Tuesday 28 July 2015

Team Sky.

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Well done to all of the Sky boys, especially Chris Froome.

The disgraceful behaviour by certain French 'fans' (and the French press) only goes to highlight France's frustration at not having won a Tour since 1985. They will stoop to almost anything to avert another British win.

Spitting at an exhausted cyclist, and throwing urine at him, is not the way any so-called sports fan should behave. These people do what they do specifically for our entertainment, and they deserve our admiration; not hatred. In England we are taught that 'it matters not to win or lose, but how one plays the game'. Maybe the French should learn that too.

I have no idea if Chris has taken any performance enhancing substances, and frankly I couldn't care less. It doesn't shock me that Lance Armstrong took them; he still had to beat all the others who'd probably taken the same stuff. Taking some pill isn't going to replace bloody hard work.

So, my congratulations to Froome, Forte, Thomas, Roche, and the others. You made Britain proud of you.

Arise Sir Christopher.


  1. These guys are tough , but sport is not "clean" and probably never was. It's an enormous business, so no congratulations to anyone. This kind. C. Froome looked so exhausted that I felt sick for him and I'm only sorry that all these. young people destroy their health, cause that's what they do.

    1. Don't be silly Anonymous Mia.. They aren't amateurs.

    2. Sorry what do you mean ? You.got a problem with my post ? I just give my opinion., no amateurs ok so what ? You seem to be an agressive lady. By the way hot yoga is really dangerous .So take care.

  2. Well done Chris Froome…… what bad sports the French are. We are enjoying a purple patch in cycling at the moment so they will just have to lump it !! We enjoy the Tour de France every year ….. a friend of ours goes and follows the Tour and cycles some of the course ….. I wouldn't last 5 minutes !! XXXX

    1. If it wasn't for my dodgy knee, I'd put in my application to join Team Sky. I've done London To Brighton (just).

  3. I am still resting after watching almost every day live.

  4. I would like to say I'm aghast at the behaviour, but I can't. Sadly, it has become a routine part of the race and makes me want to shake the 'mom' finger at them whilst asking, in an imitation of my Dad's best hillbilly accent: "Ain't yew had no fetchin's up?!?"

  5. I love Le Tour and all those men and not a woman in sight. Fabulous. You always wondered why i love the Tour didn't you?

  6. What with the unforgivable antics of the TDF crowd, the chaos caused by the ferry workers at Calais, the indifference of the French authorities to the nightly attacks by immigrant gangs on the tunnel and the disruption to travel caused by the French framers.......there's no wonder that most Brits think the French are a rum lot.
    A lot of ordinary folk who have planned and saved up for their two week holiday with the kids and the dog in France are having problems as a result and who could blame them for feeling pretty miffed about it?

    1. So go home to Britain, after all yiu are an immigrant too.

    2. Jean, once you're over here (especially out in the countryside) you'd be fine. All the goings-on seem to us like something from a different world. Here all is peace quiet and tranquillity. Just as it should be.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sorry, Mia, I think you misunderstood.
      I was making an observation, not stating a personal view. I generally find the French reputation for being arrogant and rude ill deserved and it saddens me that so many British still see them like that.
      I am not an immigrant, yet, just passing through and making my mind up, a position I feel very humble and privileged to be in.
      I agree with Cro, out here in rural France I would never know any of this stuff was happening, and that's how I like it and have come to love life here.

  7. I just think it's very sad that so much vitriol can be stirred up by the media over one foolish, ill-informed statement. All the riders that completed the tour have my full admiration and especially Team Sky who remained composed and professional throughout. (I cycled to Cazals and back today and I'm now totally whacked!)

    1. Is your bike a Solex? Quite hilly in places to Cazals. Well done.

  8. And I add my congratulations too - brilliant performances all round. The sort of behaviour the French showed is best ignored.

  9. My son told me that on French TV, it was mooted that if every finished competitor was disqualified through drugs, the true winner might have originally been number 25. Sounds like sour grapes to me.

    1. I expect that most riders have taken something at some time or other. It used to be said that it was those who could disguise the fact the best who would be the winners.

  10. It seems nearly every sport has rabid fans who show bad behavior at every opportunity.

    My latest houseguest brought his bicycle and took several longish rides (each one was ~30 mi/48 km) during his stay. I haven't been bike riding in years and wondered if I should try it again.

    Congrats to Team Sky.
