Saturday 16 January 2016

Kim Kardashian (I hope that's how you spell it).

Am I the only one?

Why do I see this woman's picture all over the bloody place? I understand that she's in some US TV 'reality' programme, but why all the hype? It seems that the poor woman can't tie her bloody shoe laces without being talked about, photographed, or interviewed. I read a daily on-line newspaper, and not a day goes by without her appearance.

I don't wish to sound nasty, but she's not particularly attractive, she's a tad overweight, has an unpleasant husband, and, as far as I'm aware, I don't think she has any particular skills.

So why are people so bloody fascinated by her.... and here I am writing about her too. I have yet to hear a single person who has anything positive to say about her; can you enlighten me?

I suppose she's just 'famous for being famous'. And, dear oh dear, she shouldn't be wearing that khaki parachuter's outfit; it makes her arse look absolutely bloody huge.

p.s. Funnily, in the picture above, I find the two young women behind her much more fascinating. The Hispanic looking one (rt, with knee back-to-front) looks in awe, and the Irish looking one (lt) looks as if she can't wait for lunch.


  1. She has her reality shaw that many people like so much, so she is not the only one to blam. I also wonder sometimes how far people can go with loosing their privacy.

    1. I've not seen her show (of course). Is it just about her daily life?

    2. I have seen it once,and yes it is about daily life if remember.

  2. Now, I'd beg to differ Cro, I think the two ladies mentioned in your P.S. actually have "Can you believe this ???" looks on their faces, as indeed have I !

    1. Their expressions could be translated in any number of ways, unlike the smug, cocky, expression on the face of Ms K.

  3. I don't know who she is apart from seeing her occasionally mentioned here. I googled her and see she has a skill of getting lots of publicity and making loads of money and her late father was a friend of o j Simpson and was his defence attorney.

    1. I'd heard about the making money bit, but not the rest.

  4. The size of her rump and her regular exposure of her lady garden to the world may have something to do with it! I believe that on the QT she actually does quite a lot for charity.

    1. Does she just turn-up to bring in the crowds, or does she donate her millions?

  5. It's at times like this that I realise quite how out of touch with celebrity stuff I am. Don't think that's a bad thing!

  6. I think you are slightly missing the point, Cro. The elephant in the room, etc. She has made millions of women feel better about their arses, and for that she can never be forgiven.

    1. She makes me feel better about mine, and I hadn't even worried about it previously.

  7. I will never understand this obsession people have with all things Kardashian, except to think that people can be really stupid!

  8. I must say that I live a quiet life Cro and had never heard of the said lady (I won't attempt to spell it!). When I looked at her face I thought, what a beautiful face. But when I looked lower down I just thought oh dear me!

  9. I cannot tell you how happy it made me to read this post and discover that so many of your readers don't know who she is. I look forward to her 15 minutes of fame being over.

    1. I can hear applause from several continents!

  10. Most people I know don't understand her and her family's popularity, but there is not a day that goes by that they are not mentioned on some talk program. They must hire the same PR people that Trump has.

    I have never seen her look so bad. This might have been taken when she was pregnant or right after.

    1. She might have been pregnant, but the bump seems to be in the wrong place.

  11. Oddly enough the name Kardashian appeared on someone's blog recently and I had no idea who or what a Kardashian was until then. Now she has appeared again. W H Y?

    1. I wish I could offer an explanation; I'm afraid I'm adding to the mystery.

  12. Why anyone wants a bum like that is a mystery to me ..... women have buttock implants to look like Kim Kardashian !!!!!!!! WHY ?!!!!!
    I think that she has more followers on twitter and Instagram than anyone else and they don't seem to have any talents at all ....... reality and celebrity culture gone mad !! XXXX

    1. Crazy, isn't it. Half the world wants to be slim, and the other half want elephant-sized buttocks. I know which I prefer.

