Thursday 10 December 2015

Helping hands.

All grandmothers enjoy looking after their grandsons/daughters. They also like handing them back again when they've had enough.

For the past few months Lady Magnon has been looking after Boo Boo whenever she's been asked, and has loved every minute of it. She, and Bok, and Bunny (I still call him Bunny), all watch children's TV together, and play with brightly coloured plastic toys. They've made cakes, and pies, and eaten soup together; and Boo Boo has been pulled along in either his tractor or his go cart all around the garden and beyond. He's also become great friends with the hens, and has visited them every day.

He instantly took to Bok, showing absolutely no sign of being afraid of either his size or boisterousness; they have now become very good friends with Bok carrying out essential face licking duties when necessary (quite often). Bunny even likes to play in his bed.

Unfortunately Wills, Kellogg, and Bunny, have now left to take advantage of Australia's summer weather, and Lady M hardly knows what to do with herself. We still have plenty of work up at the barn, and we also have a project to replace our bathroom and fosse septique, so we're not totally devoid of work.

It's just that 'Grummers' and Boo Boo won't see each other for several months, and I know she's going to be very lonely and sad without him (and without the other two, of course); so hurry on back...... we miss you already.

Roll on Spring.


  1. Might now be the time to get that puppy you talked about after you lost Monty? That would certainly fill the days.

    1. I hope Lady M doesn't read your comment! I'm having to put my foot down about yet more animals in the house.

  2. Lady M is a very lucky lady.

    1. I'm sure she'd agree with you.

    2. Ah nostalgia Cro, mine are now 29, 26 and 22 so I don't watch children's television with them any longer. But I do see them often, so all is not lost.

    3. He adores Pingu, and can watch it fore hours.

  3. I can understand what she is being through now.

    1. This morning she's trying to keep busy, and not think about them. No chance!

  4. Poor lady, I'm sure the winter will seem far too long without her Bunny.

    I think a new puppy would be a great idea.

  5. Three of our nine grands live right next door to us. So we see them often. And they walk out their door, turn right, ring the bell at OUR gate and come and visit. Joel is five and Abby is three. And they come alone. I love having them. They've also had to get used to Skabenga, our boisterous and loving seven-year-old Labrador. He, of course, also does the licking bit which they are still trying to come to terms with!

    1. We were enjoying having our family next door, but the sunshine coast is calling them, and they're off to Surfer's Paradise.

    2. Woouldn't have thought Surfers was their scene.

  6. puppy....maybe two.

  7. It's hard to say good-bye but knowing they will be back in a few months will make it easier. Now is the time to catch up with the things that were put on the shelf while having a wonderful time with your family.

    1. That is very true, we have been rushing around all morning doing exactly that.

  8. What a delightful post, made me smile. Warm greetings to you!

  9. Oh .... poor Lady M ....... it is rather sad when the grandchildren aren't there, especiially when you have Bunny living so close..... at least you know that they will be back soon. One of our grandchildren gets upset when he goes home from our house ..... I have to give him a jelly snake to eat in the car and then he feels a little better !! Tell Lady M to get a gin & tonic or glass of red or 6 down her !!!! XXXX

    1. She kept busy all day; we even had a load of wood delivered which she helped unload and stack. She'll survive.

  10. My mother had four grandchildren. She said from the outset that she didn't want to babysit, she had her four and that was it. She didn't want to be called Granny and they were to call her by her first name. This happened without a problem, and later in life as teenagers she was great friends with them all. I suppose she had just had enough of babies and we are all different. I wonder if anybody else was like this as a Granny.

    1. Certainly not here, we love having the boys around. However, it shouldn't be obligatory to babysit grandkids.

  11. Nana gets to see Lou next week. I can here how excited she is by her voice on the phone.

    1. Always lots of excitement here when the boys arrive, and even when Bunny comes down. It won't be long before he walks down by himself; next year maybe.

  12. I see it all the time with friends who are grandmothers. I'm much happier when I can take them somewhere or show them how to take a bike to pieces.

  13. I hadn't realised Bunny and his family would be returning to Australia so soon. I thought they were going to stay in France year 'round.

    I do hope you don't run out of projects before spring.
