Saturday 5 September 2015

Au Revoir to Kimbo and the Boys.

When the clothes-line is filled with swimming towels and boys clothes; I'm happy. It means that a few of my lovely grandsons are with us.

No holiday for the boys is complete without treasure appearing in Grumpy's secret compartment book. Gold was everywhere, and they found it.

And when it finally comes time for them to depart, Harvey J always insists on wearing his crown. Don't ask me why; it's simply become a tradition. We wouldn't dream of trying to stop him, and he wouldn't dream of getting onto a 'plane without it on his head.

A very short visit, but memorable in its way. I've never known the pool have so much use (mostly under-water). It's going to seem very quiet for a while.


  1. A tradition is always filled with memories. Rejoice in those made. They will return.

  2. Funny how some traditions start. What was the original idea behind the crown?

    1. It comes from a 'Galette des Rois', which is a tart eaten at Epiphany (early January). Each tart contains a small gift, and he who finds it gets a crown. A few years ago Harvey J found it and has worn his crown to travel in ever since.

  3. Those boys are so very fortunate , having such a wonderful "Grumpy" who lives in paradise and dreams up adventures for them to experience when they visit. They must feel so loved! ♡♡

    1. I think I'm the fortunate one; they make life so much more interesting.

  4. Wearing a crown, you never asked why ? Would be intetesting to know. Up from a certain age this can be an OCD

    1. Ooooh I forgot he's British so it must be a royal tradition, even.if I condider to wear a crown at 10 or 11 is a bit strange .

    2. When you wake up in the mornings, why not make a decision to be pleasant. All this bile must be affecting your health.

    3. I just wonder why you never ask your grandson for the reason. My health is ok. I'm still very young (which doesn't mean I cannot have health problems) . I'm in general very pleasant but your reactions taught be to be rude, that's the way you very iften are.

  5. It may have been short but it was sweet - did the ping pong table get any use?

    1. Yes it did; they loved it. But mostly they were in the pool, diving for 'treasure'.

  6. There is little or no chance of getting the washing dry on the line here at the moment.

    1. Quite nice here but a tad cool this morning.

    2. Later the sun came out and the washing dried. x

  7. ro I just think how wonderful to have your grandchildren to stay for however short a visit and to enjoy their company. They grow up so quickly. And as for that crown - i always believe in fostering their little idiosyncracies - children are individuals and should be allowed to do whatever they like doing providing it doesn't offend anyone else.

    1. I think he gets a kick out of the customs men who ask him if he's a king.

  8. I LOVE the gold treasure in the secret compartment in the book Cro …. I think that I must do that !!!!
    It's lovely that your grandchildren come to stay ….. you may not see them often but, when you do, you get quality time with them. XXXX

    1. We certainly made the most of it this time. A good time was had by all.

  9. I expect Chez Cro feels a bit quiet and empty now. But you still have Bunny!

  10. I hide gold coin candy too. I also have a treasure box filled with bones and small antique toys, many 'treasures' which they love going through. I will be keeping mine this weekend. Harvey J sounds so cute.

  11. i love the look of that clothes line catching the sun and breeze. The happiness of the shared holiday is so clear from this post.

    The secret hiding place in the book is fantastic.

    Best wishes.

    1. I love a filled clothes line. Now it's empty.

  12. I like the idea with the book. I am going to copy it.

    1. I had to destroy a copy of George Eliot's 'Adam Bede', but I'm sure she wouldn't have minded.

  13. You did not destroy it, you gave it a special value.
