Tuesday 6 October 2015



Teddy boys appeared when I was about 8 years old, my small native Surrey village boasted about five of them; and very exotic they were too.

There was a couple in our village, Mr and Mrs F, who used to work for my people (she worked in the house, and he did the garden; that sort of thing), and they had a son called Robin.

Robin was amongst the last intake to do his National Service; a two year stint in the army. He went away as a typical village youth, and returned as a motor bike riding Teddy Boy. He had become the village's Mr Cool.

Teds wore long drape jackets, drainpipe trousers, winkle picker shoes, bootlace ties, and wore their hair in a big frontal quiff. The bunch above are pretty typical.

As a boy I'd never really thought about fashion as such, so suddenly seeing these very slick and stylish young men around was quite a revelation; I remember being seriously impressed.

I still like the style today. Nice aren't they.


  1. I have to say I like the style very much too.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Very stylish, and everything had to be made for them, so not cheap either.

  2. I should think most of us are rather fond of the style that was cool when we were kids wishing we were cool teens. For me it is the flared jeans, vests and so on of the seventies. Think Bill Oddie in the Goodies. :) Hmmm, maybe that's why I like beards as well?

    1. I've always disliked flared trousers, I find them very unflattering. But beards..... of course.

    2. I'm the opposite. I think flares flatter anyone, even a short fatty like me or Bill Oddie, but those skinny-leg jeans they wear now, oh my, they look good on no-one! Actually while I'm at it, bring back 70's sideburns! I love those too!

  3. I wonder where the name Teddy Boys came from.

  4. A friend was engaged to a Teddy Boy. It was rumoured that he had a pocket sewn into his swimming trunks so he was never without his comb.

  5. Teddy boys were just a couple of years before my time Cro so, my first introduction to ' real ' fashion was the Mods era. I think that we should revive the Teddy Boy fashion ..... I think that they looked really good.... I love their jackets. XXXX

    1. There was a slight hint that long jackets were making a come-back recently, but it didn't last long. Maybe we should have a word with Vivienne W.

  6. Look up Barbara Cartland serving tea to a Ted on You Tube - great. In my home town, we had a 7' tall Ted who wore 3 inch crepe soles, had a six inch high quiff and if you caught his eye, shouted at you for staring at him.

    1. I can't find it. I remember the Teds shouting 'Got yer eye full?' when looking at them; they could be quite intimidating.

  7. What kind of music did they listen to?

    1. And Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochrane, and Elvis.

    2. Really interesting. They seem related "in spirit" to the Greasers (and Rockabilly guys like Elvis, Johnny Cash, Bill Haley) from the mid-1950's in the USA, except the Teddy Boys (and Skiffle) seem to have predated what was going on in the States.

    3. And they dressed better than Greasers.

  8. I don't remember having Teddy Boys in the US, but we did have Kookie (who looked like them) and we all wanted him to lend us his comb.

    1. It was very much an English thing. You wouldn't have wanted to borrow a Teddy boy's comb..... far too greasy.

  9. Like so many other things i never heard of them, but it is never too late. I like the stile.

  10. Designer Karl Lagerfeld still wears this silhouette and likes to pose. I'm not sure if he's ever had a bike, though.

    Best wishes.

    1. His is a rather more sophisticated and camp version; nice though.

  11. Memories, memories Cro. I remember them well - and the warnings my mother gave me to keep away from them.

    1. I expect my sister received the same warnings.

  12. I remember my Dad went mad when my brother wanted my Mum to take his trousers in. lol
    I was more into starching my petticoats to make the dresses stand out.
    How times change.

    1. When I was at school a friend's grandmother used to taper our trousers.... she made a fortune.

  13. Oh and those socks they wore - lime green or shocking pink. Kool or wot.

  14. I like it too. Greasers and Teds are the coolest. I don't trust anyone too straight anyway.

  15. They were just before my time, too, although I do remember when I was quite small that some young men wanted to look like Elvis, so the Ted look crossed the Pond even if the name didn't and a couple things changed.

    1. I think most of us wanted to look like Elvis.

  16. Sorry, but my dear OH was the opposite: he was a Mod! Well, apparently, he had to wear glasses you see, and you never saw a self-respecting Teddy boy wearing specs...although there is a speccy-four-eyes in your photo!

    1. I'd not thought about specs.... maybe not cool.
