Sunday 13 September 2015

Great News!

                                            Jeremy Corbyn plots his first days as Labour leader in shorts and t-shirt

Hooray; Jeremy's got the job, and everyone's excited except The Labour Party. So what's going on?

Mr Corbyn (above) has been elected as the new leader of England's Socialist Party, a.k.a. The Labour Party. The Conservatives are happy, the Communists are happy, even little Lucas of The Green Party is happy; so why are your run-of-the-mill-lefties all so upset?

Well it's complicated. Jeremy is one of those old fashioned, Michael Foot, flying picket, everyone out, man of the people, style Commies, and the remainder of Blair's babes and other New Labour has-beens think he's a tad too au fait with Das Kapital for him to lead their party to electoral success. They're afraid that if there's a crazy cause or ideology around, he'll be sure to back it.

Personally I like him. It's been a while since comedy entered British politics (except for Sturgeon, of course). He's down to earth, a little naive, and not ashamed to voice his wonderfully old fashioned ideology.

Interesting times ahead. I can't wait for Wednesday lunchtime's PMQ's.

How long will he last; that's the big question!


  1. You missed the bit about being a leader of fashion too !!

    1. I hear he's ordered a 'Foot Donkey Jacket', I wonder if he'll wear it for PMQ's.

    2. Dennis Skinner is lending him a sports jacket. Dennis will of course be his chief adviser.

    3. Prescott Mister of Sport, Galloway Foreign Secretary, and Scargill Minister of Northern Enterprise. Others to be announced.

    4. Tam Dalyell Minister of Defence.

    5. Martin McGuinness Minister of Education (Sorry, that's not even funny; he already was minister of eduction in Ireland. Or did I dream it?).

    6. Half the Windsor family are all to be offered posts in the shadow cabinet too, once the palaces have been turned into safe houses for recovering alcoholics.

  2. This made me laugh Cro - that's not bad for an early Sunday morning when I have just switched on to put on my Tesco delivery order. Tony Benn was a hero of mine from my very young Socialist days - but thank goodness that that lot never got into power. Can you imagine Corbyn in a world crisis?????

    1. People like Wedgy had very firm ideals, and I admire them for that. But as for running the country.... Maybe not.

  3. I read that he called the Hamas and Hizballa his freinds.

    1. During negotiations, politicians are forced to stand on the same platforms as all the other unpleasant politicians without calling them enemies, Yael. We had to do that with the IRA a while ago - it's the only way to negotiate lasting settlements.

    2. P.S. We had to do the same with the Stern Gang not that long ago as well...

    3. Yael, show him a nutter to support, and he'll support him.

    4. That depends on how he compares to the rest of the nutters.

    5. He'd probably even get on well with Heron.

    6. TS is right, we also had our nutters not long ago.(67 years).

  4. That's it sneer away Cro it's about all you are fit for you and your right wing nutters.

    1. Oh, and by the way, it's those 'right wing nutters' who always sort out the mess left by your lot. Other than in certain cases, such as Gordon Brown's selling off the NHS, which we'll all be having to pay for for centuries to come.

    2. I don't recall the NHS being sold-off by Druids.

    3. It was sold off by Gordon 'son of the manse' Brown's PFI nonsense, and is now costing you and me £80 Billion per annum.

    4. You can afford it - stop moaning.

  5. One rather worrying question yet to be answered is has he got a sense of humour? There haven't been any signs of it so far, but then again the Ayatollah Khomeini was said to be a barrel of laughs in private, as is H.R.H. The Queen. I think we can safely assume that his sense of humour is about 100 times more sophisticated than Heron's, even at this point.

    1. No doubt about that. But at least WE can laugh at him, and his ilk!

    2. I found it very difficult to laugh at Tony Blair. In fact I found it impossible, and still do.

  6. It's the Tom and Jerry Party now!

  7. I do realise that the right wing nutters found here are often unaware of fact.
    So : The NHS was a bipartisan invention, agreed upon and accepted by both the Labour and Conservative parties in 1948.

    1. Dear Heron, I do understand that in your mind the loony left can do no wrong, but you really have to accept that Gordon Brown's privatisation of the NHS (called PFI; private finance initiative) is now costing the country a staggering £80 Billion per annum. And your lot have the fucking cheek to say that the Conservatives want to privatise the NHS. Do talk sense when you make a comment here. Lefty diatribe fools no-one.

  8. Actually Old Boy I haven't set foot in England for years and so have no idea of what you are talking about & am not certain that you do either.

    1. I hope you don't set foot here in the near future as well. You are a pain in the arse.

    2. Of course you have no idea what I'm talking about.... as usual.
