Saturday 1 August 2015

La France au mois d'Août.

As soon as the month of August appears on a Frenchman's calendar, he closes the shutters and goes on holiday.

The major supermarkets, train services, and hotels remain open for business, but don't try to get a plumber or an electrician to come to your aid; he'll just say NO.

Signs saying Congé Annuel suddenly appear everywhere. Doors are bolted, and that white camping van that's been parked behind the house for the past eleven months becomes conspicuous by its absence. They're all on holiday, and they won't be back before the 1st of September.

It's the same every year, and it's bloody, bloody, annoying.

Happy Lammas. I hope you all remembered to say 'White Rabbit, White Rabbit' this morning. I did.

I also made a point of getting up before midnight to see the Blue Moon; well, they do only appear once in a Blue Moo......


  1.'s just now a few minutes past midnight here and the blue moon is still shining in the sky. And it's morning already in France. As for the whole country taking the month of August off....that sounds kind of nice!

    1. For them maybe; for those of us who need those who are away, it's a bit of a pain. But I do exaggerate a tiny bit.

  2. Yes, I remembered to say "White Rabbit" but ythen we had the same upbringing.

    When I arrived in New Zealand everything closed down from Christmas through most of January.

    I am pleased to say things have improved since then.

    1. A bit, Susan. We still like to go to the beach and there is a general agreement not to expect much to be done very quickly during January.

  3. it was more a sort of orangey colour here. The moon, not the rabbit.
    Thanks for reminding me about the rabbit thing. A friend's partner was very keen on saying it, and she has recently died. So I was able to send a note to him saying I was thinking of him...

    1. I've said it on 'almost' every first of every month since I was very small. It's worked so far!

  4. It's something I'd forgotten all about over the years, so I said it this morning ! Thanks for reminding me Cro. I wonder, do the youngsters of today say it, or is it considered yet another of those "oldies" eccentricities...?

    1. My lot just make a joke of it. Then I remind them of things in their lives that may have gone slightly wrong during the previous month! They still won't say it.

  5. My girls are in their thirties now and we still pinch, punch, first of the month, no return, by text nowadays! I only say the white rabbit thing on first March . Happy Lammas to you too!

    1. I think the pinch and punch is still quite popular, but mostly with school kids. Happy Lammas.

  6. I had forgotten all about White Rabbits we always used to say it as kids, also the pinch, punch thing. I got up at four to see the moon but there was cloud across it. Not sure exactly what Lammas is?

    1. Lammas is the 1st of August when traditionally the first loaves of bread were made from the new wheat harvest. Lammas comes from OE loaf-mass.

  7. I hope it works in this part of the world. (should i say it in Hebrew?)

    1. Try it in both languages; just to be sure.

  8. Damn! I forgot white rabbits AND to look at the moon. I haven't spoken to anyone but the dog yet, so I could get away with saying white rabbits still couldn't I?!

    1. As long as it's the first words you utter on the 1st, it'll work..... not sure about talking to dogs though.

  9. I have no idea what day it is let alone the date. We say mixi mixi mixi in Norfolk...

    1. Nothing surprises me about Norfolk m'dear. Are you back?

    2. Yes, i caught my knickers on the barbed wire at Calais but other than that no problem.

    3. You'll probably need a holiday now!

  10. Just as well they love their own country so much, they would not get far if they headed to the ports.

    1. Usually the Air Traffic Controllers go on strike now too.

  11. I intended to photograph the Blue Moon; but I wrote a tribute to a pet just passed on, now it's too late. Have a GOOD August.

    1. It was slightly cloudy here (just before midnight), but the moon was clear enough to make a wish, turn money over, etc.

  12. My folk lore says I have to turn around while saying white rabbits, white rabbits - I always do this on the first of every month, usually as I turn over the calendar - much to the farmer's amusement - I think he thinks I am a witch (well I was bor on Hallowe'en).

    1. I've not heard of the turning round. Like you, I hate to miss a month of white rabbits.

  13. Wonder where the heck all the French folk go for August?

    1. The southerners either go to one of the French islands (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion, etc) or to the east coast. The Parisians then rent the southerners vacated villas, apartments, etc.

  14. There are an awful lot of them down in Spain !

  15. And I think they all come to stay in our village! Suddenly, there are middle aged men I don't know playing boules, teenagers I don't recognise cycling by, and you can't get a baguette in the shop unless you've ordered in advance! It's rather nice though, I like having the normally shuttered up houses open, everyone is mowing granny's lawn, and inviting everyone else for apperos. It's great - just go with the flow, you'll love it!

    1. Most of the shutters are open around here now, and the sound of mowing is everywhere. Nice to see faces that we haven't seen since last year.
