Monday 23 November 2015

More Barn Progress.

I haven't mentioned the barn for a while, but even in the greyness and drizzle of Autumn, work continues.

The end part of the barn (which will stay as barn) is the last bit to be re-clad.

All the old boards were taken off, insulation materials installed, and sheets of plywood screwed in place (the beige area on the left, above). 

Special sheets of waterproof but breathable membrane were attached, then the final new wooden boards. We had to use new boards as the old ones were all totally knackered. 

Even Lady Magnon got stuck-in yesterday; painting boards.


  1. We wonder if Lady M ever thinks to herself "All that time and work for an Arts Degree, and I end up painting boards !"

    1. Painting is Painting; at least that's what we tell her!

    2. That's what Hitler would have said, had they accepted him on the course.

  2. Keep up the good work. I like the ladders, they don't look the same as English ladders.

  3. Nice barn, could do with one that size here!

  4. Are you on the last lap now Cro ?
    It's looking really something and, along with you, Lady M must take a lot of credit..... I am full of admiration ...... she certainly pulls her weight !! I think that I like doing the titivating although I have been known to get my hands dirty.
    Good job, all of you ..... you must be very proud. XXXX

    1. Lady M has been working quite hard, she painted all those boards as well as doing all sorts of other jobs. I'm not sure about 'last lap', there are still a lot of things to do, but at least the house part is very warm and comfortable.

  5. Warm and comfortable - just the two words we want to hear here today Cro as it is bitterly cold.

    1. Frost here this morning. But both houses nice and warm.

  6. Is it heated by wood burner or do you have an alternate heat source?

    1. It has a very complicated system of Solar, wood, and electricity. If the sun doesn't produce enough heat, you have the next option of a wood fired back burner, if that isn't enough the electricity kicks in (very rare)..

  7. You must be so proud of all you have accomplished, Cro. I don't know if I missed it, but did you ever post a picture of the completed kitchen?

    1. No I didn't; it's not actually complete yet. There are few bits missing, and the tiling still hasn't been completed.