  13. In the image of the Venus of Willendorf

    1. Obviously modelled on an earlier Kardashian tribe.

    2. I new I'd seen that shape before!!

  14. I barely know who she is, and I like it that way. America has an unhealthy fascination with trash celebrities.

    1. Not just America, Jennifer, I think most of the world has a similar fascination. I just can't understand why.

  15. All you need to be famous is a big butt.

  16. A tad overweight? Not being a follower of KK, I thought at first that she was wearing one of those "fat suits" that actors occasionally wear.

  17. How times change. In my day, the smaller your butt the better. Her's is legend. I liken her fame to Twiggy, why some are so fascinating I don't know. I guess people live vicariously through her fame and huge fortune. She is beautiful, but were it my butt, it would have to go.

    1. Twiggy was MADE by my old business partner Justin de Villeneuve (Nigel Davies). I can assure you that when she was first on the scene, she was as dim as they come. Justin wouldn't even allow her to reply to questions!

  18. Never heard of her until today. If that is an implant, how sad, but If it is her own then she has a very strong personality to squeeze into a dress as tight as that. Greetings Maria x

    1. I can't really comment about that, but she looks a disaster in the photo.

  19. I don't know her and really with this picture I'm not interested in knowing more about her. I guess I'm not into following herds grazing green bills.

  20. I hear her mentioned a lot but haven't a clue who she is? Twiggy

    1. Snap. I imagine that her life is filmed for some US reality TV programme.

  21. Nope, I can't enlighten you, because I haven't a clue why she's a so-called celebrity in the first place. Didn't she make a nude video or something that went viral? Not sure, but as far as I'm concerned, she's a faux celebrity, made into a big deal by the media. And after looking at the picture of her, I'm suddenly feeling quite svelte.

    1. I didn't know that, but ex-porn 'star' sounds plausible.

  22. I have seen her a few times in the papers and it seems her bottom is some kind of fashion statement. It very much reminds me of Kenny Everett doing his Rod Stewart impersonation wearing leopard print tights with balloons stuffed down the back.

    No...? Just me then?

    1. Kenny was responsible for more than he knew; obviously.

  23. Jesus, that arse looks like a pair of badly parked Volkswagen Beetles.
    KK is nothing more than a shallow over-exposed publicity seeking missile who makes a fortune flaunting herself to a generation of brainwashed worshippers of manufactured celebrities. Glossy magazines have a lot to answer for!

    1. Despite that.... And I think you are being unfair on VW Beetles by the way... I would have no objection to having her tax bill as an income... She most probably doesn't actually pay tax,so if the cash came my way, I'd happily pay the tax on the difference between my current pension and her tax bill.
      I'd be rich I tell you,RICH, BLOODY RICH!!!!

  24. Coppa's girl is right: even in South Africa, KK is quite famous. I've seen her on youtube advertising a slimming potion (?) I've never taken notice what or why she is. This photo above is the first one I've seen of her rear. We have a similar celebrity here called Minki van der Westhuizen - a former [swimsuit] model and TV presenter; slim and blonde (and dumb-ish) And rich... I don't follow her or KK's fame!

  25. Hmmmm.....nope, can't think of a good thing to say about her, or the rest of her clan.

  26. Her and her sisters have a fashion line. I think they "pick" it rather than design it. She also has a best selling book of selfies called Selfish. She is of Amenian background but makes herself look less and less Armenian all the time. My daughter and DIL used to watch the show a few year ago and when I asked them why, they said because she has a very close family and they like that.

  27. OK I will expose myself as knowing who she is.

    Her step Father was the Olypian Bruce Jenner, who following a sex change is now Caitlyn Jenner. So that is one part of being famous.

    Her Father Robert Kardashian defended OJ simpson.

    She became famous in her own right for a sex tape video with the singer Ray J, that was apparently leaked. Following this she had a tv programme that was about making over peoples wardrobe. Due to the sex tape she did interviews and her mother saw $$$ signs. and the rest is what you see as the Kardashian empire. All her sisters and their money comes from a big brother TV show that followed them all around.

    In one of the programmes they ultra sounded or xrayed her behind to see if it was implants. Ive never watched the programme but all the ladies at my old work talked about it. we didnt have Sky tv at the time so I had no idea who they were on about.
