Wednesday 5 August 2015

Windows 10.

Why am I always tempted by updates? On the well loved principle of 'if it ain't broke, etc' these things are probably best avoided.

Anyway I've now downloaded the new Windows 10, and all seems to be going well. I don't like the new weather forecast graphics as much as the old ones, the new Email is probably simpler to use, and Picasa 3 (which does my photo processing) is a tad more complicated (to which, no doubt, I shall become accustomed in time). 

Windows 10 opens up with 'inspirational' photos of jellyfish, mountains, seascapes, etc, which is quite pleasant. So I'm quite happy with it; but then I was perfectly happy with Windows 8.  

Have you made the leap? If so, how do you find it?

p.s. I was amused by the above on-screen message. I managed to take breakfast, a walk with Bok, and a spot of log sawing, all whilst 'it wasn't taking long'.


  1. Haven't taken the plunge yet. I am only just getting used to Windows 8.1 after having Vista.

    I keep getting messages telling me it is ready - will have to find a day when I have some spare time.

  2. I have not tried yet. Thanks for sharing the information...

  3. I was tempted to go for it, and even registered for the new download, but have backed out as I find 'improvements' usually end up with yet more of my life staring at a screen and waiting.

  4. I haven't made the leap. Leap leap leap, such a good word. I will make it my word of the day. Thank you.

    1. It now has several alternative meanings with all those Lords-a-leaping!

  5. I am still on windows 7 professional where I intend to stay. Updates are the spawn of the devil

    1. I used to have 7 Pro, but I must say that this is MUCH better.

  6. I have a Mac so I don't have windows but, Im not too keen on change Cro but, I get used to it after a while.
    Re cleaning my oven ……. I only do it once in a blue moon !!!! XXXX

    1. Very wise; not the world's most pleasant job. Lady M is still complaining,

  7. I laughed when I read about the man who upgraded only to find all his porn pictures were on a loop as his screen saver, I don't think his wife found it funny though

  8. I have to agree with becks and brown trout. Like such things as tights and crocs, updates are satan's spawn.

    1. 'crocs' as in shoes?.... or 'crocs' as in animals?

    2. Shoes, although I wouldn't want to cuddle up with the living version either.

  9. I like the reason that they called their OS system '10', rather than the sequential '9' which should have logically followed on from '8'. They did not want to be seen as one number behind Macintosh's '10'!

  10. I am anxious to try it; the key word here being "anxious." Oh, how I used to love to try new things but not so much anymore.

  11. I have the option sitting there. Do I, Don't I?

    1. That's how I felt. But in fact if you were happy with W8, you'll probably be happy with W10. But there again, why bother.

  12. I've got Windows 8 and I hate it! I am still learning even after 10 months of using it so I don't think I'll be changing just yet.

    1. I use my laptop for very few things. Web searching through Google Chrome, Email, Blogging, Picasa 3, Weather forecast, Spotify, Skype, and that's it. All reasonably simple, thank goodness.

  13. I'm a Mac lady and we're operating on Yosemite, don't know Windows at all.

    1. Yosemite? I thought that was a rocky park in Californeeee.

    2. Yosemite is supposed to be the latest free Mac OS 10 upgrade - except that they want you to buy a new computer before they allow you to download it for free. C***s.

  14. I am so pleased you posted this Cro. Hubby got so fed up waiting when downloading it that he gave up ! I told him how long it took you so he tried again. All done now. High five Cro. Marion x

  15. I've been very happy since upgrading my laptop at home which came with 8. I've mostly hated Win8 compared with Win7. 10 appears to have combined the best bits of 7 and 8, and thrown in the odd nice touch here and there.
    The only annoyance is that I seem to keep unintentionally invoking the search tool when scrolling, but hopefully there's a way to disable gestures.
