Thursday 1 October 2015


I've just read a very disturbing report, of which we should all be aware; please take notice.

In this post-holiday season people are posting innocent photos of their children's seaside antics on Facebook and elsewhere, and, it seems, that many of these photos are being copied and downloaded onto paedophile web sites. Unbelievable; but true!

I once made the naive mistake of posting a picture of one of my grandsons wearing nothing but my wellies (he was facing away from me), and I was seriously shocked to find, some time later, that a whole lot of really disgusting anonymous comments had appeared. I took the piece down at once, but am now wondering if the picture wasn't copied by some pervert and is presently languishing on one of those filthy sites.

I also had one other worrying comment when showing a picture of my neighbouring girlies enjoying themselves in our pool. Some Irish Pixie left a nasty comment about dirty mackintoshes; again it worried me, but I just put it down to his obvious ignorance. One just doesn't expect these things.

So beware, that innocent photo of your sons, daughters, or grandchildren posted on Facebook might well end up where you wouldn't want it. I've certainly learned my lesson; we should all be extremely cautious.


  1. There are sick, sick people in the world. It's terrible that decent people should even have to think of such things. :(

    1. I was told at the time that I'd been rather naive, but it just hadn't crossed my mind.

  2. The UK is full of paedos, I don't know about the rest of the world.. If you murder one you only get three years and they will let you out in 6 months. It is called doing the country a favour.

    1. Bizarre. The UK needs a 'Ministry of Proportions'; in fact so does the rest of the world.

  3. Sad isn't it? There's a picture of me as a toddler that I love. I'm wearing Mum's high heels, a fluffy hat, a vest and nowt else. It was seen to capture innocence in its day but don't think it would be seen in the same light now. I haven't got any photos of a nude/semi nude Louis shared or unshared.

  4. Cro, you need to check your facebook privacy settings. Your facebook is open to the public and not restricted to friends. Anyone in the world can get at your photos.

    1. These days I am very aware of what I put onto facebook (and here). I shan't make that mistake again. I'll check my settings anyway; thanks.

  5. I remember that photo, one of my favourites of your grandson - it made me laugh. how sad that there are nutters out there that should look at it in any other way.

    1. We found it funny, unfortunately others looked at it differently. Strange world!

  6. I try time and again to tell my daughters about this. Lessons are never taken on board unfortunately. The power of the Facebook draw.

  7. It's such a shame, but - as always - a tiny handful of criminals make life so difficult for everyone else. I try to ignore it as much as possible. A 4 year old son of a friend of mine clambered onto the lap of another friend in the pub a week or so ago, and looked as if he was going to fall off. I had to remind the owner of the lap that it was ok to touch him, as he had his hands almost in the air for fear of looking like a pervert.

    1. You can imagine what that would be like here when all children automatically give you a couple of pecks on the cheek, as part of normal life.

  8. I remember one of the trolls commented about it here in your blog.Scary.

    1. They may be few in number, but they get everywhere!

  9. Facebook, Pinterest, my blog... absolutely nowhere will you find an even semi-unclothed photo of a child. People used to think me paranoid about it, I could only wish that it were true.

  10. The Internet has changed this world so much. As wonderful as it can be, I fear that it can be our undoing. We went into it innocently, gave our information, and now have to worry about the world-wide criminal element stealing everything from us, including our trust.

    1. Criminals (and others) will find a use for everything. It's just a pity they don't devote their talents to more honest ways.

  11. When my grand daughter was born we were told there was a strict publication ban on all photos of the child, something that has been adhered to over the past 3 years. She was recently in a wedding and the same instructions were given to the photographer who often posts on his site. We have a sharing site on our I-phones just for family and friends where we can post photos.

    I loved the photo of your grandson. It captured a moment in childhood so sweet and fun, but like you say, be very afraid to post them.

    1. When my last grandson was born I couldn't wait to publish pictures. In his case it was just a wrapped-up baby picture, so didn't attract any nasty attention.

  12. We could all do with this pinned up over our computers Cro I think.

    1. Most people seem to know about this; I'm a late starter I think. But, we should all be cautious.

  13. What a CRAZY world we live in. When people talk about " the good old days " I think they really were compared to life nowadays.

  14. I am very cautious about posting photos of my family. Son said I can post photos of my Granddaughter but I always ask him before. And no naked or bathing suit ones.
    I live in a Border Town with Mexico and the cartels run illegals, drugs, guns with children and women for sex trade. Horrific.
    What a stupid world we live in.
    It is all tied up together and just horrible.

    I saw both photos and thought them wonderful.
    cheers, parsnip

  15. Good advice. I try to avoid taking pictures of people which makes street scenes awkward. I imagine I'm being a bit too fussy but not sure I'd like to turn on the internet and be confronted by myself as seen by a stranger. Worse for children.

  16. I long ago gave up trying to understand human nature and the revelations of the last decade have left me more than a little bemused.
