Saturday 17 October 2015

Legs, clogs, pool, plastic.

Yesterday we closed down the pool, so au revoir my lovely, see you again in May 2016.

Oh my god, what a dreadful sight..... Depressing or what!


  1. Yet another miserable sod. I suggest you go and read Jude the Obscure.

    1. I read it once a year, it's based on the life of Tom Evensong.

  2. You could leave the black plastic off and take winter dips - very invigorating.

    1. Just before covering I looked at the temperature; it was 14 C. Icebergs!

    2. Pool water is 20ºC this morning.

    3. Where are you? I start swimming at about 23 C.

    4. Spain - and the water has gone up to 22º during the day. It won't get much warmer than that now, without a little help from the cover and heater. In July it was up to 35-36º - far too warm to be enjoyable !

  3. Ever thought of investing in an automatic cover and some form of heating Cro ? It would extend your swimming season by a couple of months. The time we stop is when it's too unpleasant once we come out of the water - normally later October, early November. We've yet to swim on Christmas Day though !

    1. Those covers tend to be a bit ugly, and would spoil the whole pool area. I'm exactly the same as you; it's the temperature and sunshine when leaving the pool that's the most important, not the temperature whilst swimming.

      We have eaten outdoors on Christmas Day!

    2. Agree, but ours is a deep blue heavy duty, lined polyurethane fabric,and I suppose we've got used to it over the years. Our first one lasted fourteen years and we replaced it last year. It runs on a narrow track either side of the pool and when not in use is concealed in a teak box at the end of the pool. It's fairly substantial and we can walk on it - an excellent safety feature when you have young children or animals about.

    3. Woops, I've thought you meant one of those giant plastic bubble covers, like a big round greenhouse.

  4. Funny isn't it - although these 'getting ready for Winter' jobs have to be done every year it still hurts.

  5. I wish I had a pool for some exercise that wouldn't strain my joints and muscles--I've been having both lower back pain and plantar fasciitis in my feet for months now, and my daily walks have become increasingly painful. Which means fewer and shorter walks. Of course, a pool isn't any good in the winter anyway!

    1. I find that I get very fit through the summer months, then when it all ends I go downhill again. I do go on long walks with the dog every day which helps.

  6. 'Tis a sad time here as well Cro...this morning the rooftops were white with frost.

  7. Still 30c here, i want some rain.

    1. And when it comes, you'll wish it would go.

  8. The two worst jobs each year used to be opening and closing the pool. Now the greenhouse that stands on the old pool site makes the worst two jobs each year. Putting up all the thorny citrus trees and taking them out.

    1. Pool opening and closing is quite stressful.... I tend to shout a lot; but more when closing than opening.

  9. We don't actually close our pool up - we just put the cover on overnight when it's really cold. We like to enjoy the illuminated water in the evening.

    1. I've read your comments above. Our pool isn't heated at all, we have a solar cover for the evenings (to preserve the day's temperature), and that's all. We had several weeks this year when it went over 30 C. I agree with you about the illuminated water, sitting poolside with a glass of rouge is beautiful, but with the black cover on we don't bother.

  10. We don't have a swimming pool here, just a river which we paddle in, but not in the winter because the river has a tendency to turn into a howling rageful torrent after even just a drop of rain, which most surely puts us off even going near it in case we get sucked up into its madness!

    1. I've always wanted a house with a stream or river; looks like I've left it too late.
