Thursday 21 January 2016

Good Riddance.

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The Good News: Traffic Wardens are to be phased out.

The Bad News: Their work is to be transferred to UNPAID Voluntary Police Officers.


  1. Do you really have traffic wardens there?

    1. Apparently there are just 18 left in the whole of the UK. Soon to be none!

    2. I think that's 18 in England and Wales Cro. We still have them in Scotland although I don't know how many.We do have one in Stornoway and very helpful she is too. Her job consists mainly of getting people in and out of parking places and controlling traffic at funerals (which are often large affairs in Stornoway involving carrying the coffin through the streets until all the able bodies males have had a 'lift'.). I think she has also been known to issue tickets to offenders.

  2. I know when we were there we often parked in some remote beach area with no-one around and suddenly a man would turn up with a leather bag and want money for parking - that is 30 years ago now.

  3. What's the betting the man with the leather bag was indulging in a spot of free enterprise?
    UNPAID voluntary Police Officers? Oh dear...

    1. Can you imagine anyone signing up to be an UNPAID quasi-traffic-warden.... I certainly wouldn't do it.

  4. I think they come under a different guise but they're still people doing the same job (private contractors maybe?). I got a ticket last year outside Salty Dog's house. There's an almost incomprehensible sign explaining the rules. We both read it twice and agreed that it was okay for me to be there but I was ticketed at about 7 in the morning by a very officious man.

    The police have got enough to do without having to herd volunteers!

    1. It's one thing being abused by the public for doing a paid job, but having that same abuse voluntarily is another thing altogether.

    2. There are people who would pay good money for that!

  5. What kind of sadistic bastard would someone have to be to do that job without even getting paid for it????

    1. I suspect that person has yet to be born.

    2. There's plenty of them about, they'll be queuing up for the job.

    3. Will they bring their couches with them? Presumably anyone working for nothing would have to be on the dole!

  6. Cro, there I was thinking you were playing an evil joke on your readership's overloaded minds (not least poor old Rachel's - and mine). Then I googled the news you are referring to.

    Let me tell you: As so often print does not mirror reality. There are only 18 wardens left? In the whole of England and Wales? You've got to be joking. Unless, of course, all those eighteen (make that 34 - just to plug a figure out of thin air) are congregating, nay clustered, right at my front door.

    I know this, for several reasons: I live at the South Coast, as it happens in what I call "Restaurant Street". Socialising is rife, parking is rife which - as an aside probably makes drink driving compulsory. Round the clock. So are traffic wardens. In permanent evidence that is. Going about their task with the earnestness it deserves. And a camera. Being of a kind disposition (and anyway, I do work in research, investigative reporting) I speak to people. Strangers. Yes, even traffic wardens. Someone has to. They are lonely and despised. And easily startled - when you say hello to them and smile. Does anyone really believe that there are enough masochists around to do a job (unpaid) that makes people hate you? Anyway, in my understanding, it's local government (ie Councils) who employ traffic wardens. Considering that most people hate council tax despite the fact it pays for public services (but then the British are a pretty tight fisted lot) why would anyone volunteer to fill Councils' koffers?

    I do like your little flourish (a rather post modern ironic touch) of "presumably anyone working for nothing would have to be on the dole". Indeed, Cro, indeed.


    1. My figure of 18 came from a London Radio programme that I was listening to this morning. Maybe they were referring to the number left in London. There are of course other people who go under a different title who hand out tickets; they look similar, but work for private Co's employed by the council.

      It sounds like you live in Preston Rd/St Brighton... Nightmare.


      See the above.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's either a ticket or kneecapping... take your choice.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. A little power that can cause others to be miserable will bring out the trolls; and, oh yes, they do exist.

  9. So now you can get spat at, abused and beaten AND not get paid for it. How very Big Society.

  10. Maybe they will be replaced by clampers on commission - that way they are working for nothing but getting a percentage of the rake which could be more than an actual wage.

    1. The clampers earn a fortune; better to work for them than as an unpaid copper.

  11. I have made a real friend of my local traffic warden. I have a disabled badge for my car and he is very kind to me.
    I rather think volunteers might be worse. Somehow they get a feeling of importance.

    1. One always wonders what peoples motives are, to become Special Constables, etc.

  12. On the subject of wheel clamping come to Scotland! Wheel clamping here is subject to Scottish law and not English and Welsh law.
    With a minor recent change, wheel clamping in Scotland is against the law. This is given formal status by the case of “Black v Carmichael 1992 SCCR 709.” Under Scottish law wheel clamping in Scotland amounts to extortion and /or theft and is therefore illegal unless it is the police using statutory powers.

    1. PS with the usual caveat lawyers use don't rely on my statement above if you do get clamped!

    2. In England I've known of people blocking the exit of 'wrongly' parked cars. Whatever was blocking the exit would only be removed for a substantial cash payment. Another form of clamping I suppose.

  13. The Jobsworthy family is vast....
    it is distributed across the world...nay, Universe.
    Usually retired persons of a "You shouldn't have done it like that!" mentality....
    they are still to be found in embryo form whilst still in employ....
    often behind the counter of the factory store.
    They can be found on every street...
    in all colours....
    and from all religions...
    they are the ones who put notes through their fellow residents doors suggesting that...
    "the hedge is a bit unkempt....
    oh, and there is a weed to the left of the rose in the island bed...
    and your daughter really ought not to be seeing a boy from the other side of town!"

    They are often the backbone of the local Neighbourhood Watch....
    sometimes THE Neighbourhood Watch.

    Whoever thought this one up knows the psyche of the Family Jobsworthy....
    they know that there are volunteers out there.
    I'm with Weaver and Starting Over on this one....

    If, and only if "They" offer a uniform in Institutional Brown...
    with a hat, initially devoid of any gold braid, but with a badge...
    perhaps a car in a red circle with a broad red line through it at the diagonal...on a background of two yellow lines....
    such is the picture that springs easily to mind.
    The gold braid will be earned later...
    on results!

    There will be however a slight cost involved initially...
    the real police will have to control the queues of Little Hitlers and Hitleresses to avoid bloodshed and death amongst the applicants.

    Whoever thought this up has to be from Norfolk...
    it is so totally N.F.N!!

    1. That is so not funny. Leave the Norfolk jokes to those do them well.

    2. Rachel... I am from Swaffham....or should that be SWARFUM.... By way of DISS and Castle Acre...and worked in local govt. in King Lynn....
      So I'll happily do NFN jokes, thanks!

    3. Norfolk born and bred? You let us down then if you are.
