Saturday 12 December 2015

Add a splash of sunlight.

Canada (and elsewhere) is renowned for colourful Autumnal colours, and you'd be forgiven for thinking that the above comes from such a country.

In fact it's an ordinary Oak tree with yellowing leaves, caught by the early morning sunlight.

These Pine trees are much the same. Normally their trunks are a dark purple-ish brown, but under the influence of sunrise they become bright red.

This reddening effect is common at this time of year, and never fails to amaze me.

You may need to enlarge the pix.


  1. It is beautiful indeed. here most of the pine trees are falling down after some years because their roots are not strong and deep enough.

    1. That happens here too Yael. In strong winds it's best not to walk in the woods.

  2. The light at this time of year can be amazing. There's just not enough hours of it!

    1. These colours last for about 10 mins.

    2. Will have to go to the green nearby at the break of day to catch.

  3. Lovely photos - and autumnal tints. How elegant your pine trees are - they would make a nice subject for a painting. The pine trees here are dense and obscure any view, even if they do provide welcome shade in summer. Across the valley from us are a range of hills that catch the rising sun, and on occasions look just like Ayers Rock !

    1. These Pines have recently been cleared of surrounding Chestnut trees, so they stand out more. Usually they would be in the midst of woodland.

  4. Amazing what a little sun can do. Oak trees seem to be the last ones to drop their leaves.

    1. They're very late here this year. And I still have one Apple tree that's covered.

  5. I've never been able to capture that amazing redness with the camera, always disappointed when the image doesn't match what I see. Missing those views.

  6. Those pines are glorious. (Thanks for lifting my mood)

  7. Instant Van Gogh. Don't you feel like you're in on some beautiful secret when you see a sunrise or sunset like that? Nice pics.

    1. It shocks me; it's just so amazing, almost surreal.

  8. It is such a beautiful time of year isn't it Cro ..... the light is so different. Pretty much all of the leaves have gone here..... Autumn is a thing of the past and Winter has set in although, it is quite mild. I went to Cambridge yesterday and walked around without a coat on !!
    Lovely photographs Cro and a beautiful place to live. XXXX

    1. It's beautiful sunshine here today.... coolish but no coats or gloves. I envy you going to Cambridge, having been at school nearby I have great memories of the town.

    2. I was with my daughter and said to her how lucky we are to just ' pop in ' to Cambridge..... people come from all over the world to visit Cambridge and we are just half an hour away and can go often { like Rachel }. My brother-in-law did his Phd there so we know it quite well. XXXX

    3. My oldest goes quite often too (even though he was at Uni in Oxford)

  9. I like the red trunks on the Pines. Crazy!

  10. How grateful I would be for a bit of that sunlight Cro - we have several inches of snow here and it has been snowing all day. It is now freezing hard.

    1. We've been having cool nights/mornings, but with lovely sunshine during the days.

  11. The world truly is a beautiful place isn't it?.

  12. One thing that artists and photographers come to appreciate very much is light and the changes through the day and the seasons. Your photos were very striking .
