Thursday 30 July 2015

Kimbo on The Amalfi Coast.

   Photo © Mrs Kimbo (I imagine).

OK, I've almost got over the fact that Kimbo isn't holidaying here with us this year, but sending us this picture really was a bit much.

He could at least have pretended that he's having an awful time (as Rachel recently did so stalwartly), and shown himself leaning over the bog; clutching his stomach.

He looks a bit Noel Coward-ish to me (The sun is far too sultry, and one must avoid its ultry violet ray). 

The picture also looks remarkably similar to this one of his younger brother...


Ah, my two lovely boys.


  1. They are so naughty.
    Teasing you so.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. All together now, "Sur le pont d'avignon..." come along girls, sing up... I'm sure Kimbo is nursing a hangover, I can see it under the hood. BTW, who is Rachel?

  3. Kimbo? surely that is you in years gone by??

  4. That's a helluva sand dune in the second photo - I have a feeling it's not Skegness!

    1. It was Maroc, where he assured me that the only entertainment was catching Scorpions.

  5. Your boys look very alike!

  6. All our sons are lovely aren't they Cro? Reminds me of a story a doctor friend once told me - how he handed a new born baby girl to her mother and the mother said 'isn't she perfect doctor?' To which he replied, ' every mother's baby is perfect' to her.'

    1. Wills was a very beautiful baby. The others were 'babies'.

  7. Weaver wrote what I was thinking, all our sons (and daughters) are lovely and perfect... and terrible teases to boot.
    We would never have teased our parents so...

  8. That's quite a photo! Very nice...but it's not nice to tease you! :) At least he's having a good time.

    1. It's a fabulous photo. I shall frame a copy.

  9. Take heart Cro - he's not actually smiling is he? Where's that cheesy "having a fantastic time, wish you were here" grin? No, he's probably missing you and Lady M., and the boys are disappointed that the beaches there aren't suitable for a bucket and spade holiday !

  10. I think they'll all be back with you next year.

  11. They both look like they are in a scene from a movie.

  12. Very drama. He's probably gazing north, or towards where-ever you live, thinking of you.
    btw, I thought 'Kimbo' was short for 'arm akimbo'. Where did he get his name from?

    1. It's exactly that. He was a big Cricket player, and was always practising his bowling in the house. So he became known as Arms akimbo.... shortened to just Kimbo.
