Sunday 27 December 2015

All over bar a couple of sarnies.

Far, far, too much food, as usual.

Not my fault.

I blame Lady Magnon.

I have to see the doc' on Tuesday.

He'll have a bloody fit!

I'm sure I've put on a stone.

Serious, and I mean SERIOUS, dieting for 2016 (for BOTH of us).


  1. Same here. We still have tons of rich food and sweets around. The only good thing we've managed to do is take the dogs on extra long walks lately. I'm sure we've both put on some weight, too.

    Thank goodness it's mostly over now.

    1. Still loads of cakes, pies, biscuits, buns, tarts, puds, etc, here too. At least the fridge is less stuffed.

  2. Maybe you'll get away with it. The doctor might have put on his own stone over the Christmas period x

    1. Do you think I should ask him to step onto the scales as well?

  3. You'll both be in good company, Cro !

  4. Never mind, we've all got another year now to get back to where we started....

  5. I have just eaten a toasted muffin with marmalade….didn't need it, wish I hadn't had it! Too much food. Very dark and raining here. I have asked Rachel to draw me some sun.

    1. Everything is very tempting, but one regrets later.Still sunshine here, it's almost as if we're going to skip winter.... but I'm not being fooled!

  6. Terrible floods here so not much to do except eat. We are not personally affected but visitors calling were cut off and couldn;t get. So we have lots left to eat. Agree about dieting - I am trying a fruit only day - banana for breakfast so far. Can I last out? I will report tomorrow.

    1. We've seen the pictures; awful. I feel so sorry for those people who've been flooded out SEVERAL times. As for the diet; I'm actually looking forward to it.

  7. We say the same every year. Far too much and the New Year Resolutions are made (and broken) every year. 'Stuff' has gone in the freezer so can be forgotten about until Easter.
    We are so lucky to be warm, dry and well fed.

    1. Yes, at least we're not all cold and starving like so many. We must be grateful.

  8. I shall start too at the 1.1.2016, and when i reach 80, if i shall, i shall start smoking again , i miss it so much.

    1. I was told that it takes 7 years for the body to rid itself of all smoking related toxins. I did wonder whether to re-start myself, but I couldn't face it. I sure you couldn't either!

  9. Turkey curry tonight and then just the ham to deal with. I dare not stand on the scales. Too wet outside to cycle and I don't do gyms.

    1. Curry tonight here too. We're having lovely weather; sunny, 16C, and very dry.

  10. Freeze your leftovers and eat over a period of time. Give the chocs away and start eating normally as from today.

    1. Wise words. I think I'll be freezing some of the Turkey.

  11. Just eaten the last of the Ferraro chocolates....didn't need to because lunch was nearly ready but I wanted the plastic box the choccies were in to put some patchwork squares I had just cut up into it for safe keeping. Well, that's my excuse! Now I need to think up another excuse as to why the other box of choccies need finishing. They haven't even been opened yet so I might try 'wanting to get them out of the way because they are taking up space in the cupboard', which is the best I can do for the moment!

    1. Plenty of those in the house too, plus others, and biscuits, and cakes, and pies, and buns. I leave all of those for Lady Magnon.

    2. Vera, that is the best and most original excuse I've ever heard. Ask Lester to hide the other box, you could have hours of fun and frustration searching.

  12. Lots left here too- have heaved my carcase around the block today in the hope of shunting the excess calories off the main line and back into the sidings. However, it was all tremendous fun! Arilx

  13. We're always left with stuff I don't want to eat, but feel I have to. Maybe if we ate turkey, this would be a healthier post-Christmas diet than all the chocolate she buys for the kids - who also don't eat it.

  14. Oh Cro, if you could only hear me, you'd hear groaning.

  15. I made turkey soup today..tomorrow will be turkey pot pie. Soooo much food left over. I sent the sweeties home with the kids but still.....

  16. I never gain weight over the holidays because of all I have to do. I did eat too much on Christmas, but cleaning up over and over, eliminated the calories. Now, come January, with the dark days, I will be able to eat at my leisure and put on my winter fat.

  17. Can't remember the last time I had turkey - mouth watering at the thought.

  18. You'll be in good company! I've eaten more than my fill of everything this holiday, and I may need a support group to ensure my recovery!
