Tuesday 8 December 2015

What could possibly go wrong!


I'll have six bottles of Bourbon, and a couple of rifles please.

Would you like those gift wrapped sir?


  1. That photo had to be taken here in the States somewhere.

    1. I can't think of any other country where it would be allowed!

  2. Hope it's not the way things will go here in Europe

    1. It's slowly going the other way. When I first came to live in France you could just walk into a gun shop and buy both a gun and ammunition. Nowadays all that's stopped, and rules get stronger by the day.

    2. That's good to know.
      Just hope that in the light of recent events, there isn't an outcry and a demand from the public to have the right to arm themselves, and some vote-catching idiots will give it to them.

  3. Happy Christmas


    1. What a charming family. Armed to the teeth.

  4. Or Honduras, Venezuela, Belize, Guatemala, Brazil, Mexico and most of Africa and the Middle East? Mind you unlike the US you'd be buying them illegally so you wouldn't face a background check, have to produce ID, not have a criminal record and be sober.......... incidentally the majority of the above countries have violent crime rates, gun crime rates and murder rates many times that of the USA yet only the USA is an issue with people. Why is that? Is it because they prove that banning things does not work unless you have a population willing to follow thse laws?

    1. I suppose it's because we think of the US as a civilised country. Those other countries you mention are not in the same league. It's also because of the 'Special Relationship', that we try to imagine US citizens being rather like us.

  5. Cro, I know not where you found this picture...
    it really sums up the whole thing...
    as does your caption!!

    Revolving on t'interweb is one of these "meme" wozzits...
    it pictures a right 'dork' in camo...
    holding a shotgun.
    The caption above him says....
    "I shot my first turkey today!"....
    at the bottom it reads...
    "Sure scared the hell out of the other people on the frozen food counter!!"

    1. I can understand his frustration! I used to shoot a bit in England with a single barrelled bolt actioned 4.10; I bagged the occasional rabbit, pigeon, etc. When I came to live here I imagined it was heaven for hunters with all the woodland about, so I bought my double barrelled 12 bore, got my licence, then went on the hunt. There was nothing! They had hunted the place bare. I haven't bothered since, but that frozen Turkey sounds like MY sort of target.

    2. You are welcome to come up here...
      we've plenty of dang'd pidjinz!!
      Oh, and too many ragondin!!
      And there isn't a closed season for either...

  6. OMG ..... I have a feeling that Donald Trump approves !! XXXX

    1. Trump & Co; family Off Licence and Firearms. I like the sound of it.

  7. Give the credit for putting the guns up high, out of children's reach like porn magazines.

    1. They probably keep the porn with the sweets at the checkout.

  8. The ammo is on another shelf as well so not so bad...

  9. The picture is not from the US; alcohol is strictly regulated.

    1. You mean that you can buy guns, but not booze?

    2. SO,AC-M...
      Regulated in some states or all?
      And, surely you are allowed to have your stock on show...
      it would be regulated as to how much you could buy at one time, would it not? These are all different labels... so only four or five of each brand...
      they've got three Absolut voddies on the secon shel down... orange, lemon and straight... then three SCHmirnoffs... normal, blue and blue 60% [Peter Ustinov's favourite]...
      and I can only see a single row of JDs...
      I still reckon US of A!

  10. You can give a man a fish, but you can't teach him how to shoot drunk.

    1. Booze and guns don't mix (other than in the photo).

  11. Have never seen anything like that in the US. And no, the gun culture won't change but hopefully, we can get a ban on those AK47's and/or military type weapons. They could stop selling the ammo for them and make it a felony to own one. It wouldn't get rid of them all, but would be a start and help.

    1. I heard this morning that there are an estimated 200 million weapons in circulation in the US.

  12. What could go wrong? Hmmm...nope....can't think of a single thing lol.

  13. Provocative photo. Personally,I have never seen a store that sells both alcohol and guns in the US. I would be interested in knowing where this photo was taken.

    1. I've no idea, I'd presumed it was in the US.

  14. My local secondhand furniture store of which i am a fairly regular user sells guns as well, the department is growing, and is always full of Eastern Europeans.

    1. Having been invited to use a UK farmer's land for some 'rough shooting', I tried to take my shotgun over, and was informed that I'd need a licence. I applied for it and was refused. Gun shops are in every UK town, but getting that licence isn't easy (even for an upstanding citizen such as myself).

  15. I'm feeling like that might be the shop for me at the moment, what with Christmas and the weather. lol

    1. Stay by the fire (central heating) Briony. I can remember seeing pebbles from the beach right over the prom and into the road.

  16. Once when we were in the US on holiday we popped into a gun shop just to see what it was like. The only word I can think of to describe it is terrifying.

    1. I recently looked on line for machine guns, automatic rifles, etc. The web is full of them (in the USA). I wasn't wanting to buy one!

  17. Liquor and guns would not be sold in the same store here in the US, but the stores could be located right beside each other. Not much dfference.

    There are lots of opportunities for hunting here, and hunting rifles really aren't the problem. It's the easy availability of assault type weapons that scares me.

    1. We have loads of weekend hunters here, of which I thoroughly approve. But you'd never find an assault rifle in a gun shop.

  18. Actually, I do know of a store in the US where you can get booze and guns under one roof. Have a shot, take a shot...

    1. As much as people are trying to suggest that this isn't in the US; I'm sure it is. Not that it makes any difference to my point.

  19. I've ventured into places like this in the US. There was also another product that caught my eye. Explosive for use in a lake. Drop it in whilst fishing and hey presto a 'catch' of dedicated fish floating on top!

  20. I've ventured into places like this in the US. There was also another product that caught my eye. Explosive for use in a lake. Drop it in whilst fishing and hey presto a 'catch' of dedicated fish floating on top!

    1. When I was at school I used to do something similar with Carbide.

  21. Cro, I dont know who told you there are 200 million guns in the USA but they are well short. The NICS background check came in in 1997. It has been used 220 million times. Roughly 10 percent fail. The background check enables that person to purchase multiple guns in that transaction. Most of course are only buying 1. Pre 1997 there were already an estimated 170 million firearms with untold antique, pre1899, and war souvenirs from many theatres of operation.
    Incidentally the countries I mentioned earlier all have far fewer firearms in circulation despite having many times the crime rates.
    Gun control in the USA simply will nit work because the majority of people are not in favour of it.
    Los Angeles and California banned any magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 bullets. They set a deadline to turn them in oe sell the outside state. Not one was turned in.
    The same happened on the other side of the country when they banned so called assault rifles. No one turned them in.
    Law enforcement relies on honest citizens. When they feel they are being criminalised because of others actions they cease to help. It is counterproductive.
    We may not share their viewpoint, we may think introducing UK style laws may help. But most fail to grasp that the UK has never particularly been a nation that held privately owned firearms in any quantity. The highest was 1 person in 10 in 1920. Now it is 1 in 60. They have enough for more than 1 each at least. Policing it is impossible with out the cooperation of the people themselves!

    1. That's always been my point too; these guns are already out there en masse, there'd be little point in changing their laws.
