Friday 20 November 2015

We live in crazy times.

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What is it about political leaders, or prospective political leaders?

In the USA they've got tyrannical Trump, in the UK they've got comical Corbyn, in North Korea they have fat boy Kim Jong-Un, the Russians have Putin, the Syrians have Assad, and Zimbabwee-wee has Mugabe. I could go on, but I expect you get my drift. There are weird and dangerous people everywhere, and they all have one thing in common; they wish to dictate how we all should live.

On the understanding that prospective political leaders are all either megalomaniacs or just plain despots, isn't it about time that the world abandoned individual 'leaders' as such, and gave back the power to collective citizenship?

In this age of computers it would be very simple to have a small non-partisan committee who formulated important political and social questions; these could be posted on the net once a month, and the citizens would simply need to vote yes or no. Voting would take no more than a few minutes per month; and should even be made obligatory. Here is an example of the type of question that could be asked.

Should the annual salary of Essex Council's chief executive be fixed at......
a. £50,000
b. £65,000
c. £289,143

With the touch of a button, the people could then decide.


  1. Just two thoughts...
    "A committee is a cul-de-sac...
    down which ideas are lured...
    and then....
    quietly strangled!"
    could Essex Council's chief executive survive on £50K?

    1. I think the first committee should have the job of creating ALL the others...
      that would really slow things down...
      and they should be given a wine&beer budget!

    2. She could be given a bus pass and luncheon vouchers on top of the £50K.

  2. Committees are where good ideas go to die.

    I used to think governments existed to serve the people, but as time went on I saw I was wrong. Apparently it's the other way round....

  3. A camel is a horse designed by a committee.

  4. The Committee would get a Chief Executive and pay the man (no chance a woman) an exorbitant sum to tell them that they couldn't do this or that.

    1. I like this idea. Start a charity (maybe a Kids one), decide your own salary, then bleed it dry. This reminds me of someone.

  5. Here we had "One Term" Tony, who I am glad to report didn't make even one term. :) Sadly our new guy is just the same arsehole with better manners. Trouble is, if you think about how they manipulate the idiots to vote from selfish and fearful motives, those small monthly votes would be no different.

  6. Ceausescu's last words before he and his Missus were executed by their own army in a dark basement: "How could you shoot your own parent's?"

  7. Committee? No, thanks.

    I think the name of every eligible person of sound mind, etc... should be put in a lottery and the person whose name is drawn is dragged, kicking and screaming, to the executive office and forced to serve for, say, five years.

    All their personal funds would go in the national fund and how the country fares determines what they get back at the end of the term. Did well, economy flourished? Great, you will also make a profit. Just so-so? You get your money back but nothing else. Tanked? Sucks to be you, not only do you get nothing back... you'll be re-paying the deficit, yourself, no matter how long that takes.


    1. Track record politicians? You certainly WOULD have to drag them kicking and screaming.

  8. There is the occasional "goodie" but on the whole political leaders seem to turn out to be self-serving, no matter how good their intentions may be to begin with. We've seen too many of them to be persuaded otherwise.

  9. Oh not Trump. I can't even fathom who would be backing him. I think Americans are so fed up with career politicians they are searching else ware, but again I say Trump? Too many bad adjectives to list here.

    1. At least he makes us laugh, that's more than most do.

    2. If Trump (and a long list of politicians currently running) makes it to the Oval office, I'm moving out of the country.

    3. I've just heard that he wants to demolish all mosques, and to make all Muslims carry special Muslim Identity Cards.

  10. Trump scares the hell out of me and he's so popular! I'm not sure I want the common man voting directly for anything.

  11. What has made me think of the saying, Cream rises to the top? There is little evidence within global leadership, but lots of spilt milk to cry about.

    Best wishes.

  12. Our city council wanted to form a committee to discuss what to do about the Canada Geese over running our parks. Our new mayor told them to 'just google it'. I really like him.

  13. Bring back the Shah of Persia and turn the clock back a little way into his reign. Stop it there and then restart. The world would be quite a pleasant place.

  14. It's getting ridiculous. I live right in the middle of it amid the most bullheaded governor in the US. As for Trump, he is a loudmouth and I don't understand any of the motivation that produces the horrible things he or any of the politicians say and propose to do. It's like dealing with the worst internet trolls, but in real life. Hope other countries know that not all American citizens agree with or even like these people. We don't. Many of us are sick of it and want a more peaceful, reasonable world.

    1. I think we all view him as a one-off. Gawd help you if he got elected.
