Thursday 3 December 2015

Fire and Brimstone.

Did you ever get that feeling that something nasty was about to happen? I wonder what the people above thought.

It looks like the UK's Brimstone missiles are on their way to Syria. Our politicians have overwhelmingly voted to go to war, and we are to send fighter jets which will fire these Brimstones at strategic targets. No doubt our pilots will do what's asked of them; but for how long no-one has yet ventured an answer.

These Brimstone rockets cost (including development) nearly £200,000 a piece; it seems a lot of money to take out a truck and its few occupants. One has to wonder how many will be used, as back home our police numbers are being reduced, our border controls are totally porous, and our schools and hospitals are overflowing.

I do hope it's all worth it, and I do hope someone has considered our exit strategy. I think we all need to know when we will draw stumps, when the goal posts will come down, and when we'll all retire to the nineteenth hole. Yes, to annihilate the extremists would be fine, to increase their popularity by extended intervention certainly would not. 

p.s. Anthony Wedgewood-Benn's son Hilary has shown himself to be an intelligent and responsible politician; I can see him giving Jeremy his P45 before too long. If he could find someone amongst his ranks who can count, I could almost imagine the Socialists becoming electable again. Dangerous times. 


  1. Traditionally in the UK, a 'P45' is what you're given when you're fired from your job.

  2. "Johnny got his gun." No comment !

  3. Someone somewhere will be earning quite a nice lot of dollar for the sale of those missiles. I do not get too involved with the politics of it all, but do think that there are financial manipulators who pull the strings.

  4. And too many innocents will be slaughtered. It is always the innocent who suffer the most. Yes, I did think Hilary Benn spoke well - certainly better than his leader.

  5. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen yesterday while standing at the kitchen sink and told myself to stay positive, then found out about the shootings here in the US. How I wish it hadn't happened, and how I wish for France and all of Europe that you didn't have to engage in any kind of fighting.

  6. Hard to understand how a Brimstone missile can cost £200,000. If it's just some high-explosive in a metal casing, surely the RAF is being ripped-off something shocking? You could build several houses for less than that. Or employ a large number of nurses.

  7. I don't even want to think of guns, weapons, or the such right now. It's another shooting day in America. It does not make a difference to me if they were foreign terrorists or domestic terrorists, the result is the same. What has happened to change our beautiful country into a shooting range - the NRA, hatred of others, mental illness, politicians telling us that everyone should be armed or just a breakdown of society. It is so very sad and frightening here.

    1. Every day seems to be a shooting day here in America. I can't imagine how it's all going to end.

    2. If it's not terrorists, it's the cops.

    3. A gun gives people power and therein lies the problem.

    4. I am with you, SOACM. I am so weary of this.

  8. I understand that Storm Shadow missiles cost £939,000 each. If it's correct they make Brimstones look like a bargain. Unfortunately bombs are no longer just high explosive in a metal casing. However if we fired fewer we would be able to cut less.

    355 mass shooting to date this year in the US.

    I can't even begin to comprehend where we are going. At least 100 million killed in or by war last century. I wish that hope was even a possibility but despair seems far more realistic.

  9. America makes me angry, not the individual person .
    All out to be the worlds police to sort out evil, but ignores it at home, ffs right to bear arms is just crazy!. Thank god we don,t have that culture in UK, sure we have crazies too. But stand more of a chance against a nut job with a knife!.

    of a chance with a nut job with a knife.

  10. Just hope we have not stirred up a hornets nest!. Adore Billy Connollys take on Terrorists trying to bomb Glasgow airport
    So funny!.

    1. I fear that Hornet's Nest has been well and truly stirred, the test will be to see if we can deal with it.

    2. Unfortunately, I fear that we will all just become accustomed to the stings once again, and wait for the next nest, where it just starts all over again.
