Tuesday 1 December 2015

Our Dear Planet Earth.

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The only thing I dislike about this beautiful planet of ours, are the small percentage of scumbags that inhabit it.

Out there, people are plotting to kill indiscriminately. They wish to create so much havoc that the world's military powers are slowly being obliged to unite against them, and will before too long unleash those famous dogs of war. How it will all end, no-one knows.

In sleazy bedsits, nasty petty criminals are forever thinking of new ways to con your savings out of you, or sell you something that will break after five minutes, or charge you a fortune for doing some simple job that doesn't need doing, or sell you something that says it's Gucci but isn't. They spend more time working out their puerile scams than others do going to work.

Some scumbags are more brazen, they simply break into your home and steal whatever they think will bring in a bit of cash for their next fix or smoke.

The world is filled with evil bastards who either want to steal your money, or would like to kill you. Take your choice!

You may have guessed; it's a dull day, and I'm in a sombre mood.


  1. Blimey Cro! Lighten up. Kiss Lady M and pat Bok. Go out and find a mushroom.

    1. It's thick fog outside. I'm just about to take the dog out; I may be some while.

    2. Oh dear Titus it's not that bad, surely?

  2. Oh dear, did you get out of bed on the wrong side? Perhaps the sun will come out later.

  3. You are right Cro...and it does get me down too...but I have to force myself to remember all the good people in the world too.

    1. I like to think that I've always been an honest person. I've not committed any crimes, I've not swindled people out of their savings, and I expect others to be the same. Sadly this is not the case.

  4. Cro focus on all the good people in our world, their deeds may only be small, our world is also filled with good.

    1. Yes, I know, but occasionally I become quite depressed thinking about all the others.

    2. There are a thousand good people or more for every 'badun'....
      unfortunately... "The Media"... seems to think we all want to know about them...
      they hype up bad at the expense of good...
      and, because we have radio news now 365/24/7...
      or 24 hours of the damned stuff extra in a leap year... they are all trying to beat the others in their "assssesssssment"... he types hisssssingly...
      of what is making the world go mad...
      and they have done so well at it that it now seems like the norm!!
      Upstairs, "She Who MUST beObeyed" is listening to that damned Hymphrys guy...
      he is always depressing... and the older he gets, the more confrontational his technique!!

      Meanwhile, down here, I have been watching the birds enjoying the new "bush" I have constructed next to the bird feeders... to give them some shelter from the Sparrow Hawk that has taken to the meadow as a "good" hunting ground.
      Down here, I have the cats for company...
      if fact I must stop typing because one of them is "yelling" at me...
      she wants me to sit down on the settee...
      so that she can upload new instructions for me...
      by sitting on my lap and being stroked!

    3. I must say that most of my 'bad news' comes from on line newspapers; maybe I should stop reading them, although, somehow, I need to know what's going on out there in nastyland.

    4. We stopped reading papers years ago, some thing are better we don't know about.

  5. I do read online, but try not to. I would rather know a bit about what is going on than bury my head in the sand and not read at all. Mind you sometimes I wish I hadn't stumbled upon a particular article as I quickly scroll past it.

    Such a shame that our beautiful planet is being destroyed by evil. I would also add big game hunters, ivory poachers, and any other human with two legs in the list of scumbags, who are destroying the animal world for their own gain.

    1. The scumbags come in so many different guises that it's difficult to name them all. But those who mistreat animals are certainly worthy of the name.

  6. I'm by nature a positive person who sees the good in things and people but on a decidedly dreich and dark morning like this I think I will avoid watching the news for the rest of the day or I shall start seeing things through your eyes.

    1. I'm also usually very optimistic in life, but occasionally....

  7. all She wants is a bit of peace and consideration.
    we can just do our bit

    1. You're right, but I just wish certain others would agree with us.

  8. I stopped reading the news anywhere years ago and soon felt happier and had fewer nightmares.
    I decided that I couldn't save the whole world by myself and that worrying about stuff I couldn't possibly change was doing me no good.
    I think the scammers, spammers and fakesters are thriving on people's greed. Nobody wants to pay the proper price for anything and will only buy stuff if they think it's cheaper than it should be, with consequences for their own health and safety and other people's livelihoods. But those that prey on the old and vulnerable by conning them out of their money are particularly evil. If I had my way I'd swap them for an equal number of refugees and send them to somewhere where they have to use their wits to stay alive, rather than inventing new ways to rob the innocents.

    1. Everyone wants what everyone else has got, whether it be land or possessions. There should be spare islands for such people.

  9. Some of those robbing scumbags have quite nice offices from which they work. Actually, most of them do.

    1. They're usually the 'legal scumbags', the others hide in dingy holes or in the desert.

  10. I woke up feeling like "What's the use" today, too. This time of year makes me gloomy. I hope your day improves.

    1. Winter does me no favours, and I'm sure the news is more depressing too.

    2. Pauline says that this weather is the time that the mind turns to porridge....
      so she gets up and makes some for breakfast!!

  11. Some days are like this, filled with despair. At the risk of being called a Pollyanna I must say that as long as there are good people thinking about these things and living their lives for the better then there is hope. And P.S., I really hate those scumbags who try to trick old people out of their money. I'm hoping there is a special place in Hell for them.

    1. Maybe we all need to revive the Glad Game, although I can't see how it could be applied to certain people,

  12. Replies
    1. You would! Just when I'm feeling down, you're feeling up.

  13. WE need to be aware but we mustn't fixate. I hope the sun comes out soon Cro.

    1. It will. A couple of glasses of wine this evening and all will seem bright again.

  14. It is almost evening here, and it is raining, i like those gray days that we dont have much, i found walnut oil today, after such a long time.

    1. I hope you enjoy the oil, my favourite way of having it is with small new potatoes. I cook them, then leave them to get tepid, then eat them with Walnut oil and crunchy sea salt. Lovely.

  15. Just forget all these disgusting people for a while, and think of all the people you know who are loving, generous, wise and compassionate. Oh, and have a glass of wine or two. Then I guarantee you'll feel much much better.

    1. I don't really know any other sort of people.The wine will do the job.

    2. Or you could get into that bottle of scotch you have been hoarding.

    3. I have now opened it. It's wonderful.

  16. Doc's suggestion is probably the best. I have left The News in disgust = I have come out to read sensible folk I like communicating with on my blog. And I shall fill my days with trying to maintain normality.

    1. Quite right too Weave, I shall try to follow your example.

  17. I don't tend to read the papers and I avoid the news, at my age I want to be reasonably happy and that's the only way to do it. Oh, and I don't have much to do with people either, give me animals any day.
    As for being burgled, around here now you aren't even encouraged to call the police, what few there are of them.

    1. I saw a house being burgled in Brighton, phoned the police, and they weren't interested. What a strange world.

  18. I try to surround myself with the good'uns so I forget about those intent on evil. That may be why I'm off my guard when they cross my path.

    1. It's a shame isn't it, that we actually have to be on our guard. It would be nice to be able to live without worrying (although here we don't).

    2. Actually Devon is quite chilled as well. Don't think the South East is all peace and love though.

  19. Most of the time, i love this strange place we call home.......most of the time

    1. I've been reading recently of one or two strange crimes in your area. They get everywhere.

  20. For every crappy human, there are many good ones. I just wish the bad ones didn't have so much power to hurt the rest of us.
