Saturday 7 November 2015


I like Salmon, and I often buy these frozen whole fish when they appear at my local supermarket (Leclerc).

This one above, bought yesterday, without the guts and head weighed just over one kilo, and cost €4.27  (£3), whereas a whole fresh fish of the same size would be at least €20.

OK, it's not fresh Salmon, but it's very reasonably priced and its flavour is very good. The only really noticeable difference is in its texture when cooked; which is somewhat firmer than if fresh.

I saw them in half, then later fillet each half making enough for the two of us. In all this makes four good meals. I'm a bit conservative when it comes to cooking fish, and the 'steaks' are usually fried in olive oil/butter, and served with a hollandaise sauce (and possibly some chips).

Every year I make a resolution to eat more fish (mostly because I like it), but end up buying the same old Salmon, fish fingers, Mussels and Whelks. I really MUST become more piscatorialy adventurous.


  1. Where would your salmon come from?

    1. They are freshly frozen from the Atlantic.... Of course the Atlantic is a big place!

  2. Nothing quite so good as a poached Salmon !

  3. I like fish so much, all kinds but it is very expensive here and no one in my family likes it ,so i eat it only when i go to resturant,

    1. I too like fish; in fact I find it strange why I don't buy more.

  4. That would go lovely with a quinoa salad!!!!

    1. I'll have the Salmon, and you can have the Quinoa salad; that way we're both happy.

  5. The price seems more than cheap.And I really prefer fresh fish. Salmons are generally raised in a sort of farms, saw a documentation in Norvegia.They are no more very natural food getting special treatment against worms and others parasites. It's for me like industrial pizza.

    1. This one above is a wild salmon; caught and frozen out in the Atlantic.

      Amazing;your comment only appeared once.

    2. Wild salmon is tasty. Bon appétit ! Do not know why my comments sometimes appear twice.

    3. It happens to the worst of us.

    4. You mean I'm one of the worst ?

    5. Or I am.... take your pick.

    6. It's probably me.....never mind.

  6. I hope you use the fish fingers in a sandwich, with salt and vinegar Cro.

    1. Certainly do! The French ones are double size, and have bread coloured breadcrumbs. They are very good (in a sandwich).

  7. That is excellent value. I pay about £3.70 for one small piece in Waitrose!

    1. Yes, 3 quid for a whole Salmon; can't be bad!

  8. Fish fingers ???
    I also buy fish frozen. You see, we live on an island and there seems to be no fresh fish out in the sea *says I sarcastically*
    Somehow, whatever is fished around here ends up in hotels and restaurants.
    Every now and then we get some fresh mackerel from friends who have been out on the boat.

    1. I love fish fingers, the French ones are excellent. We have them as a very occasional lunchtime 'treat'. Don't you have a few Lobster pots? I had a friend who's aunt lived on a tiny island off Co Kerry, and they lived off Lobster and Crab.

  9. That is my attitude to fish exactly Cro. I know we should eat more of it. We have salmon at least twice a week - usually cooked as you cook it - we have either salmon or tuna sandwiches at least once a week - we have occasional fish and chips if in a hurry - and now and again a lemon sole fillet cooked in a little butter. It is so good for you, we should all eat more of it.

    1. When I look at the fish counter at market or in a shop, I become confused and end-up buying the same old things. I shall have to consult my Rick Stein books.

  10. We eat white fish every week as David catches so much I have a freezer full! He caught a few mackerel last time he was out, which made a change as there seems to be less and less of them. Not a great fan of salmon, but David loves it. I bought him some frozen last week from Lidl, which he said was very good.

    1. I like Mackerel, but Lady M doesn't. Luckily we both like Salmon.

  11. We love fish and eat far more of it than meat. I tend to oven cook salmon as it's healthier but, try Sea Bass fillets next Cro. Fry on skin side till the skin is crispy { just a few minutes on a high heat } then flip them over, turn off the heat and leave to cook through for just a minute. So simple and quick and they have a lovely flavour. Serve with whatever you like. They go really well with a pepper and tomato type ratatouille.
    Lots of love,
    Chef Jackie !!!!!!! XXXX

    1. First I'll have to look-up the French for Sea Bass! It's one of those fish that I keep hearing people talking about; I'll follow your advice. Thanks.

    2. We have sea bass once a week, it is delicious. Like Jackie I cook salmon in the oven, as I also do sea bass. Just as chef Jackie describes is wonderful, and simple and easy, even I can do it!

    3. I've looked it up; it's called Loup.

  12. This difference in quality between a wild salmon and a farmed one is great, but not as great as the difference between organic and non-organic farmed salmon. Salmon and milk are the two things where you can really tell the difference between the farming methods.

    1. Much like in the UK, organic produce is all over the place now. In fact it's becoming rare to find anything that isn't (well not quite).

    2. Most organic stuff you can't tell the difference except in the price. Organic is generally a con but I wont disagree about the salmon as described by TS because I haven't ever eaten wild salmon but I can believe he is right. We used to have milk straight from the cow on the farm, sometimes straight into the cup if mum had run out and she would take it to the cow, and strip some out. It was delicious. I don't drink milk now.

    3. Everything I grow is 100% organic, but frankly I can't tell the difference. I grow this way because that's how I was brought up, and Haddock's is just 50 metres away (no air miles). We had to give up drinking raw milk as our neighbour caught Brucellosis from his herd, and it was considered unsafe.

  13. There wasn't any smoked haddock or cod on the shelves in Sainsburys this week so I ended up buying something called River Cobbler. It was very good but apparently comes all the way from the Mekong River - that's a long way to swim.

    1. Fresh or frozen? I've never heard of River Cobbler. I'm thinking 'air miles'.

  14. I have seen these salmon for sale in LC but wondered what the quality was like - think I'll splash out (no pun ) and try one as at that price, can't really lose!

    1. I also make a Salmon Mousse with them which is nice. Best to think of them just as 'fish'.

  15. Stick to fish fingers or crab sticks
    Crab sticks are tasty and low in fat.......
    And you can carry them in an average wallet

    1. Have you seen the manufacturing process of crab sticks John? You might not be quite so keen!
