Wednesday 28 October 2015

10 Things I shall NOT be doing today.

                         Résultat de recherche d'images pour "bacon"                   

1. Looking in estate agents windows, trying to decide between a £2.5 million house and a £3.5 million house.

2. Shopping for a latest iPhone.

3. Eating at The Ivy.

4. Going to see the latest Bond film.

5. Saying "Quite right Mr Corbyn".

6. Sunbathing.

7. Inviting Russell Brand for tea.

8. Visiting Posh Beckham's shop with Lady M.

9. Getting stuck in a traffic jam.

10........ And I shall certainly NOT stop eating bacon, chorizo, ham, or smoked sausages, just because the bloody W.H.O. tells me to.


  1. Sausages, bacon and egg in our meal tonight.

  2. Hear hear! I remain firmly in the processed pork munching camp also.

    1. I doubt if many will listen to the W.H.O. advice.

  3. Un plat de lentilles du Puy avec une bonne saucisse de Toulouse ! Bon appétit !

  4. Ten things I shan't be doing either, Cro.
    Not to worry, by next week they will probably all be back on the menu because W.H.O. have made a mistake, and processed foods are the best thing since sliced bread (or even better) ! Not to mention the thousands of people it would put out of work in the food processing industry.
    That bacon looks absolutely delicious - is it your home cured ?

    1. No, I'm afraid the picture is pinched from Google. You're right, they change their minds every few minutes. I now believe that we can eat as many eggs as we wish; it wasn't so long ago.....

  5. For some reason I cannot envision you doing number 5 or number 7 on any day, ever!
    Mmmm, bacon. My breakfast today !

    1. You've got me sussed. I shall be buying bacon on Friday.... maybe even more than usual.

  6. It is preferable to buy these products from a butcher rather than the supermarket factory produced ones though.

    1. No problem here. The bacon I often make myself.

  7. I added chopped bacon and chorizo to a bought pizza last night, and tonight it will be a concoction of chicken, bacon and mushrooms, to use up some more of the bacon! I am waiting for them to find something evil about a cup of tea!!

    1. You probably won't have to wait too long Frances; I'm sure tea is on their list; somewhere.

  8. It's getting on my bloody nerves !! I live by the ' everything in moderation ' rule. We are meant to eat a bit of everything from all of the food groups in our diet and as long as we don't eat lorryloads of certain things then it's OK.
    ..... I shan't be doing any of those things today either Cro !! XXXX

    1. Drives you bloody nuts doesn't it, Jacqueline.

  9. Bacon sarnie, crackling,pork scratchings...nope I shall not be giving them up either.

    1. I want in the bacon club! I'm even considering making "pig candy" to give out at's bacon candied with brown sugar!

  10. Just the sight of that wonderful fried bacon has me drooling. I have a visitor coming to stay tomorrow and have so far planned two recipes - one involving good quality sausage rolled into balls and served with butter beans in a sauce and the other orzo with peas and leeks and served with pancetta. I shall not change either.

    1. Good. As Jacqueline says above... a little of everything.

  11. A good English or Irish (with soda bread and black and white pudding) cooked breakfast puts you on for the day. I won't be giving up my bacon either.

    1. I'm surprised they didn't mention black pudding, but maybe the W.H.O. have never heard of it.

  12. Ach, it's been known for yonks. There won't be any more or less cancer just because the WHO has come out with this now.
    If they think that will save the life of my two cute pigs, they've got another thing coming. ;-)

  13. The contrary advice constantly given out about food from all those focus groups is contrary for one main reason - there are whole research laboratories which are forever looking for work, and they ran out of revelations years ago. They will discover pretty much anything for anyone that has an interest in it in order to keep their jobs.

    1. It's the old adage about bike riding.... keep peddling or you fall off.

  14. I love lists. This was a fun one.

  15. Actually I would welcome the chance to talk to that t**t Russel Brand.I would like to remind him of his responsibilities a to the young people who idolise him.
    Enjoyed your list. Do I detect another on its' way?

    1. There's another in the pipeline; but then there always is!

      RB wouldn't listen.... he's too far up his own a*se.

  16. Give up bacon....are they INSANE??

  17. No one mantioned a scotch egg!
    Thank god

  18. My day won't include your listed items, either. I don't even own an old smart phone. Perhaps that is part of my way of finding quiet space when I wish to find it?

    Bacon is a food of joy, even if I don't often eat it. However, today's lunch will include some homemade lentil soup that includes ham amongst its ingredients.

    I might be able to exclude vacuuming (hoovering) the apartment today, too, if I can just ignore the dust for one more day.

    Best wishes.

    1. A 'food of joy' indeed. Who can resist a bacon sandwich; not even the chief rabbi of NY himself.

  19. I always wonder who's behind the scenes, subsidizing the study. In California years ago, the medical marijuana was voted down (it's now legal) and just guess who spent millions to get it voted down? The liquor lobbyists. Can't trust anyone anymore.

    1. I imagine there'll be a lot of very annoyed farmers etc, out for the W.H.O.'s blood.

  20. Good list and a big AMEN for the last one. If that's what finally does me in so be it.

  21. We've all got to die of something - it might as well be of something we enjoy.

  22. Even i dont give up bacon here, but it is very hard to find a good one here.

    1. Life would be very dull without the occasional bacon sandwich.

  23. Well, from a veteran list get-to-doer, I think you've chosen very well. A welcome bit of fine discernment all around.

  24. Good for you! I'm not giving up bacon and all of those other tasty things, either. I figure I've gotta die from something, so it might as well be with a smile on my stomach. Besides, in a couple years, the "experts" will probably change their minds about all of that stuff being so harmful. I gave up smoking some years back, but they ain't gonna take away my bacon!

  25. Quite right! I've never smoked (simply because I thought people looked silly putting a white stick in their mouths and setting light to it long before the comedian, an American whose name I've forgotten, spoke about this). But I shall not give up bacon, not that we have it every day, but bacon and tomatoes on toast is one of the joys of life.
    Margaret P
