's raining.

  6. I think Bok has the right idea. The feline is very keen on laps at the moment for similar reasons!

  7. What a nice photo of Bok, he is like my dog, like so much the forbiden sofa.

    1. My wife spends half the day telling him to get off.... I don't think he understands English.

  8. That has really cheered me up Cro - only six weeks to March - hadn't thought of it that way.

    1. Of course it depends on what March has in store. Still raining here.

  9. thank goodness it is only 6 weeks! We have been planning our holiday to France. We are thinking of moving around rather than having a gite. Is there any where you think we shouldnt miss out on? We have done Normandy and Brittany to death. And have been to Aubetterre Sur Drone lots of time as well as Bergerac... All ideas gratefull recieved.

    1. It really depends on what you enjoy doing. For beautiful architecture the South West is the best, for food maybe the Lyons area, for sunshine and beaches the Atlantic coast can be very nice. My 2 favourite towns are Carcassonne and Aix en Provence.

    2. thanks we will look them up and see if there is a small hotel in each area to fill our 2 weeks.

      Thanks again

  10. I don't think you're living in he moment, Cro.

    1. 'The moment' is rather unpleasant... it's pouring here.

  11. In the winter it is never hard to find one's pet if you have a fireplace. In two months they will move to that streak of sun that comes through the window.

    1. His bed is beside the wood-fired cooker in the kitchen. As it's lit today, he's just moved.

  12. We had a beautiful day here in the Midwest, then it's back to single digits temperature-wise. The snow is pretty, but I'm like you, I can't wait for Spring to arrive. The sooner the better.

    1. I've no idea what the temperature is here, but it's cold and wet. Nasty!

  13. It's sunny and beautiful here, but tonight and tomorrow night are forecast to be the coldest nights of the year so far.

    Bok looks like my Ginger from that angle. She has a very thick undercoat and never seems to mind the cold. Summer heat, on the other hand...

    1. I've never known any dog show signs of being cold.... maybe they hide it better.

  14. Sunny and cold here, but no rain. Managed a second dog walk without a coat. It's clouding over, so we may be in for a slightly warmer night.

  15. Bok has the right idea, we should pay attention to our dogs daily habits. Nursing a bad foot by the fire this week and the dogs are enjoying it.

  16. Spring is on the way.....but right's windy and snowing and in the minus teens before the wind chill is added in. Bok has the right idea for sure.

  17. Here in the States some stores put out Christmas decorations for sale under the heading of 'Christmas in July'. You have beat them by mentioning Christmas in January. I'm rather chilly myself here at the moment. I wish we had a fireplace, but I will just have to push the little button on the heater control for a more snuggly feel.

  18. We're having snow today, 1 to 3 inches/2.5 to 7.5 cm. We had several inches last week, and skiers and snowboarders are all breathing a sigh of relief!

  19. Oh My Goodness Bok looks so comfy on the sofa
    by the fire. Just the place for a good dog to nap away the afternoon.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish
