Wednesday 16 September 2015

Can you keep a secret? So can I.

Image search result for "a secret"

Back in September of 2010 I wrote a piece about how very few 'compliments' I'd received in my life, but recently (having just seen a certain man's photo) I realised that I'd omitted probably the most important one of all. 

In my original posting I recalled someone having said that I had nice hands, and also that I'd been awarded a First Class Hons degree, but that was it. I couldn't remember a single other compliment.

I met DG back in about 1969. He was one of the most pleasant men you could ever hope to encounter. We later taught in the same well known school (I temporarily replaced someone for a year) before I left to settle in France.

I'm not going to divulge what his compliment was, because it would be inappropriate on many levels; but it was something I've never forgotten, and in its way was probably my greatest ever compliment.

This may seem like a very odd enigmatic and secretive posting; but I'm afraid it has to be that way. In fact I don't even know why I've written this; other than in DG's memory.

If anyone is really that interested; Email me. You don't know my Email address? Tough!


  1. Ooooo intrigued to the hilt now!! Tricksy little post! But I think things that can make you secretly smile from time to time are good for the soul!

  2. This is like the opening page of a novel. I am happy with it and don't need to know the real secret. I will imagine a few during the day ahead of me.

  3. Excellent and enigmatic post, Cro. I don't have to know the secret either; just loved the way you posted about "it". I think you have an amazing way with words (my compliment to you at this late stage!)

  4. Some secrets have to remain secrets.

  5. Oh well, I admit my curiosity is piqued. But I expect it will never be satisfied. Especially as your email address is also a secret! You are such a tease, Cro.

  6. My favorite compliment was when someone called me a renaissance woman.

  7. Your post brought to mind a small act of kindness I did years ago. I'd forgotten all about it, and part of the reason for its kindness was its lack of publicity. A man I admired very much saw me do it and smiled. I could write pages about that smile; even now, it makes my heart glad.

  8. Agree with Weaver and John - very enigmatic. Thoughts to ponder for the day....

  9. Well you are a fascinating writer. We couldn't be more different, yet I love to read your posts and dig through the archives.

  10. As a newcomer to your blog I feel reluctant in commenting thus but it seems a little inconsistent to say that 'it was something I've never forgotten' when you actually couldn't recall it when you wrote the original post. Mind you as someone with an absolutely appalling memory who am I to comment anyway.
