Saturday 23 January 2016

Not two-thirty.

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Lady M. Will you come up to the barn with me?

Cro. What for?

Lady M. To play Ping Pong.

Cro. OK, but I'll have to finish my tea first.

Lady M. Well you'll just have to go to the dentist.

Cro. What?

Lady M. You heard me!

Cro. What on earth are you on about?

Lady M. You just said that your teeth hurt.

Cro. I said I need to finish my TEA FIRST. Not my TEETH HURT.

(She'll have to have an Ear Trumpet; it's getting worse)


  1. Oh dear, poor Lady M - it's no fun being hard of hearing. Unless of course, (heaven forbid), you were speaking with your mouth full ?

    1. No I was just drinking tea... Her mother had selective hearing; it's genetic.

    2. There are very few women who haven't Cro !

  2. That was funny. Are you sure you were not speaking with a full mouth, Cro? Maybe Lady M doesn't really need the ear trumpet after all. Anyway, the good news is you do not have to go to the dentist! Greetings Maria x

    1. For the moment her poor hearing is just plain funny, and we laugh about it a lot. But I suppose one day it could become very annoying (for her, I mean).

  3. It's not all that amusing after a while. I was the go-between with my late mother and husband who mumbled. Now I am playing the guessing game and repeating for real. BTW you find you can't hear what they are saying on the TV either for the sake of the background music.

    1. I find diction in general on TV appalling. It's such a pleasure to watch an old film where actors speak clearly. I was in a film with Harvey Keitel and Keith Carradine, and I could hardly believe how quietly they spoke on camera.

  4. Wonderful. I often mishear what my children are saying. I now tell them what I actually heard. It often ends with laughter.

    1. We often use it as a game, which can be hilarious.

  5. It is so nice that you are playing ping pong, never mind the hearing mistakes, we all do it but few of us are playing ping pong.

    1. Ping Pong is very good for eye/hand coordination. I enjoy it.

  6. Lester and I often have nonsense conversations, when neither of us are hearing each other correctly. I don't think we are going deaf yet, but we do tend to hear selectively, Lester especially! I think he has a well entrenched habit of switching me off when I am doing a lady ramble type of conversation!

  7. Repeating gets annoying. Then you think before you speak. Then you don't say it at all. Persuade Lady M to see Monsieur hearing docteur.

    1. I don't think she needs her trumpet quite yet, but when the time comes I'll buy her a gold plated one!

    2. By the way, did you know Hilary Root in your SE days? She dealt for me at Sheppards. No idea why she suddenly came to mind.

    3. No. In my firm there were only two females, me and one other. The other ended up in Holloway and on the front page of all newspapers for running over a cyclist in London on her way to work (he was ok but she deliberately wrote off his bike by reversing over it because he annoyed her weaving in and out of the traffic) and refused to show any remorse. The judge threw the book at her. She spent six weeks in prison and then took early retirement.

  8. Without my hearing aids I hear nothing. Sometimes that can almost be an advantage. But I agree with Rachel that it is annoying to listeners to have to keep repeating oneself. Rather fancy a gold-plated ear trumpet though - very stylish

  9. Thank goodness you don't need to go to the dentist! They're all terrorists, in my opinion!

    1. Which is why I only go in absolute emergencies.

  10. I have to say that, lately, when our children come round, they do say that the TV is a bit loud ....... all part of life's rich pattern I guess !! We just have to think that there are far worse things and it's good that you can laugh about it.
    I love ping pong and have to say that I used to be quite good at it.... haven't played for ages though. One of my Christmas presents as a child was a table tennis set ..... it had a net that you screwed to the dining room table !!!!!!! XXXX

    1. I find that if the TV was last used by Lady M, the volume will be far too high. I suppose it's a sign.

  11. I started to lose my hearing in my twenties, today I rely on two hearing aids to be able to hear anything at all. It has had a profound effect on my life and career, stealing any vestige of self confidence I ever had. I'm just grateful that I have a very understanding family and that tv has subtitles! (If Paul and I were in France during the winter we would definitely challenge you to a game of ping pong!)

    1. I didn't know you had hearing difficulties. As for the Ping Pong, we'd slaughter you!

    2. I might be deaf but I'm a killer ping pong player!

  12. That was very funny, Cro.
    But as a long time sufferer of living with a hard of hearing person (who doesn't acknowledge he is hard of hearing) I have no fun repeating everything 5 times, every flippin' time I say something.
    It is very tiring.
    And when my mother visits, I have twice the fun. NOT !

    1. My late mother in law pretended to be deaf.... She wasn't, so it was all the more frustrating.

  13. Waiter, this chicken is rubbery...

    1. When do you have elections?

      Mostry in the moreings.

    2. Half past two.
      Hang on haven't we been here before?

  14. My husband mumbles. I am almost sure it isn't me.

    1. Hmmmm. I do it on purpose, usually to annoy. We always end-up laughing.

  15. But think of the things you can say and get away with it.

  16. My husband is driving us all mad with his hearing loss. Problem is, he won't do a thing about it. Can't get him to get a hearing aid. Can't imagine why he will not.

  17. Cro... write louder please....
    I can't read what you are writing!!

    1. I'd already set my keyboard to 'Shout'... I can't do more!

  18. I have a constant ringing in my ears and some hearing loss to go along with it, so I don't always fully hear what is being said to me. So... my brain "fills in the blanks." That's how the doctor explained it to us, but it still makes my husband crazy when my response is out of kilter with what he just said to me. Good thing we have a decent sense of humor.

  19. I thought everyone lost their hearing in their 60s. That's why they have close captioning.

    1. I'd like my husband to read these comments - he thinks he's the only one who has problems, when I give him the wrong answers !

  20. This is funny as it's daily thing here as Hubby won't wear his hearing aid. Your post made me laugh. Marion x

  21. I probably shouldn't make light of this subject; it may be my turn one day!
