Saturday 18 July 2015

Fixing memories.

                            Résultat de recherche d'images pour "feeling healthy/happy"

When I was small (and even today) I try to fix certain good-time memories into my head.

For example, if one day my whole body/soul feels really great, I try to remember exactly how that felt. Sitting by the pool, sipping a glass of rouge, I try to record that for future occasions when things may not be the same.

My original childhood idea was that when I had a cold, or was feeling just plain ill, I would recall what life was like when things were perfect. I'm not sure if this ever worked, because when you're feeling 'down' it's difficult to see life otherwise.

Yesterday evening I was enjoying a glass of wine by the pool; the temperature had cooled to about 25 C, there was total silence, Bok was sleeping at my feet, and, for a while, everything seemed absolutely perfect. If (when) one day I should succumb to permanent illness or disablement, it will be yesterday afternoon that I shall try to recall.

I hope that you all have plenty of those moments!


  1. This is a lovely idea, I need to give it a try.

  2. a neighbour has a deux chevaux.

  3. I sort of do this too. I call it positive thinking at all times.

  4. Funny what rare mixture of circumstances can create a happy/well being moment. I can think of a few instances when I have been suffering extreme pain or fear when I have mentally taken myself back to a happy time. Needs a lot of concentration but it does work.

  5. And I shall think of you in that sweet moment, Cro.
