Thursday 17 December 2015

Mystery Solved.

I've just been looking at an article concerning Atlanta photographer Jason Travis, who cheekily went around asking strangers if he could photograph the contents of their bags, and I thought it might be interesting (?) to see what was inside mine.

I found.....

My wallet (of course)
3 receipts from an ATM machine
A pen
A small note pad marked 'Car Only'
Car keys (they're usually in the car, but I can't be bothered to explain)
My Ray Bans
A red spotted handkerchief
A tiny plastic bag
A safety pin
A two inch nail
And just over €23 in wretched coins

I think that's pretty conservative. No half-eaten boiled sweets stuck to the bottom, no mouldy Scotch egg, and no ancient well-thumbed copy of Health and Efficiency.

I even surprised myself!


  1. LOL I have similar the purse (wallet in SA speak), pen, notebook, mini packet of tissues; small cosmetic bag; safety pin/s and my expensive jewelry last year's Christmas gift from hubby. The latter I'm not sure where to keep it so left it in my handbag where I placed it earlier this year when we flew out from East Africa. Thanks for a great post, Cro!

    1. I'm not sure what I expected to find, but nothing surprised me (except for the nail maybe).

  2. This is so interesting. I want to see everybodys bags! I'll show mine (in an hour or so). I will not clean it, I promise, but need to get out of bed first.

    1. I was hoping this might encourage others.

    2. It did, I have posted with link to you!

    3. I shall do it too soon, when i have more time.I looked at the artical. interesting.

  3. An idea for a blog post of my own. Thanks!

    1. I look forward to it. No cheating!

    2. What! Like removing all the sweet wrappers that my son might have put in there?

  4. I really should carry a bag with all the stuff I keep in my pockets but I tend only to do it when travelling. I clear my pockets out every night and my bag is very organised so would, I'm afraid, be exceptionally boring.

    1. I only began carrying a bag after I moved here. Shorts and T shirts don't allow much space for all my rubbish.

  5. I recently bought a new "winter" handbag and was amazed, after transferring all the essentials - purse, phone, keys, note book, pen etc., just how much rubbish was left in the old one ! True it mainly consisted of very long supermarket receipts (do we really eat that much?), out of date vet appointment cards, and the biscuits they give with coffee here, together with those little bags of sugar, not forgetting old shopping lists, and the odd furry dog biscuit ! I always mean to keep to essentials, and not to clutter up with useless items, but it never works somehow !

    1. I wouldn't dare look in Lady Magnon's bag, but I imagine it would be similar. The dog biscuits would certainly figure heavily.

  6. Oooooh, was the scotch egg comment a friendly jab at John G.?
    I change bags almost daily so only essentials are in there - but my coat pockets are usually littered with dog treat crumbs.

    1. John who? I couldn't say!

      Yup, my pockets are permanently filled with biscuits, half biscuits, and crumbs, too. We never learn.

    2. Cheeky cu*t
      I would NEVER leave a scotch egg uneaten

  7. Lately I have been carrying only a very small purse which can only fit a small wallet, comb and keys because I am tired of trying to find any of these items in my larger bags. Those are filled with the story of my life which can be messy and full of forgotten plans.

  8. Interesting Cro. I have just emptied my handbag:-
    cheque book (yes, I still use one occasionally); purse containing money, credit cards, various membership cards; comb; mirror; car keys; disabled badge for car; pack of tissues; make up bag. I would guess by female standards not too bad. Oh and I have just found diary with pen attached.

    1. The note pad and pen seems to be essential in everyone's bag.

    2. Having indulged in a "smart phone" about 20 months ago, I try to remember to use the Notes function on the phone. Of course, remembering to check it is a different story.

  9. I stuff everything in my pockets, keys, phone, wad of bank notes, and hide bank card in inside zipped pocket, with rail card. Put makeup on in the morning and it lasts all day.

    1. You must have extremely bulging pockets.

    2. No. I also carry two ladies handkerchiefs, one in jeans and one in coat.

    3. It comes from travelling. I feel safer without a handbag.

  10. I daren't tell you what's in mine !!!!! XXXX

  11. very purse alone probably has 20 receipts! love the ray bans

  12. Mine is filled with notes and pennies. Pretty bad.

    1. I hate small value coins, hence the amount I had in cash in my bag.

  13. I wouldn't like to share with anyone what's in my bag! (Although my friend's dog did try and eat the contents today.)

    1. Sounds like yet more dog biscuits, they seem to be a very popular content; unless of course he was eating pound notes.

  14. I find that endearing Cro. In the US the call a man bag a murse, and I can't get my husband to use one (too metrosexual for him.) He definitely needs one though as he loses glasses, keys, wallet etc. all of the time.

    1. Man bags have been popular in France for ages; you hardly ever see a man without one.

  15. I'm doing it in the next day. It won't be as interesting as it used to be though. I had a zip bag with 17 lipsticks in it at one time - the airport security people were always wanting to check them, possibly out of female curiosity than any suspicion of foul play. Now I only have four.:)

    1. One for each season? What on earth would you have done with 17; that's almost an artist's pallet.

    2. It wasn't a matter of doing anything with them but of collecting them. Like conkers or stones - because I could. I am down to five now. I've posted my handbag contents on my blog now. :)

  16. 2 plastic bags, one crust of bread,

    1. I'm surprised you only have TWO plastic bags. Wot, no Scotch egg!
