Saturday 28 November 2015

Bok is 5 (November 28th 2015).

Happily unaware of the fact, Bok is 5 years old today. He's been living with us for about 4½ of those years. I know nothing of his origins, and I doubt if he does either.

I've just consulted the Pedigree (dog food) age calculation page, and for his size, breed, etc, his age in human years is about 40.

Sometimes I look at him and try to imagine his muzzle being much more grey than it is now, his legs probably aching a bit, and his sprightly step reduced to a slow heavy arthritic trudge. I quite expect he'll be like that one day (as will I), and I'd like to be there to comfort him, and reassure him that it's all OK and it's just part of life's journey.

At times I wonder which of us will go first. I do hope it's Bok for various reasons. I honestly think that he'd be lost and miserable without me; this isn't a conceited observation, it's just how things are. I think I'd cope better without him, than he would without me. I'd also like to be there to see that he gets a proper send-off when his time comes. I'm sounding a bit maudlin, aren't I.

Dog and mankind is the greatest combination of different beings co-habiting. Somehow nature designed us to be together. I would be lost without my dear Bok beside me.

Happy birthday lovely boy. May we celebrate many more together.

He's sitting at my feet looking up at me as I write; very much like in the picture, which I'd taken about an hour previously.


  1. Very true words, Cro. Lovely post. And no you don't sound maudlin at all, you sound loving. Happy birthday, lovely loyal Bok.

  2. Like Judith said very true words.
    You are not maudlin with your Monty gone much to young and my Watson leaving us at 17 I am thinking the same as you.
    Hamish is taking Watson's death very hard and I am wondering if I should get him a new (rescue) dog for a
    friend. He has lived his whole life with Watson and he is lost and sad.
    Happy Birthday Bok. You look wonderful for 40 !
    You have a wonderful life.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Happy birthday to Bok, i like the look on his face, as if he is askinfg you something.

  4. Happy Birthday Bok - big hugs from us all down the road in sunny Spain. Maybe a few extra treats today to celebrate? We hope that you and Cro have many more happy years together.

    1. He'll be having his favourite Knacki sausages for his supper this evening.

  5. Bok looks at you just like Bools does to me every time I make an inch of a movement which might suggest an activity which might be more interesting to him than the one I am currently doing. Bools is fifteen. He has cancer. Soon he will be no longer with us. Meanwhile I concentrate on enjoying his company. That is all we can do......enjoy each day and not think too much about when our dogs and us have to part company as we reach the end of this life journey.

  6. It's the paradox of pet ownership isn't many partings....

    1. We should all have giant Tortoises, they could be passed down between generations..

  7. He looks a most splendid chap.

  8. Penblwydd hapus bok! Lovely photo of him.

  9. Happy Birthday dear Bok! What a handsome, sweet boy you are!

    I love the photo. He has beautiful eyes. I wish I was there to pet and hug him. I just know we'd be fast friends!

    1. He has that great characteristic of really liking people; I'm sure he'd take to you instantly.

  10. How can you resist those eyes? He's a lovely chap.

    1. He has Orange eyes, but they change in the sun.

  11. Boc is at his prime and the love you share for each other is a beautiful thing. All of us who have pets understand your feelings. I feel so sorry for people who don't allow or want animals in their lives. They miss out on so much joy. Happy Birthday, Boc, you are doing a great job as a companion to Cro.

    1. I know several people who can't stand dogs, it makes me worry about them!

    2. I'd go further, I distrust people who don't like dogs....

    3. That's what I meant really; there's something odd about them.

    4. These comments are unfair and unfounded. Don't visit my blog if this what you believe

  12. That picture of Bok just sums it all up, doesn't it? He adores you.

    1. You should have seen me looking down at him! Just the same.

  13. "Happy Birthday" to dear Bok. I hope he gets a long walk and a few treats today. We just lost our dog of 15 1/2 as old age tooks it's toll on Monday, Cro. He was my friend for almost 15 years as we adopted him from a shelter when he was 10 months. He will always live in my heart as I pave my way through this grief. I hope Bok has as long a life and most likely will with such a loving owner. Best eat your blueberries, Bok. ;-)

    1. I'm very sorry to hear that Deb, 15 years is a very long time. It's like losing a close relative; I know exactly how you must feel. Cro xx

  14. I feel exactly like you do Cro and have done about all of my dogs. I have been lucky that so far they have all lived to a ripe old age and when their time has come it has been quick and painless (wish the same could be said of humans). I could not bear life without a dog - man's greatest companion.

    1. As you say, we do our best for our pets, but often humans are left to suffer for years. It's a funny old world.

  15. My weenie girls are like my children. My life revolves around them. When I leave the house to run an errand, they howl mournfully even though I assure them mommy be back. Emmy is down my shirt curled up and Sister is lying beside my leg - we are crammed in an armchair no less. The laptop is nearly under my chin so not to bother them. Dogs, to me, are some of life's greatest gifts.

  16. He has such beautiful, expressive eyes.

  17. Happy Birthday, Bok. Thank you for taking care of Cro for us.

  18. He's lovely. What a beautiful boy. I know how you feel, Henry has gotten a gray muzzle this last year and sometimes I feel it's all my fault. I don't know why, I just do. The other night I accidentally fell over onto his face and caused some sort of pain. Though not horrible, it caused him to yelp and after he looked at me as if to say why?. He's slowly getting back to himself, but it's killed me, I can say that much. The most difficult part of being a pet owner is knowing they will leave us sooner than most other loved ones. They are our deep, dear best friends, and sometimes, like children. It's a sad fact, and a heavy price for the love they give to us.

  19. Happy Birthday, Bok! This is the best day of the year as we share the same birthday :D extra treats to you.

  20. Bok is a beautiful dog. Which such eyes you cannot say no ! I have a brown Italien Lagotto dog named Verdi , 18 months old and a full family member.

  21. Happy Birthday Bok you wonderful boy. You are right about the tortoises Cro we have two, one at 100+ and the other at 50. The only problem is when one wants to take them for walkies, if you see what I mean.

  22. Thank you everyone for your kind words, I have passed-on all your good wishes to Bok. He had a lovely day.

  23. Bok is a marvelous dog, who's found a grand home.

    Someday, I do hope to live in a place that would allow me to also give a wonderful dog a wonderful home. Meanwhile, it's grand to experience some vicarious dog affection.

    Best wishes.

  24. Happy birthday, beautiful Bok - what a melting expression! I keep looking at the sale sites for smooth fox terriers. Himself isn't keen, he thinks that a dog would be pestering him for walks a decade on when all he might want to do is slump in a chair. We are a household divided!
