Friday 24 July 2015

Rat' Time.

It's Ratatouille time. The tomatoes are finally fulfilling expectations,

there are more peppers than we know what to do with,

and the aubergines are flourishing. 

So, what else to do that mix them all up with a few courgettes and give it a fancy sounding name. 

Ratatouille is born; and very nice too.


  1. Oh, I can just smell those lovely tomatoes. The aubergines look pretty good too. Unfortunately, I can only eat ripe peppers - not the green ones but the rest would go down a treat on this cloudy, cool day.

  2. Looks wonderful! Tomatoes and peppers are flourishing here, despite a wet and cool summer; didn't grow aubergines this year.
    I could wish that the Great Scot would eat ratatouille... no such luck.

    1. We've had the opposite; dry and hot. What's NOT to like about Ratatouille?

    2. I love it... the GS? Not so much, or at all.

  3. I love a bit of ratatouille Cro and to be made from such fresh ingredients must be double delicious…… it goes with pretty much everything too but also good on it's own. XXXX

  4. haven't grown Aubergines this year and am already regretting it as the other ingredients are now ready. A trip to the market methinks. Your Aubergines look great.

  5. Thank you - that's given me an idea for lunch - I have the tomatoes and the courgettes and the red onions - just need to buy a nice fat aubergine in town. Enjoy.

  6. Too much of everything! I'm just about to experiment with a courgette cake and maybe some beetroot and chocolate brownies. Hate wasting anything.

  7. I remember when ratatouille was considered exotic.

  8. I've not had ratatouille in years. You have inspired me to make some very soon!

  9. Unfortunately, I do not have an affinity for ratatouille. I could eat each of the ingredients separately, but not together. One day perhaps. Your garden looks and sounds bountiful, though. I'm jealous.

  10. I haven't had ratatouille in ages. The tomatoes are still green, the pepper plants were half eaten by something the night before last, and I didn't bother putting in courgettes/zucchini or aubergines/eggplant. There are farmer's markets, however, where I hope they've have more success than I, so ratatouille may indeed make its way to my table this weekend!

  11. When ever we are in France or Spain, we eat loads of tomatoes, they taste so much better, lucky you

  12. Cro, I thought you had rats in your garden. Box turtles nibble whatever they can reach and I am battling tomato hornworms. They have destroyed several plants. That, and the weather, I'll be lucky to get anything from the garden this year. I am juicing wild plums and freezing white peaches for my grand baby Penny Lane.

  13. Sounds wonderful and I just dug out my recipe for ratatouille

  14. Not enough tomatoes yet for me to make Rat' just yet but so looking forward to preserving this year's supply.

  15. Every one here is talking about the tomatos from the past, i can't remember the real taste of them/

    1. Throughout the winter I was 'reluctantly' buying tasteless tomatoes. Eating one's own sun-ripened fruit from the garden is a totally different experience.

  16. Eh? Surely "Ratatouille" was a 2007 American computer-animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures.

  17. Delicious and I am so envious of all your bounty. There's nothing like having a good supply of containers labeled 'RAT' in the freezer to go at all through the winter!

    1. I bottle mine.... but, yes; they're all marked 'RAT'.

  18. A summer staple here too! Yum! I put courgettes in mine too. And lots of garlic. It is one of the few things that is greater than the sum of its parts.

  19. You can make delicious crisps with the long thin aubergines. Just slice VERY thin rounds with a mandolin, toss with a little olive oil salt and pepper spread them out on a cookie sheet and bake in a hot oven till crispy. So much better than potato chips!
