Sunday 31 January 2016

Outdoor Pursuits.


If I was to take up camping (don't be ridiculous), I'd simply HAVE to buy one of these!

In fact, I might even buy one, just to say that I own one.


  1. The grandchildren would thank you if it were in the garden. x

    1. It's the perfect play tent.

    2. I've seen them at festivals and I've nearly coveted. In fact I might have blogged about them as well. In real life the motorhome might not be as pretty but it's way more comfortable and easy to set up.

    3. I also thought play tent for children

  2. I was just saying the other day that I have never been camping (in a tent). Perhaps this would be the answer - or perhaps not.

    1. Apparently lots of people stop to chat about them. They are crowd-pullers (which could become annoying).

  3. Camping is a mite to close to the creepy crawly side of nature for me!
    If you bought on of those Cro, you could always use it as a guest bedroom. A bit too small (and flimsy) for a studio though.

    1. Maybe they make a 'studio' tent, which would act as a studio. Or before long I may even be able to 3D print myself one.

  4. Ingenious - a tent made to look like a VW - how wonderful is that. I used to love camping and would still do it but the other half is not keen any more.

    1. Ever since these first appeared, I've wanted one. My only problem is that I don't go camping.

    2. It would make a good woodshed.

  5. Looks hideous to me. Any form of camping, however sophisticated, sends me into apoplexy. My son on the other hand loves it. I once, on a milestone birthday, offered him and his wife a week end in a five star hotel of their choice - they said no thanks they preferred camping.

    1. Excuse me saying so, but your son must be NUTS. Give me those five stars any day!

  6. Absolutely loathe camping- when my Morris side camp at various gigs over the summer it's a standing joke that I am one of the few that heads off to the B&B! I do adore that particular tent though!

    1. I think we're on the same wavelength here. I'll leave camping to those who enjoy discomfort.

  7. Replies
    1. It makes you wonder why no-one thought of it before!

  8. I have a van...essential if you live far from town and have to carry a lot of clobber back and forth ..It serves a number of purposes...great to sleep in on a deserted beach and good guest accomodation if you never want them to return.

    1. A good comfortable Camper Van is wonderful... a home on wheels.

  9. I love camping, but it has to be in a state park, with restrooms and showers, and there has to be a nice air mattress to sleep on, rough wilderness camping for me!

  10. I have only camped twice. Both times were disasters. The tent in case one blew away and it was midnight and we returned and it had gone and case two the tent flooded and everything got wet.

    1. Once was enough for me. We pitched our tent on Lizard Point Cornwall, and a few minutes later we were buzzed by a military helicopter. We were escorted away from the area by military police.

    2. Our only attempt at camping was years ago, in the South of France, on a good camp site, with all the facilities, near the beach, fantastic weather - and we still didn't enjoy it. Went into a Pension after about three days !

  11. Camping to me is parking a fully equipped RV next to a four star hotel and letting the younger generation stay in the camper while we removed and ate the chocolate candy left on the pillow in our room.

    That camper does look like fun though, but I like my conveniences.

  12. There are quite a few of those old VWs on the road these days. Not tents I add quickly.

    1. The actual VW campers are very trendy and cost a fortune. The tent version costs less than £300.

  13. We did a lot of camping when our daughter was small.....the urge has past. That camper van is quite cool though.

  14. My camping days are behind me. Sleepless nights, having to take everything but the kitchen sink packed up with you ... For some reason that VW tent reminded me of one of those little silver campers pulled behind the cars. A friend turned one of those into a bar in his backyard. It is really cute.

    1. IF one did go camping, one should always pitch tent close to a good restaurant and hotel. Much more sensible.

  15. Oh the years have gone by since we had one of these. Owned one when we lived in Germany, camped in a tent though.

  16. I wonder if they do an H-Van version....
    I wouldn't dare take one of these to a Citroen event!!
    Especially a 2cv one!!

    1. It must be next on the list; it's the only other iconic van. I'll buy one of each.

  17. I love it! Your grandchildren would thank you if you had one in the garden! Grant and I camped from a young age; later with our two sons (who also loved it) and more recently even by motorbike (later on we had small camping gear) then three years ago, we realized we weren't "into" camping anymore. Since sold everything to a younger couple. We love staying in B&B's or with friends when we tour on the motorcycle.

    1. I've always preferred touring around and staying in small hotels; so much more interesting than 2 weeks on a beach.
